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41. Quantum Theory A set of online lecture notes intended as an introduction to quantum mechanics and modern atomic physics. http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/mod_tech/node143.html | |
42. NYU Dept. Of Physics: Atomic Physics Lab atomic physics Lab. This page has moved to the follwoing address http//www.physics.nyu.edu/faculty/sleator/lab/home.html. http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/physics/faculty/sleator/lab/home.html | |
43. Atomic Physics Links atomic physics In this chapter we will explore the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom and its extensions. Search web or Kosmoi for atomic physics . http://kosmoi.com/Science/Physics/Nuclear/links.shtml | |
44. PV Scientific Instruments' Online Catalog Working models of apparatus used in great discoveries in electricity, magnetism and atomic physics. http://www.arcsandsparks.com/ | |
45. Physics Encyclopedia: Atomic Physics atomic physics. Physics Main Help Your comments atomic physics theoretical. Introductory Physics 2000 The Atomic Lab http://members.tripod.com/~IgorIvanov/physics/atomic.html | |
46. Physics 30: Atomic Physics Optional Unit VIII atomic physics. Unit Overview. The use of nuclear energy in society is certainly one of the most widely debated http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/physics/u830phy.html | |
47. NNV Division Of Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics Netherlands Physical Society, Division of atomic physics and Quantum Electronics homepage. Netherlands Physical Society http://nnvaq.tue.nl/ | |
48. ICAP2002 Home Eighteenth International Conference on atomic physics. The meeting will feature invited talks and posters on the latest developments in atomic physics. http://cua.mit.edu/ICAP2002/ | |
49. Department Of Atomic Physics Ãdvözöljük a BME TTK Fizikai Intézetének. Atomfizika Tanszékén! Welcome to the. Department of atomic physics. of thePhysical http://qchem52.fat.bme.hu/ | |
50. Dept. Atomic Physics And Surface Science Laboratory Department of atomic physics. Institute of Physics. of the. Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Department Head Peter Richter, professor Dr.Sc. http://qchem52.fat.bme.hu/main.html | |
51. Atomic Physics Transferring you to the updated atomic physics Page .. atomic physics. atomic physics is concerned with high precision measurements http://www.pa.uky.edu/brochure/node5.html | |
52. Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory Conducts a broad experimental and theoretical program in basic and applied research in plasma physics, laboratory discharge and space plasmas, intense electron and ion beams and photon sources, atomic physics, pulsed power sources, laser physics, advanced spectral diagnostics, and nonlinear systems. http://wwwppd.nrl.navy.mil/ |
53. Atomic Physics Authors/titles Recent Submissions atomic physics. Authors and titles for recent submissions. Phys. Rev. A Subjclass atomic physics; Chemical Physics Thu, 13 May 2004. http://arxiv.org/list/physics.atom-ph/recent | |
54. JCA: Education: Atomic Physics Notes General Glossary, Quantum Glossary, Atomic Glossary Some Brief Notes on atomic physics. Below are a links that may be of use during the course. http://www.jca.umbc.edu/~george/html/courses/atomic/index.shtml | |
55. Userdir Rule Failure Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/New_Jersey/Princeton_University/Research http://pupgg.princeton.edu/~benlev/atomic.html | |
56. Department Of Physics And Astronomy - University Of Aarhus - Research Activities ACAP Aarhus Center for atomic physics. - a Center initially funded for a five year period in 1994 by the Danish National Research Foundation. http://www.phys.au.dk/acap/ | |
57. Sussex Centre For Optical And Atomic Physics (SCOAP) CPES, School of Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science, CPES. Sussex Centre for Optical and atomic physics (SCOAP). Research groups http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Units/physics/research/optatom.htm | |
58. Atomic Physics atomic physics. We now address the spectral lines and the information contained in the spectral lines. Based on the experiments of http://zebu.uoregon.edu/~imamura/208/jan18/atomic.html | |
59. Atomic Physics Division At The Gdansk University Of Technology atomic physics Division. Relativistic atomic physics; Applied mathematics. Selected publications of group members (19912004, reverse chronological order) Cz. http://www.mif.pg.gda.pl/kfal/atom.html |
60. FT I MS Home Page Department of. atomic physics and Luminescence. List of recent papers. R. Szmytkowski, S. Bielski Variational principles for bound http://www.mif.pg.gda.pl/kfal/publ-en.html |
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