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101. Yale Condensed Matter Theory Research on electronic properties of materials, including seimconductor heterostructures and complex oxides. http://pantheon.yale.edu/~subir/cmt.html | |
102. Condensed Matter Theory Group At The Niels Bohr Institute condensed matter Theory Group. http://ntserv.fys.ku.dk/condmat/default.htm | |
103. Condensed Matter Theory, KTH Physics KTH / KTH Physics / condensed matter Theory condensed matter Theory. List of publications of condensed matter Theory group (years 1993 ) is available here. http://condmat.theophys.kth.se/ | |
104. Redirect Page Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/Government/Executive_Branch/Departments/Energy/DOE_National_Laboratories/Ames_Laboratory/Research_Areas http://cmp.ameslab.gov/cmp/cmp.html |
105. INFM - The National Institute For The Physics Of Matter for the Physics of Matter (INFM) carries out fundamental and applied research on the physical properties of atomic, molecular and condensed matter systems. http://www.infm.it/ | |
106. >> ICCMP << University of Brasilia. Scientific events on frontier topics of condensed matter Physics. http://www.unb.br/cifmc/indexen.html | |
107. Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics - J. A. Sauls Department of Physics Astronomy, condensed matter Theory Group JA Sauls, Northwestern University. Theory Group. Jim Sauls. Ph.D. Students. Priya Sharma. http://www.phys.nwu.edu/ | |
108. HFIR Center For Neutron Scattering The neutron scattering facilities of the high flux research reactor are available for outside users on problems of scientific merit. Although the main purpose of the HFIR is to produce transplutonium elements for use in industry, medicine and research, the reactor's extremely high flux also makes it a source of neutrons for condensed matter investigations. http://neutrons.ornl.gov/ | |
109. Brown Condensed Matter Theory condensed matter Theory. What is condensed matter Physics? Faculty, Students and Staff; condensed matter Seminar Schedule; Journal Club; condensed matter Resources; http://www.physics.brown.edu/research/cmt/ | |
110. UC Irvine Condensed Matter Theory UC Irvine condensed matter Theory. Faculty. Prof. Igor Dzyaloshinskii Kondo insulators). UCI Physics and Astronomy condensed matter Experiment. http://www.ps.uci.edu/physics/cmtheory.html |
111. Physics Encyclopedia: Condensed Matter This page provides educational materials on various branches of condensed matter physics. condensed matter Physics. Physics Main Help Your comments http://members.tripod.com/~IgorIvanov/physics/cond-mat.html | |
112. Boston University Physics Department Information about the undergraduate and graduate programs, current research projects, and professors. The department has programs in experimental and theoretical particle and condensed matter physics. http://physics.bu.edu/ | |
113. Cmri.snu.ac.kr/ condensed matter Theory at Chalmers/GU http://cmri.snu.ac.kr/ |
114. Condensed Matter Theory At The University Of Illinois Welcome to the web page of the condensed matter theory group at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. condensed matter http://guava.physics.uiuc.edu/~nigel/cmt/ | |
115. Physics Department, Tufts University Offers programs of graduate study leading to the Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Current research programs are in the areas of High Energy Physics, condensed matter Physics, General Relativity and Cosmology, Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Biophysics. http://ase.tufts.edu/physics/ | |
116. Rutgers Physics: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Rutgers University Department of Physics and Astronomy. Theoretical condensed matter Physics. Research activities of the condensed matter theory group. http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/cmt/group-cmt.html | |
117. NSSA A forum to discuss scientific issues, major facilities and instrumentation needed for worldclass research in neutron scattering. The main goal of the Society is to stimulate, promote and broaden the use of neutron scattering in science, engineering and technology. The unique characteristics of the neutron as a probe of condensed matter has transformed much of our fundamental understanding of the physics and chemistry of materials. http://www.neutronscattering.org/ | |
118. Welcome To The Condensed Matter Theory Web Site condensed matter Theory research interacts with the materials research program at ANL through a mix of individual theoretical studies and collaborative studies http://www.msd.anl.gov/groups/cmt/ | |
119. UBC PhysAstro: Home Page Undergraduate and graduate programs; research areas include condensed matter, theoretical, subatomic, and medical physics. http://www.physics.ubc.ca/ | |
120. Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Research and publications of experimental condensed matter physicists at Univ of Chicago. Experimental condensed matter Physics. http://physics.uchicago.edu/x_cond.html | |
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