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1. ...:::ICMP:::... Institute for condensed matter Physics. http://www.icmp.lviv.ua/ |
2. Condensed Matter Physics Current News. News Archive. Calendar. Highlights. contact. Program Director. Scientists. Visiting Scientists. Postdoctoral Researchers. Staff. Associates. Students. Argonne National Laboratory. Brookhaven National Laboratory http://cmp.ameslab.gov/ | |
3. CONDENSED MATTER LINKS Links related to crystals, mathematical modeling, quantum liquids and the Hall effect, among others. http://web.mit.edu/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/r/e/redingtn/www/netadv/condetc.html | |
4. TCM Group These pages contain information on the research interests, members and publications of the Theory of condensed matter group of the Cavendish Laboratory http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/ | |
5. NATO ASI & SUSSP 59: Soft Condensed Matter Physics In Molecular And Cell Biology Contains lecture slides and program. Edinburgh, Scotland. http://www.ph.ed.ac.uk/SoftBioASI/ | |
6. UPenn Soft Condensed Matter Group Soft condensed matter. Department of Physics and Astronomy Yodh Group. Quantum condensed matter Theory. Other Links of Interest http://dept.physics.upenn.edu/softphysics | |
7. Condensed Matter Physics Department University Of Basel Uni Basel,. Physics Department, condensed matter. Welcome to the condensed matter home page of the Institut für Physik der Universität Basel. http://monet.physik.unibas.ch/ | |
8. Journal Of Physics: Condensed Matter Journal of Physics condensed matter, Journal history. 1989present, Journal of Physics condensed matter. This journal was formed by a merger of http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/JPhysCM | |
9. Condensed Matter arXiv.org eprint server. Free preprints of journal papers from 1992 onwards. http://arxiv.org/archive/cond-mat | |
10. Condensed Matter Preprints condensed matter preprints condensed matter preprints on the xxx.lanl.gov server (since 4/92). The list of subject classes within condmat is Disordered Systems and Neural Networks, Materials http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://xxx.lanl.gov/archive/cond-mat&y=02E5 |
11. Journal Of Physics: Condensed Matter Volume 16, Number 22 Journal of Physics condensed matter, Journals sitemap http://www.iop.org/EJ/toc/0953-8984/16/22 | |
12. Journal Of Physics Condensed Matter Journal of Physics condensed matter quot;Journal of Physics condensed matter quot; covers experimental and theoretical studies of the structural, thermal, mechanical, electrical, magnetic, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.iop.org/Journals/cm&y=0206BC97C5 |
13. Dr. Thomas Neuhaus Computational Physics Contains publications in computational physics, statistical physics and lattice gauge theory. Information about the precise study of condensed matter systems and particle interactions. http://www.dr-thomas-neuhaus.de | |
14. Condensed Matter Physics Online version of condensed matter Physics journal published by the Institute for condensed matter Physics. Recognized by the European Physical Society http://www.icmp.lviv.ua/journal/ | |
15. Condensed Matter & Materials Physics Conference 2000 The annual CMMP meeting is a major international conference. This year it will be held in Bristol and will again have a range of symposia with speakers and contributors from the UK, elsewhere in Europe and beyond. The wide range of invited and plenary talks will cover novel aspects of condensed matter and materials physics and applications into other areas of science and technology. http://physics.iop.org/IOP/Confs/CMMP/ | |
16. Condensed Matter Nuclear Science Peerreviewed online journal that focuses on the various anomalies in metal deuterides and hydrides. http://www.rle.mit.edu/phagelstein/ | |
17. ScienceDirect - Physica B: Condensed Matter - List Of Issues www.sciencedirect.com/webeditions/journal/09214526 condensed mattercondensed matter (since 4/92). index to find); Soft condensed matter (new, recent, find); Statistical Mechanics (new, recent, find); Strongly http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09214526 | |
18. CCP Centre For Chemical Physics Interests can be broadly classified into five general areas energy deposition, surface science, biological applications, properties of condensed matter and properties of isolated atoms and molecules. http://www.uwo.ca/ccp | |
19. Soft Condensed Matter Authors/titles Recent Submissions Soft condensed matter. Authors Andres Santos, Antonio Astillero Comments 19 pages, 6 figures Subjclass Statistical Mechanics; Soft condensed matter http://arxiv.org/list/cond-mat.soft/recent | |
20. Alexey Yamilov Home Page, Physics Department Of Queens College, City University A member of condensed matter Theory group in Queens College (CUNY). Interests include general questions of localization of light, polariton optics of disordered crystals and quantum heterostructures. http://forbin.qc.edu/Physics/gs/yamilov/yamilov.html | |
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