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61. Condensed Matter Group - Department Of Physics And Astronomy - Edinburgh Univers School of Physics condensed matter. Feedback, Text only. WELCOME TO THE EDINBURGH condensed matter GROUP WEB PAGES! Soft condensed matter. http://www.ph.ed.ac.uk/cmatter/ | |
62. NIST Physical Reference Data Database holding information on fundamental physical constants, atomic spectra, molecular spectroscopic data, ionization data, XRay and Gamma-Ray data, radiation dosimetry data, nuclear physics data, and condensed matter physics data. http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/contents.html | |
63. Journal Club For Condensed Matter Physics Journal Club for condensed matter Physics. A Monthly Selection of Interesting Papers Chosen by Distinguished Correspondents. Supported http://jc-cond-mat.bell-labs.com/ | |
64. My Biography Candidate in Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. Majoring in soft condensed matter (physics), system sciences and complex systems (engineering). http://hanif.sharifedu.org/biography.htm | |
65. Soft Condensed Matter Physics Fribourg (MM FR) Matter Home. Soft condensed matter. Welcome to the Home Page of the Soft condensed matter Physics Group (Prof. Peter Schurtenberger http://www.unifr.ch/physics/mm/ | |
66. International Journal Of Modern Physics B Launched in 1987, this journal covers the most important aspects of, as well as the latest developments in, condensed matter, Statistical, Applied Physics and High Tc Superconductivity. One unique feature of this journal is its review section which contains articles with permanent research value http://www.wspc.com/journals/ijmpb/ijmpb.html |
67. Dept. Of Condensed Matter Home Page Research in the Department of condensed matter Physics concentrates on both theoretical and experimental aspects of condensed matter Physics, in addition to http://www.weizmann.ac.il/condmat/ | |
68. APS/Division Of Condensed Matter Physics APS Division of condensed matter Physics. Call for nominations for DCMP Executive Committee. Two routes to suggest names for. Vice http://dcmp.bc.edu/ | |
69. PHOTONIC BANDGAP MATERIALS AND PHOTONIC CRYSTALS Research group, part of condensed matter physics, Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~cmpexp/groups/ho/pbg.html | |
70. Sprik The group in Amsterdam will be reconstructed to put more emphasis on Soft condensed matter Physics. van der WaalsZeeman-Institute, University of Amsterdam. http://www.science.uva.nl/research/scm/ | |
71. Department Of Physics In Uppsala Research in electron spectroscopy and molecular surface physics, soft Xray physics, materials physics, condensed matter theory, and surface physics. http://www.fysik.uu.se/english/ | |
72. Condensed Matter Physics http://www.science.uva.nl/research/cmp/vdveen/ |
73. Dept. Of Condensed Matter Peter Nordlander's group investigates nonequilibrium processes in mesoscopic systems and on surfaces focus on many-electron effects. Qimiao Si specializes in the theory of strongly correlated electron systems emphasis on non-Fermi liquid behavior. projects quantum dot, Kondo, nanoparticles, high temperature superconductors http://juktan.rice.edu |
74. The European Physical Journal B Journal home page. condensed matter Physics. Rapid Notes Solid and Condensed State Physics - Statistical and Nonlinear Physics - Statistical http://www.edpsciences.org/journal/index.cfm?edpsname=epjb |
75. Benjamin G Lee - Applied Physics Graduate Student At Harvard Graduate student at Harvard University studying experimental condensed matter physics. Contains personal information, photos, and research interests. http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~bglee/ | |
76. Welcoming Page Information on the 11th International Conference on condensed matter Nuclear Science to be held in the Fall of 2004. Primary topic is Cold Fusion. http://iccf11.org/ |
77. Redirect To CMI On the February 3, 2004, Chemistry of condensed matter and Physical Chemistry of Interfaces will merge into one group condensed matter and Interfaces (CMI). http://www.chem.uu.nl/gm/www/ | |
78. Journal Of Physics And Chemistry Of Solids International medium for publication of research in condensed matter and materials science. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/229/description | |
79. Elliott Lieb Professor of Mathematics and Physics, Princeton University. Mathematical Physics, Functional Analysis, condensed matter Physics. http://www.math.princeton.edu/~lieb | |
80. ICTP Condensed Matter Group Translate this page http://www.ictp.trieste.it/~cm/ | |
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