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1. Welcome To Applied BioPhysics Site An electrical biosensor, Electric Cellsubstrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS) for quantitative mammalian http://www.biophysics.com/ |
2. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Physiology & Biophysics (Biosciences) Physiology biophysics (Biosciences) A component of The WorldWide Web Virtual Library. Maintained by The Department of Physiology and biophysics. at Weill Medical College of http://physiology.med.cornell.edu/WWWVL/PhysioWeb.html | |
3. Biophysics The Department of biophysics has two main areas of research Christopher Felix, PhD, Scientific Administrator. Department of biophysics. Medical College of Wisconsin http://www.biophysics.mcw.edu/ | |
4. Biophysical Society Click here for guidelines. 2004 National Lecture International Mentor page Placement Service. Summer Honors Course in biophysics Information http://www.biophysics.org/ | |
5. International Union For Pure And Applied Biophysics Established worldwide professional society based in England for all biophysicsrelated disiplines. http://www.iupab.org/ |
6. Biophysics Textbook Online Have comments about biophysics Textbook Online? Send feedback. Steinbach. 5/06/02 Computational and Theoretical biophysics Tamar Schlick. http://www.biophysics.org/btol/ |
7. Biophysics At University Of Michigan biophysics at University of Michigan. Biophysicists at Michigan are developing and working in the fields of Structural Biology, Spectroscopy and Microscopy, Computational biophysics and Bioinformatics, and Biophysical Chemistry. biophysics Home. UM Home. Site Index. Search. biophysics at University of http://www.umich.edu/~biophys | |
8. T-10 At LANL The Theoretical Biology and biophysics Group (T10) at Los Alamos National Laboratory focuses on the modeling of biological systems and the analysis and informatics of molecular and cellular biological data. http://www.t10.lanl.gov/ | |
9. Medical Biophysics Medical biophysics The University of Western Ontario. The Medical biophysics Graduate Students. 2004 Funded Graduate Research Positions in Medical biophysics. http://www.uwo.ca/biophysics/ | |
10. - Karolinska Institutet Research at MBB covers many fields of medical biochemistry and biophysics. http://www.mbb.ki.se/ | |
11. FSU - Institute Of Molecular Biophysics Institute of Molecular biophysics Florida State University Tallahassee, Fl. 32306 Mail code 4380 Copyright 2003. http://www.sb.fsu.edu/ | |
12. Medical Biophysics [BC Cancer Research Centre] Research focuses on understanding and improving the treatment of solid cancers with radiation and drugs. http://www.bccrc.ca/mb/ | |
13. Harvard Biophysics Solomon, the Committee on Higher Degrees in biophysics at Harvard University has a long history of Cancer Institute participate in the training of students in the biophysics Program http://twod.med.harvard.edu/labgc/biophysics |
14. From Solid State To BioPhysics II Conference aims to understande living matter which, given its enormous complexity, may require some of the techniques at least partly elaborated in solid state physics. Croatia 26 June 2 July 2004 http://dubrovnik2004.epfl.ch | |
15. Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biophysics Faculty, areas of research, courses, departmental facilities, and a tour of the campus. http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gsas/biochem/ | |
16. BioScience Research Tool: Biophysics The BioScience Research Tool is simply the Resource for Bioscience and Education on the Web. BioScientists have selected the best metapages and arranged them by discipline. BioScience Research http://biochemie.net/links/Biophysics | |
17. Institute Of Genetics And Biophysics Adriano Buzzati Traverso Research in animal genetics, biophysics, human genetics, molecular biology and molecular genetics . Seminars and meetings, job opportunities, education and library . http://www.iigb.na.cnr.it/ | |
18. Biophysics Textbook Online biophysics Textbook Online The biophysics Textbook Online is a complete free online textbook sponsored by the Biophysical Society. Topics covered include Bioenergetics, electrophysiology, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.biophysics.org/btol/&y=023D43A6D |
19. Hardin Lab Page Vascular biology laboratory studying physiology, biochemistry and biophysics of smooth muscle; information about research, staff and students, and publications. http://web.missouri.edu/~physch/hardinpg.htm | |
20. Physiology And Biophysics::Weill Medical College Of Cornell University Department of Physiology and biophysics of Cornell University, Department of Physiology and biophysics of Cornell University, http://physiology.med.cornell.edu/ | |
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