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61. Inspecî - The Quality Database For Physics, Electronics And service providing access to the world s scientific and technical literature in physics,electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering http://www.iee.org/Publish/INSPEC/ | |
62. @ FLC Electronics Inc - Lab Instrumentation Primary scientific interest is physics of polar liquid crystals and the discovery of SurfaceStabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal structure. Develops a series of instruments used for liquid crystal research and other applications. Includes FLCs and liquid crystal display research information, product specifications and industry links. http://www.flce.com/ | |
63. School Of ETE Courses are oriented towards electronic instrumentation and communications engineering, applied physics and electronics. The courses have an applied nature, including a strong laboratory component and considerable project work. http://www.ise.canberra.edu.au/EEAP/ | |
64. Bill Beaty's Homepages: Surplus Sources: Science, Electronics physicsNet physics equipment archive search; Surplus_Shed (optics electrn); WJ Systems(robotics stuff) Archie Mcphee (weird toys) - All electronics Corp. http://www.amasci.com/supliers.html | |
65. EPanorama.net A very good tutorial on science and electronics, physics, light and electrical optics. http://www.epanorama.net/ | |
66. ELECTRONICS HOBBYIST good beginner s site); electronicstutorials.com; Piezo tutorials;Electricity physics; AlexÂs Tutorials links; Engdahl s electronics http://www.amasci.com/amateur/elehob.html | |
67. Department Of Physics Information on 100level and 200-400 level papers, electronics, energy management, physics careers and research in physics, plus archives, departmental directory, links to other physics Web sites and information for overseas students. Seminars/Conferences http://www.physics.otago.ac.nz/ | |
68. Semiconductor Physics For Solid State Electronics Index electronics concepts. HyperPhysics***** Condensed Matter, R Nave. Go Back. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/solids/sselcn.html | |
69. Technical Jobs - High-tech Jobs From UK Technical Recruitment Consultants ECM Se Focus Technical research, development and consultancy jobs, including software, electronics, maths and physics vacancies. http://www.ecmsel.co.uk | |
70. Nanotech Planet - The Nano Circuit: Molecular Electronics Meets Physics Reality Molecular electronics Meets physics Reality By Sandra Helsel. WhatMEC is doing is like planning a trip, but having to build the http://www.nanoelectronicsplanet.com/nanochannels/circuit/article/0,4028,10501_2 | |
71. Homepage Of The Raman Research Institute. Research in selected areas of physics and astronomy, including electronics, liquid crystals, theoretical physics, and astrophysics. http://www.rri.res.in/ | |
72. Institute For Research In Electronics And Applied Physics Institute for Research in electronics and Applied physics at theUniversity of Maryland research, faculty, students, alumni. http://www.ireap.umd.edu/ | |
73. CAMP WATONKA; Summer Science Camp For Boys In The Poconos, N.E. Pennsylvania Small, privately owned boys camp located in Hawley, Pennsylvania. Provides a handson science program in addition to sports, crafts and waterfront activities. Programs in astronomy, bio-chemistry, electronics, physics, and other sciences available. http://www.watonka.com/ | |
74. Politecnico Di Milano - Home Page University founded in 1863, offering degrees, PhDs and training courses in architecture, chemistry, electronics, engineering and physics. http://www.polimi.it/english | |
75. Meerstetter Engineering GmbH - Power Electronics, Physics & Electronics, Laser E Translate this page high frequency, transformer, galvanic isolation, hv-gims-1051, hvhftr-1034, powerelectronics, laser electronics, physics electronics, industrial electronics http://www.meerstetter.ch/ | |
76. Inst För Teknikvetenskaper Research in solid state electronics, ion physics, micro structure technology, materials science, solid state physics, solid mechanics, and signals and systems. http://www.teknikum.uu.se/ |
77. Chair Of General Physics And Molecular Electronics in cooperation with other chairs of physical department (General physics and Waveprocesses, semiconductor physics, physical electronics, physics of crystals http://vega.phys.msu.su/eng/chair.htm | |
78. NN-Stereogram Creator PRO Official Website Application to create stereogram images. Start with a 3D model, continue with hidden image settings, and finish with pattern generation. http://electronics.physics.upatras.gr/users/nnikitar/stereosite/index.htm |
79. The Transistor - History was the spark that ignited a huge research effort in solid state electronics. Bardeenand Brattain received the Nobel Prize in physics, 1956, together with http://www.nobel.se/physics/educational/transistor/history/ | |
80. Uni-Sofia, Faculty Of Physics, Nuclear Electronics Group digital electronics or programming? Introduction (in BG) and More information (inBG) NEW! Have a look at the webpage of the Kirchhoff Institute for physics http://www.phys.uni-sofia.bg/~venko/ne_groupe.htm | |
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