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1. Laser Physics Home Page laser physics Inc., laser physics manufactures Reliant aircooled argon and krypton ion laser for research, entertainment, instrumentation, OEM, and medical applications. laser physics provides http://www.laserphysics.com/ | |
2. Laser Physics Entertainment And Display Applications laser physics designs lasers specifically for the needs of the laser entertainment and display industry. Solutions in Light. laser physics, Inc. http://www.laserphysics.com/lp-ent.html | |
3. The Laser Physics Group Redirect Page Describes laserbased research on trace-element detection, microsurgery and cooling and trapping. Includes current group members, details of vacant positions, and links to other atom trapping and cooling groups. http://www.phys.umu.se/laser/ |
4. Laser Physics http://www.maik.rssi.ru/journals/lasphys.htm |
5. Walther Group: Laser Physics laser physics division. http://www.mpq.mpg.de/laserphysics.html | |
6. The Laser Physics Group Redirect Page A collection of links to the fields of laser, quantum, atomic, molecular physics and optics. http://www.phys.umu.se/laser/physlink.htm |
7. Atomic And Laser Physics, University Of Amsterdam A highquality page of the research, meetings and people involved with University of Amsterdam's Atomic http://www.science.uva.nl/research/aplp/ |
8. Racah Inst. Of Physics, HUJI --- Research Groups Hebrew University, RACAH Institute of Physics. Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation, Complex Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, Plasma and laser physics, and Condensed Matter Physics. Jerusalem, Israel. http://www.fiz.huji.ac.il/res_gr.html | |
9. Laser Physics Centre http://laserspark.anu.edu.au/ |
10. Laser Physics Centre http://laserspark.anu.edu.au/lpc/laser.html |
11. Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory Conducts a broad experimental and theoretical program in basic and applied research in plasma physics, laboratory discharge and space plasmas, intense electron and ion beams and photon sources, atomic physics, pulsed power sources, laser physics, advanced spectral diagnostics, and nonlinear systems. http://wwwppd.nrl.navy.mil/ |
12. Laser Physics laser physics. The Staff. x. Current Research. One of the major lines of research at the Department of Physics in Swansea is laser physics. http://python.swan.ac.uk/old/laser/laser.html | |
13. Laser Physics laser physics. The Staff. Current Research. RIS using tunable dye lasers. VG Time of Flight mass spec. Resonance Ionisation Mass Spectroscopy (RIMS) Laboratory. Department of Physics in Swansea http://python.swan.ac.uk/laser/laser.html | |
14. About Lasers-Details More About Lasers. laser physics. There are 3 essential components to a laser system. First is a Lasing medium, which may be a gas, crystal, liquid, or semiconductor. http://www.shorelaser.com/AboutLasersDet.html | |
15. The International Journal Laser Physics http://www.lasphys.com/lasphys.htm | |
16. Institute Of Solid State Physics Specialized in fundamental and applied research in the field of condensed matter physics, optics, spectroscopy and laser physics. http://www.issp.bas.bg/ | |
17. The International Journal Laser Physics Letters http://www.lasphys.com/lasphyslett.htm | |
18. University Of Wales Swansea - Physics Department Threeyear BSc with specialised options in laser physics, medical physics, and particle physics and the foundations of cosmology. http://www.physics.swansea.ac.uk/ | |
19. Research Institute For Laser Physics, Home Page 12, Birzhevaya line, St.Petersburg, 199034, Russia. ILPh, Phone +7 (812) 3285734, 328-4460 Fax +7 (812) 328-5891 E-mail mak@ilph.spb.su. http://www.ilph.spb.ru/ | |
20. The Nijmegen Molecular And Laser Physics Group http://www-mlf.sci.kun.nl/ |
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