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101. NIST: Atomic Spectros. - Compendium Of Basic Ideas, Etc. A compendium of basic ideas, notation, data and formulas from the NIST physics laboratory. http://physics.nist.gov/Pubs/AtSpec/index.html | |
102. Amolf A national research institute at the front end of the knowledge chain from fundamental result to application in society. http://www.amolf.nl/ |
103. TEL-Atomic, Celebrating 26 Years Serving The World's Top University Physics Labs Sells physics educational apparatus. http://www.telatomic.com/ |
104. Physics Simulations, Atoms And Light A set of simulations to illustrate the historical models of atomic structure and the behavior of light. http://www.alphalink.com.au/~vmck/ | |
105. Databases For Atomic, Molecular Optical Physics Research Databases for atomic, molecular optical physics research programs at Kansas State University. AMO physics Databases. Adapted from http://www.phys.ksu.edu/area/jrm/atomic_database.html |
106. Halbleiterphysik Research on nanotechnology and selfassembling techniques for novel materials and devices based on atomic monolayers, quantum wires and quantum dots. http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~hlp/ | |
107. James R. Macdonald Lab Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics An atomic, molecular and optical physics research laboratory at Kansas State University, funded by the US Department of Energy. James http://www.phys.ksu.edu/area/jrm/ |
108. IB Notes -- Chemistry And Physics Revision Notes For The International Baccalaur Includes HL and SL mechanics, thermal physics, waves, electricity and magnetism, and atomic and nuclear physics. http://homepage.mac.com/stray/ib/ | |
109. AEIL Dosimetry - Film & Tld Badges - Radiation Detection Monitoring Houston, Texas based company provides radiation safety (health physics) services to the medical, industrial and research community. Services include dosimetry (film and TLD badges), leak and wipe test analysis for radioactive materials, and portable survey instrument calibrations. http://www.aeil.com/ | |
110. Internetional Conference ISI-2003 :: ÃÃÃ-2003 ISI2003 is the 16th traditional conference in a series of biennial meetings promoting the growth and exchange of scientific information on the physics of atomic collisions with solids and related areas. Held Aug 25-29, 2003 in the town of Zvenigorod near Moscow http://www.spbstu.ru/isi/isi.html | |
111. Physics Of Surfaces And Interfaces Focuses on the structure of the outermost atomic layer as well as processes involving this layer. Site contains an overview, a members listing, techniques used, lectures, upcoming events, and job openings. http://www.phys.tue.nl/FOG/ |
112. The Laser Physics Group Redirect Page A collection of links to the fields of laser, quantum, atomic, molecular physics and optics. http://www.phys.umu.se/laser/physlink.htm |
113. Physics News 531, March 22, 2001 physics News current densities hundreds of times greater than that of common metals; also heat conductivity almost as high as that of diamond; superconductivity in nanotube ropes; nanotube/buckyball peapods; nanotubes as atomic force microscope probes. http://newton.ex.ac.uk/aip/physnews.531.html | |
114. Databases For Atomic And Plasma Physics Collection of several links to databases for atomic and Plasma physics Opacities, atomic spectra, ElectronImpact Ionization Cross Sections, Electron binding energies, X-Ray emission lines, Photoionization, Recombination, Collisional Ionization and Autoionization, Charge Transfer, Auger Processes, Energy Levels, Wavelengths, Transition Probabilities, Collision Strengths, Excitation Rates, Stark Broadening, and much more (from WIS Plasma Laboratory). http://www.astro.spbu.ru/db_web/AtDatCent/DBfAPP.html | |
115. Todd's Atomic Homepage - Opening Collection of links on a variety of nuclear topics, including university programs, job openings, reactors, antinuclear groups, weapons testing, waste disposal, computing, health physics, and engineering. http://www.nuc.berkeley.edu/neutronics/todd/frame/open.html | |
116. Home Page Of Carl Sundberg This site will introduce the world to usable relative energy found in rotating gravitational bodies, time travel limitations, extremely low power space travel systems, alternatives to fossil and atomic fuels and methods to power the planet with geothermal energy. http://2-pi.org | |
117. MegForce.com: Physics, Order Of The Forces, Fundamental Particle, Unifying Theor A book which investigates the hypothesis that a single fundamental particle with four modes of existence could combine with like particles to form all of the known atomic and subatomic particles and the elementary forces. Author claims to have discovered 38 new particles and 2 new forces. http://www.2xtreme.net/boris/physics.htm | |
118. Index Of /ftp/vr Codes used in the research of the group. http://www.tampa.phys.ucl.ac.uk/ftp/vr | |
119. Institute For Data Evaluation And Analysis A private academic institute for data compilation and modeling in the fields of atomic and radiation physics. http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~tttabata/ | |
120. Atomic Data For Astrophysics Photoionization; Recombination; Collisional ionization and autoionization; Charge transfer; Auger processes Energy levels, wavelengths, transition probabilities; Collision strengths, excitation rates; Stark broadening; Opacities; Fortran subroutines and other Databases for atomic and Plasma physics. http://www.pa.uky.edu/~verner/atom.html | |
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