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21. CCP 2004 - Conference On Computational Physics 2004 Conference Overview. Important Dates. Fees and Grants/ Registration. Topics/Call for papers. Scientific Programme Invited Speakers. Web services Accomodation. http://www.ccp2004.infm.it/ | |
22. Computer Simulations In Physics Computer Simulations in Physics. A page with examples of simulations of fluid dynamics, wave equations, mechanics and more, done by a student of computational physics at University of Wroclaw (Poland). Graphics and animations included. http://panoramix.ift.uni.wroc.pl/~maq/eng/index.html |
23. TU Graz - Institut Für Theoretische Physik - Computational Physics Part of the Faculty of Science, Graz University of Technology. Information for students and researchers, staff pages. http://www.itp.tu-graz.ac.at/ | |
24. Computer Physics Communications Program Library Contains over 1800 refereed programs in computational physics and physical chemistry which are described in the journal Computer Physics Communications published by Elsevier Science. http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/ |
25. Gnarly.lanl.gov/Jcp/Jcp.html CCP 2001 Conference on computational physics - Translate this page http://gnarly.lanl.gov/Jcp/Jcp.html |
26. CONFMENU-E A conference menu maintained by Y.S. Kim. http://www.physics.umd.edu/robot/confer/math.html | |
27. Condensed Matter Theory - Computational Physics Translate this page Condensed Matter Theory computational physics. Prof. Dr. DE Wolf. http://www.comphys.uni-duisburg.de/ | |
28. Computational Physics computational physics. In computational physics, one tries to give numerical solutions to problems which couldn t be solved with standard analytical methods. http://www.comphys.uni-duisburg.de/CompSim.html | |
29. North Dakota State University - Fargo, N.D. <2004> Physics At North Dakota State University. Theoretical Gravitation and Torsion, High Energy Particle Theory, Ionospheric Physics, Nonlinear Studies, computational physics. http://www.phys.ndsu.nodak.edu | |
30. Ingenta: All Issues -- Journal Of Computational Physics user name. password. remember me. enter. Athens click here to login via Athens. Physics/Astronomy Physics (General), Journal of computational physics, http://www.ingenta.com/journals/browse/ap/cp | |
31. Ingenta: All Issues -- Journal Of Computational Physics More results from www.ingenta.com Institute for computational physics HomepageWelcome to the Institute for computational physics. Physics on High Performance Computers. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hans Herrmann. Institut http://www.ingenta.com/journals/browse/ap/cp?mode=direct |
32. Institute For Computational Physics: Publications Spheres Comp. Phys. Comm. 121122268-269,1999 Proc. Conf. computational physics 1998, Granada HTML, PostScript (gzipped), abs . http://www.ica1.uni-stuttgart.de/Recent_publications/ | |
33. Fortran 90/95 And Computational Physics By Jens Hjorleifur Baroarson. http://www.raunvis.hi.is/~jensba/tolvuedl_h2003/f90.pdf |
34. Computational Physics Laboratory Translate this page computational physics Laboratory. Main. Information. Francais. Plan. Staff. Español. Links. Projects. English. Internships. Harware and Software. MITLA. webmaster. http://deperett.cpl.free.fr/ | |
35. Chris Oubre Graduate student at Rice University, and one of an emerging new breed in computational physics, which combines the two passions Programming and Finding out Why. http://cmt.rice.edu/~coubre/ | |
36. Simon Engler Information about Astrophysics, computational physics, Numerical Simulation. Contains FORTRAN programs that can be downloaded. http://www.ap.stmarys.ca | |
37. 5th Granada Seminar On Computational Physics, 1998 5th Granada Seminar on computational physics. (and EPSIUPAP 1998 Conference on computational physics). PROGRAMME 1998 Conference on computational physics. http://ergodic.ugr.es/CP/pages/5th1998.htm |
38. Webmaster Welcome to the home page of the section computational physics of the Department of Applied Physics. Our research instruments are computers. http://www.cp.tn.tudelft.nl/home.html | |
39. Macphee-Cobb, Linda Homepage including cgi scripts, computational physics links, cat pictures, webcam and news. http://www.timestocome.com/personal/lindaIndex.html |
40. Programming By Physicist Student of computational physics. Includes information on programming, cars and media equipment. http://panoramix.ift.uni.wroc.pl/~daniel | |
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