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21. UMSL- Atomic Physics Research Lab http://newton.umsl.edu/~atomic/ |
22. Institute Of Molecular And Atomic Physics INSTITUTE OF MOLECULAR AND atomic physics NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF BELARUS. F.Skaryna Ave. 70, 220072 Minsk, Belarus. Tel. +375 http://imaph.bas-net.by/ | |
23. Plasma Physics, Atomic Physics, And Astrophysics atomic spectroscopy; gassurface interaction (adsorption, desorption, ionization, elementary neutron stars, and interstellar medium; solar physics, comet and http://www.ioffe.rssi.ru/pti_ppap.html | |
24. WMU Atomic Physics Research in atomic physics at Western. atomic physics. Dr. Nora Berrah, Associate Professor, Experiment; Dr. Thomas Gorczyca, Assistant Professor, Theory; http://www.wmich.edu/physics/atomic/ | |
25. Dario Mitnik Research fellow Rollins College. Contains research on atomic physics, electron impact ionization, excitation and recombination, parallelization of the Rmatrix codes, distorted waves method, and time dependent method. http://vanadium.rollins.edu/~dario/ | |
26. ORNL Physics Division Basic research in nuclear and atomic physics. http://www.phy.ornl.gov/ | |
27. Atomic Physics At NCSU atomic physics. KT Chung, Professor Among the most precise measurements in physics are those in the area of atomic physics. Dr. Johnson uses http://www2.ncsu.edu/ncsu/pams/physics/Research/atomic.html | |
28. ::redirect:: In 10 seconds you will be redirected to a new web page of the atomic physics group http//www.fy.chalmers.se/atom Please update your bookmarks! http://fy.chalmers.se/f3a/ | |
29. Atomic, Molecular, Optical (AMO) Physics In Sweden atomic physics Group, Ingvar Lindgren Laser Spectroscopy of Negative Ions Dag Hanstorp HighPrecision Electron Affinity Measurements Doubly Excited States in http://fy.chalmers.se/~f3aamp/sweden.html | |
30. Bohr-Einstein Article from Living Philosophers , by Niels Bohr. http://www.emr.hibu.no/lars/eng/schilpp/ | |
31. Cal State Fullerton Physics Department Directory SLC152B. atomic physics-Experimental (Dr. Khakoo) SLC-150, SLC-151. atomic physics-Theory (Dr. Feagin) MH-654, MH-656C. Condensed http://chaos.fullerton.edu/physics_directory.html | |
32. Atomic Physics At GSI http://www-ap.gsi.de/ |
33. Laser Cooling And Atomic Physics (LCAP) Program Laser Cooling and atomic physics (LCAP) Program. in NASA s Microgravity Research Division. Falsecolor image of cold cesium atoms http://horology.jpl.nasa.gov/lcap/ | |
34. Fribourg Atomic Physics Translate this page http://www.unifr.ch/physics/frap/ |
35. Atomic Physics atomic physics. Pages The Hydrogen atom. Electrons and spin 1/2. Fermions and bosons. The Pauli exclusion principle. Manyelectron atoms. Spectroscopic notation. http://www.pa.msu.edu/courses/1997spring/PHY232/lectures/atomic/ | |
36. Atomic Physics,Fysikum Fysikum, Stockholms universitet http://rydberg.physto.se/ | |
37. Atomic Physics - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam logo. atomic physics. http://www.nat.vu.nl/atom/ | |
38. Atomic Physics atomic physics. 1. Historical perspective Mendeleev and the Periodic Table Avogadros hypothesis particles Thomson s experiment and http://www.nat.vu.nl/~wimu/Atom.html | |
39. Atomic Physics And Surface Science Institute of Experimental Physics, atomic physics and Surface Science group. News, staff, research, teaching, publications. http://www.exphys.uni-linz.ac.at/ |
40. Hercules.elte.hu/ Jim Mitroy s Home page RESEARCH INTERESTS atomic physics. My general research interests lie in the areas of atomic physics and computational physics. atomic physics at the CDU. http://hercules.elte.hu/ |
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