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121. APS Forum On Physics And Society Newsletters Quarterly newsletter; articles on nuclear proliferation, nuclear power and energy policy. http://www.aps.org/units/fps/newsletters/ | |
122. Atomic Physics Codes from a course by Walter Johnson. Mod_pot.f determines the parameters in a model potential for an atom with one valence electron. Nrhf.f calculates nonrelativistic HartreeFock wave functions for closed-shell atoms. http://www.nd.edu/~johnson/phys607.html | |
123. APS News Online Limericks physics limericks from the contests sponsored by the American Physical Society! http://www.aps.org/apsnews/limericks.html | |
124. Physics 1996 Awarded to David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff, and Robert C. Richardson. The press release contains a good (technical) discussion of the superfluidity of helium3. http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1996/index.html | |
125. Women In Physics At Toronto Events calendar, articles, and links. http://www.physics.utoronto.ca/~wiphys/ | |
126. Science On High-Energy Lasers: From Today To The NIF An overview of science performed with high energy lasers, including five scientific areas (astrophysics and space physics, hydrodynamics, material properties, plasma physics, radiation sources, and radiative properties). http://www.llnl.gov/science_on_lasers/ | |
127. Health Physics - Home Journal of the Health physics Society. Provides abstracts and information about online subscription, services and author submission materials. http://www.health-physics.com/ | |
128. Laboratory For Atmospheric And Space Physics Conducts basic theoretical and experimental research in planetary, atmospheric, magnetospheric, and solar physics. http://lasp.colorado.edu/ | |
129. Physics And Astronomy Reference physics / science reference, physical constants, online unit conversions, periodic table of elements, exact time, fundamental physical formulae and equations. http://www.physlink.com/Reference/Index.cfm | |
130. Windows To The Universe Aimed at portraying Earth and Space Sciences in a fun way. Includes information about space weather, global space physics and a real time movie of current solar activity. http://www.windows.ucar.edu/ | |
131. Physics News Graphics Nanotechnology Classic and new pictures of nanostructures from the American Institute of physics. http://www.aip.org/physnews/graphics/category5.html |
132. Hyperspace Physics Visions of the otherworld from several paradigmatic perspectives. http://deoxy.org/hs_phys.htm | |
133. IFE - Institute For Energy Technology. The International Energy Institute In Nor Norway's national research center for nuclear and energy technology describes its research and development activities in nuclear technology and safety, physics, petroleum technology, energy and environmental technology, materials and corrosion technology, mantechnology-organization, and the OECD Halden Reactor Project. http://www.ife.no/english | |
134. VisualConception Win Designed for the understanding of integration, projectile motion, central force, and centripetal force. http://home.t-online.de/home/w.voll/ | |
135. Time Travel And Modern Physics Survey of philosophical woories about inconsistencies inherent in the idea of time travel in the context of modern physics. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Tim Maudlin. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/time-travel-phys/ | |
136. NASA ADS: ADS Home Page Free online abstracts and fulltext papers in astronomy, astrophysics, planetary sciences, and solar physics. http://adswww.harvard.edu/ | |
137. Harold P. Furth Library, Princeton University Hours, catalog, plasma physics literature, internet resources, database resources. http://www.pppl.gov/library | |
138. Astronomy, Physics, And Soaring Page By Larry Bogan A collection of Astronomical projects, lectures, and calculations. Orbits, Sunspots, Occultations, and Magnitudes. http://www.go.ednet.ns.ca/~larry |
139. Research_hardware_instrument_design/index.html Research Hardware designs and manufactures prototype scientific instruments and accessories for research in chemistry, physics, and engineering. Each instrument is customized to meet the specific needs of the experimenter. http://www.research-hardware.com |
140. ArXiv.org E-Print Archive Open eprint archive with over 100,000 articles in physics, 10,000 in mathematics, and 1,000 in computer science. (Formerly called xxx; free) http://arxiv.org/ | |
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