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41. Vienna Conference On Instrumentation Topics Instrumentation in High Energy and Nuclear physics, Synchrotron Radiation and Neutron Experiments, Astrophysics, Biology, Medicine; associated electronics Satellite Workshop on Applications, February 24, 2001 (W. Bartl, B. Sitar) http://wwwhephy.oeaw.ac.at/u3w/w/wcc/www/ | |
42. Collier Electronics Manufacturing Manufactures patented parametric equalizers. Includes background information to electronic technique used by Collier patented method, general physics information and music links. http://home.flash.net/~rcollier/ | |
43. ScienceDirect - Organic Electronics - List Of Issues Macquarie University ICS Macquarie University. Macquarie Staff. ICS brings together the Departments ofComputing, electronics, Mathematics and physics at Macquarie University. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/15661199 | |
44. Scidot - Education Software / Logiciels Pour L'éducation Graphics tool which serves as a document template dedicated to writing teaching documents in math, physics, chemistry, electronics, pneumatics, electrotechnics. http://www.scidot.com/ |
45. Inspec Englishlanguage bibliographic information service providing access to scientific and technical literature in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computers, computing, information technology, manufacturing and production engineering. http://www.iee.org/publish/inspec/ | |
46. Department Name - Umeå University Applied physics and electronics, Logo. http://www.tfe.umu.se/index_eng.html | |
47. High Voltage Link List A list of links for electrostatic machines, history of physics and electricity, high voltage devices, and electronics. http://www.coe.ufrj.br/~acmq/links.html |
48. Home Page Of Glen Benson Offers music, physics, electronics, hypnosis, digital recording, robotics and programming. http://www.glenbenson.com/ | |
49. UNE - Physics Home Page physics at UNE, The University of New England, located at Armidale NSW Australiaoffers physics, biophysics, electronics photonics units in science and http://www.une.edu.au/Physics/ | |
50. Assocampus exercises, tests, utilitaries for physics of materials, electromagnetism, power electronics, power systems. (french and english languages) http://www.ifrance.com/assocampus/ |
51. Physics Department of Physical electronics; Department of Theoretical physics and Astrophysics;Department of Solid State physics; Department of General physics. http://www.sci.muni.cz/~physics/ | |
52. Metrology Research Institute Research in measurement areas of physics, fiberoptics and electronics. Includes details of courses, PhD degree, calibration services, staff profiles and contacts at Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. http://metrology.hut.fi/ | |
53. Electronics Laboratory Website - Welcome http://electronics.physics.upatras.gr/ |
54. Techtrans' Technical Dictionary Patent terminology. Agriculture, biology, chemistry, crystallography, communications, computing, electronics/electricity, maritime, mechanics, medicine, military, nuclear physics, optics, paper making, oil production, pharmacy, semiconductors, signal/speech processing, aerospace, textiles, printing, xerography. About 75 pages. http://www.techtrans.com.fr/Glossary.PDF |
55. Tamil Virtual University - Tamil Education On The Web Distance learning through Tamil. Contains Technical EnglishTamil dictionaries in the fields of Electrical/electronics, Civil, Engineering, Law, Biology/Life Sciences, physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. http://www.tamilvu.org | |
56. Department Of Physics & Electronics Department of physics and electronics. Combines the two disciplines to provide a handson approach to physics. Includes information about staff, courses, and research. http://jansky.ru.ac.za/physics/index.php |
57. Home Maths, physics and electronics Department. http://www.anglia.ac.uk/appsci/maths/ | |
58. NNV Division Of Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics Netherlands Physical Society, Division of AtomicPhysics and Quantum electronics homepage. http://nnvaq.tue.nl/ | |
59. The Atom Find out how magnetism, flux, static, magnetism and the inductor are all related and how they influence current flow. (Numerous popups) http://www.compworks.faithweb.com/electronics/theory/atom001.html | |
60. Glass Agencies - Scientific Equipment Manufacturer, Exporter, Importer - Ambala Manufacturers exporters of a large variety of glassware and laboratory instruments for physics, electronics, chemistry, and biology. http://www.glassagencies.com | |
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