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21. University Of Wales Swansea - Department Of Physics Homepage Threeyear BSc with specialised options in laser physics, medical physics, and particle physics and the foundations of cosmology. http://python.swan.ac.uk/ |
22. Sixth Workshop On Laser Physics LPHYS 97 SIXTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON laser physics 48 August 1997, Krystal Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic v.11.03. Next workshops http://www.gpi.ru/lphys/lphys97.html |
23. Laboratory Laser Energetics Library (LLE) Has works on thermonuclear fusion, laser physics, plasma physics, xray lasers and diagnostics, and applied optics. Special collections include technical reports and selected Department of Energy microfiche. http://www.lib.rochester.edu/lle/ | |
24. Int. Journal Laser Physics International Journal laser physics ISSN 1054660X 10th International laser physics Workshop LPHYS 01 http://www.gpi.ru/lphys/ |
25. Research Experience In Physics & Astronomy For Undergraduates (REU) Research areas in this 10week program for undergraduates include astronomy and astrophysics, biological physics, condensed matter physics, high energy physics, nuclear physics, plasma and laser physics, quantum optics, and physics education. http://www.pas.rochester.edu:80/mainFrame/education/special/specialREU.html | |
26. University Of Queensland Physics Department Location Home. laser physics. Laser Chaos. NanoOptics. Recent publications of the laser physics Group are included in the Departmental Publication List. http://www.physics.uq.edu.au/lp/lp.html | |
27. HIP Laser Physics And Quantum Optics Project A short history of the finished project. laser physics and quantum optics project ended in 2003. During seven years (19972003) the http://www.physics.helsinki.fi/~kasuomin/ | |
28. HIP Laser Physics Project: Quantum Information Page HIP laser physics and quantum optics project Quantum information studies. Currently our investigations concentrate only on one topic in quantum information http://www.physics.helsinki.fi/~kasuomin/Project/Quant.html | |
29. ILP Theory Unit Intense laser physics at Illinois State. http://www.phy.ilstu.edu/ILP/ | |
30. GSI GSI / Research / Atomic Physics / Research / laser physics Lasers and Laserspectroscopy. A major use of this laser is in the field of plasma physics. http://www.gsi.de/~laserweb/ |
31. Laser Systems Manufacturer, Fluorescence Lasers, Fiber Systems | Laser Physics, Development and manufacture of laser equipment. Design and installation of laser show systems for television, film and theater. http://www.inetba.com/laserphysicsltd/ | |
32. Plasma And Laser Physics Links Plasma and laser physics Links. Links With a Local Connection http://spider.pas.rochester.edu/mainFrame/links/plasma.html | |
33. Plasma And Laser Physics Plasma and laser physics. The study of laboratory and astrophysical plasmas is currently in the midst of a renaissance. Plasma and laser physics Links. http://spider.pas.rochester.edu/mainFrame/research/plasma.html | |
34. Atomic And Laser Physics Return to the Physics Department Home Page, http://www-alphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/ | |
35. About Us - Atomic And Laser Physics Return to the Physics Department Home Page, Atomic laser physics about us Head of subdepartment Professor Ian Walmsley Clarendon Laboratory Parks Road http://www-alphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/AL/AboutUs.html | |
36. Research Group On Laser Physics Of The Hungarian Academy Of Sciences The homepage of the Department has moved. If the redirection fails, please click here. http://www.jate.u-szeged.hu/jate/sci/physics/laser/ | |
37. Russian Center Of Laser Physics - General Information The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://home.rclph.spbu.ru/ | |
38. Institute Of Laser Physics Russian Version, English Version. Phone (3832)33-24-89, E-mail bagayev@laser.nsc.ru. Fax (383-2)33-20-67, URL http//www.laser.nsc.ru. http://www.laser.nsc.ru/ | |
39. Easy Explanation Of Laser Physics simple guide to understanding lasers http://members.aol.com/jimb3d/lasers.html |
40. The Laser Physics Group Redirect Page A detailed links list of about 50 research groups around the world, with an immense list of subject links, as well. From the laser physics Group at Ume¥ University, Sweden. http://www.phys.umu.se/laser/links11.htm |
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