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21. The Great Web Of Science Providing links for science, astronomy, biology, chemistry, electronics, medicine, meteorology, oceanography,physics and space. http://www.imagine-Hawaii.com/science.html | |
22. ELECTRONICS-PHYSICS EDUCATION education in electronicsphysics. modules . As regards electronics andphysics, they are part of the physics and electronic systems . http://www.ensta.fr/uer/uei/EP/dep_ep_eng.html | |
23. E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003 :: NanoCentre Pre-School The European Materials Research Society lists synopsis about presentations given during Sept 1519, 2003. Specializes in chemistry, technology, physics and electronics. http://www.science24.com/emrs/journal | |
24. EDUCATION IN ELECTRONICS AND SIGNAL The ModEl electronics and physics of telecommunication and the ModEl Image fromsensor to perception are offered and organized by UEI. 3 rd year Modules. http://www.ensta.fr/uer/uei/elec_signal_eng.html | |
25. Electronics, Physics IT electronics, physics IT. this is the electronics, physics IT department. Partner.Designs. electronics, physics IT. george.biernacki@pof.com.au. http://www.pof.com.au/Pages/practice_area_descriptions.php?dept=EIT |
26. TNO FEL - Physics And Electronics Laboratory The largest independent Dutch electronics research laboratory. http://www.tno.nl/instit/fel | |
27. Rutgers Physics: Electronics Shop Electronic Shop. PERSONNEL. Stanley Sherman Head electronics Engineer. Edward Bartz electronics Engineer. Yuriy Streltsov Sr. Electronic Technician. SERVICES Rutgers University Department of physics and Astronomy The electronics Shop group can design, develop, construct, and test large quantities of various analog/digital http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/descr/descr-elecshop.html | |
28. Electronics, Physics & IT http://www.pof.com.au/Pages/EPITGroup.htm |
29. IRPhE Home Page An arm of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences. Introduces the following divisions and laboratories radio astronomy, microwave systems, theoretical physics, solid state physics, millimeterwave devices, electronic automation and semiconductor electronics. http://www.irphe.am/ | |
30. Physics 211, Analog Electronics, Spring 1998, Monmouth College physics 211, Analog electronics. Spring 1998 Welcome to physics 211! No office hour Th 12 Feb 1998 http://department.monm.edu/physics/courses/spring1998/physics211 | |
31. JHU/APL Office Of Technology Transfer JHU/APL OTT offers business industry cuttingedge inventions in Biomedical, Sensor, electronics, Modeling Simulation, Information Processing, Materials Structures, Space Environmental physics, Communication, System Analysis and Vehicle technologies. http://www.jhuapl.edu/ott/index.html | |
32. TNO FEL - Physics And Electronics Laboratory No rights can be derived from the content of the TNOFEL website. © TNO-FEL TNOPhysics and electronics Laboratory PO Box 96864, 2509 JG The Hague, The http://www.tno.nl/instit/fel/felmain.html | |
33. AILab, University Of Zurich Works on biologically inspired robotics, particularly the principle of embodied intelligence. The lab is transdisciplinary and includes researchers in the fields of computer science, mathematics, physics, biology, ethology, neurobiology, psychology, mechanical and electronics. http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/groups/ailab/ | |
34. Information Security URLography By The TNO Physics And Electronics Laboratory (T URLography Information Security at TNO physics and electronics Laboratory (TNOFEL).TNO physics and electronics Laboratory Information Security URLography. http://www.tno.nl/instit/fel/intern/wkinfsec.html | |
35. LoganBot - Lenox High School Bot Building Club Based in Lenox, Massachusetts, United States. Membership is open to Lenox high school students. The club provides real world experience in electronics, science, and physics principles through the construction of robots. http://www.loganbot.com/ | |
36. University Of Helsinki : Electronics Research Unit 17 Mar 2004 Our physics Days Posters Haeggström, Aaltonen, Wallin, Lassila, Vihinen3 Mar 2004 Moved to new server electronics.physics.helsinki.fi 26 Feb http://electronics.physics.helsinki.fi/ | |
37. JSAP - Japan Society Of Applied Physics Discusses, holds meetings, and publishes journal on scientific fields such as physics, electronics, mechanics, metallurgy, chemistry, and various interdisciplinary areas. http://www.jsap.or.jp/english/ | |
38. Electronics Research Unit Experimental Paper physics Phone +3589-191 50696 timo.karppinen@helsinki.fi, PiaForsman, M.Sc., Työterveyslaitos Posturography, electronics Pia.Forsman@ttl http://electronics.physics.helsinki.fi/personnel/personnel.html | |
39. Home Page This site offers a variety of electronics and physics animations and visual aides for teachers or students. http://www.science-ebooks.com | |
40. Reigate College - Science Subweb: Biology, Chemistry, Electronics, Physics News and information about Biology, Chemistry, electronics and physics at ReigateCollege. Text Only Site. News of Biology, Chemistry, electronics and physics. http://www.reigate.ac.uk/subwebs/subweb_science/subweb_science.htm | |
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