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101. Oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: Beyond Contact SETI examines the science and technology behind the search for intelligent life in space, from the physics of interstellar laser and radio communication to information theory and linguistics. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/alien/ | |
102. Rice Quantum Institute RQI performs research in molecular physics. Programs include clusters and nanostructures, surface and materials science, physics of ultracold atoms, electronic materials and devices, and laser development and applications. http://rqi.rice.edu/ | |
103. Michigan Intense Energy Beam Interaction Laboratory--Plasma Physics Investigates the fundamental physics and technology of interactions between beams of electrons, ions, plasma, microwaves, laser light and radio frequency radiation with plasmas, materials, structures, and biological cells. http://www-ners.engin.umich.edu/labs/plasma/ | |
104. PLIP Home Page Welcome to the web pages of the Plasma and laser Interaction physics research division. PhD projects available to new students. http://www.qub.ac.uk/mp/plip/ | |
105. Laser Lab At UIC Vacuum ultraviolet and Xray physics laser-matter interactions Nonlinear phenomena in laser produced plasma 3D holographic imaging http://www.uic.edu/casp/depts/phys/rhodes/index.html | |
106. ACIGA ACIGA is intended to undertake research and development aimed at improving the performance of present laser interferometer gravitational wave detectors through advanced designs to ultimate limits set by mechanics, quantum mechanics, lasers and optics; and to transfer this into practical designs that can be used in production of commercial products. http://www.anu.edu.au/Physics/ACIGA/ | |
107. Institute For Laser Science (ILS) Researches on Lasers, Atom optics, physics of Highly Charged Ions. ILS is attached to the University of ElectroCommunications in Tokyo, Japan. http://www.ils.uec.ac.jp/ |
108. Physics 1997 This includes the press release of the Nobel Committee for the prize given to Steven Chu, Claude CohenTannoudji, and William D. Phillips, for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light. For those wanting more scientific details, be sure to click the link for Additional background material under Further Reading. http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1997/index.html | |
109. BMO München M¼nchen, Germany. Current R and D information on femtosecond laser technology, jobs, tour, faculty, and contact details. http://www.bmo.physik.uni-muenchen.de/ | |
110. Science Wordplay Deals with conversion of measuring units from a scientific angle. http://laser.physics.sunysb.edu/~wise/wise187/janfeb2001/weblinks/physics_jokes. | |
111. Laser And Particle Beams An international journal which deals with the physics of intense laser and particle beams, the interaction of these beams with matter, and their applications. You can subscribe to the online journal or purchase specific articles. http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/journal_catalogue.asp?mnemonic=lpb |
112. Laser Physics Group - Introduction www.phys.soton.ac.uk/pgbook/laser.htm More results from www.phys.soton.ac.uk laser Cooling (Click here to find out more about laser cooling and the winner of the 1997 Nobel Prize for physics.) You start with the idea that laser light comes in a http://www.phys.soton.ac.uk/lasers/ | |
113. These Are The Some Of The More Popular And Fun Applets In Physics These are the some of the more popular and fun applets in physics 2000, including previews of some that are not yet integrated contextually into laser Cooling. http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/applets/ | |
114. Fundamental Physics Of Space - Technical Details These are Gravitational and Relativistic physics, laser Cooling and Atomic physics, Low Temperature and Condensed Matter physics, and Biological physics. http://funphysics.jpl.nasa.gov/technical/grp/lunar-laser.html | |
115. Physics News Graphics physics News Graphics, CrissCrossing laser Beams Zoom Electrons Along (December 22, 2003) Crossing two high-intensity laser beams has some interesting effects http://www.aip.org/mgr/png/ | |
116. Research 5 C. Joshi and P. Corkum, Interactions of ultraintense laser light with matter, physics Today 48, 36 (1995). 6 WM Wood, C. W. Siders, M. C. Downer, Phys. http://www.ph.utexas.edu/dept/research/downer/research.html | |
117. Press Release: The 1997 Nobel Prize In Physics Among other awards Chu received the 1993 King Faisal International Prize for Science (physics) for development of the technique of lasercooling and trapping http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1997/press.html | |
118. Semiconductor Laser-Physics And Technology Program (AF/SFFP) Sensors Directorate Electromagnetics Technology Division, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio Semiconductor laserphysics and Technology. http://www4.nas.edu/pga/rap.nsf/0/EAAC14C2F05107FD85256DCD005D4ED8?OpenDocument |
119. Semiconductor Laser-Physics And Technology Laboratory (AFRL) Sensors Directorate Electromagnetics Technology Division, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio Semiconductor laserphysics and Technology. http://www4.nas.edu/pga/rap.nsf/0/3D2C8F7110DB174D85256DCD004B7571?OpenDocument |
120. Quantum Properties Of Light Quantum Properties of Light. Quantum processes dominate the fields of atomic and molecular physics. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/optmod/qualig.html | |
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