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81. Bookworkz Subject Category - Optics And Laser Physics CATEGORY LISTINGS OPTICS AND laser physics. $225.00. 0471973874, Metal Vapour Lasers Physics, Engineering and Applications Christopher E. Little (Univ. http://www.bookworkz.com/education/optics_and_laser_physics/ | |
82. Britney Spears Guide To Semiconductor Physics: Semiconductor Physics, Edge Emitt Britney Spears lectures on semiconductor physics, radiative and nonradiative transitions, edge emitting lasers and VCSELs. physics. Not content with just singing and acting, in the following pages, she will guide you in the fundamentals of the vital laser http://britneyspears.ac/lasers.htm | |
83. Spectra-Physics Welcome to the new, expanded Spectraphysics website which offers our full spectrum of products. Follow one of the links below to see laser products or our homepage. Be sure to update your bookmark! http://www.splasers.com/ | |
84. NIST: Atomic Physics Div. - Laser Cooling And Trapping Gp This department of the National Institute of Standards and Technology studies the physics of laser cooling, electromagnetic trapping, and other radiative manipulation of neutral atoms and dielectric particles. Home of 1997 Nobel Prize winner William D. Phillips, whose team has cooled atoms to less than a millionth of a degree above absolute zero. http://physics.nist.gov/Divisions/Div842/Gp4/group4.html | |
85. Physics News Update Number 473 - Story ULTRAVIOLET LASER AT DESY A free electron laser has reached wavelength of 93 nm. From physics News Update. http://www.aip.org/enews/physnews/2000/split/pnu473-1.htm | |
86. Quantum Optics And Laser Science physics Department of Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, London, UK. http://www.lsr.ph.ic.ac.uk/ | |
87. Spectra-Physics Inc. Manufactures broad range of laser and optical components and devices for industrial, medical, and research markets. Uses include telecommunication, microelectronics, image recording, and manufacturing processes. Site incorporates detailed product information. http://www.spectra-physics.com/about/index.html |
88. IPPLM / IFPiLM Research on highpower lasers, laser-matter interaction, inertial fusion, generation of super-strong pulsed magnetic fields, dense magnetized plasmas, tokamaks, theory and numerical modeling of hot plasmas, diagnostics of fast-varying processes. http://www.ifpilm.waw.pl/ | |
89. Physics & Advanced Technologies Directorate The physics and Advanced Technologies Directorate at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory executes and supports programs that apply cutting edge physics and advanced technologies to develop physics and Advanced Technologies was established in July 2000 through the merger of the former physics Directorate and elements of the former laser Programs http://www-phys.llnl.gov/ | |
90. Wiley InterScience: Journal Home - Laser Physics Letters More results from www3.interscience.wiley.com Institute of laserphysics - University of Hamburg Welcome to the Institute of laser-physics. The Institute of laser-physics was founded in 1991. It is designed as a center of basic http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jhome/106571172 | |
91. Laser And Particle Beams laser and Particle Beams is an international journal which deals with the physics of intense laser and particle beams, the interaction of these beams with matter, and their applications. http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/journal_catalogue.asp?historylinks=SUBJ& |
92. Michael Allen This site details projects completed by Michael Allen during his final year studying Applied physics in Dublin City university. Projects include DNA analysis using laser ablation and xray standing waves surface science technique. http://www.student.dcu.ie/~allenm2/ | |
93. Forward To: Stony Brook Laser Teaching Center Includes multiple student abstracts on holography and optics projects. http://resonator.physics.sunysb.edu/laser/ | |
94. Kasprowicz.net Contact details, physics (interaction of Helium with an intense laser field), and family photographs. http://www.kasprowicz.net/ | |
95. Iipopescu Professor of plasma physics and optics, Bucharest University, a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy of Sciences. Research interests electrical discharges in gases, plasma physics, atomic and molecular collisions, laser spectroscopy, xray sources and gamma-ray induced emission. http://geocities.com/iipopescu | |
96. Laser Applications Group (844.06) The laser Applications Group (844.06) develops and applies stateof-the-art laser techniques and optical diagnostics to support measurements in industrial and http://physics.nist.gov/Divisions/Div844/staff/Gp6/ | |
97. UIC Physics Research Active physics research program cover both experimental and theoretical topics in the major research areas of atomic, biological, condensed matter, materials, highenergy, nuclear, laser and molecular physics. Researchers in the physics Department are engaged in research programs at facilities located on the UIC Campus, as well as at Fermi lab, Argonne National Laboratory and Brookhaven National Laboratory. The Microphysics Laboratory, Atomic and Molecular physics Laboratory and Modern Microscopy Laboratory are world-class facilities located on the UIC Campus. http://www.phy.uic.edu/Res/index.asp |
98. Institut Fuer Experimentalphysik, Uni Graz Part of the School of Natural Sciences, University of Graz; mainly deals in surface, optics, and laser science, magnetrometry, spectroscopy, and general photonics. Information for students and researchers, staff pages. http://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/expwww/indexe.html | |
99. Ion Laser Repair & Refurbishment, Laser Rental, Laser Resale Refurbishment of Coherent Radiation, Spectra physics, American laser, and Lexel ion tubes. Replacement tubes and magnets. http://www.lasershs.com/ion_laser_repair_refurbishment.htm | |
100. Old Connecticut College Dept. Of Physics, Astronomy And Geophysics Home Page Offers a variety of majors and research experiences. Facilities include an observatory, ion accelerator lab and a laser spectroscopy lab. http://www.conncoll.edu/academics/departments/physics.web/ | |
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