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101. UCSC - Department Of Astronomy Astrophysics This lecture is presented by the UCSC Astronomy and astrophysics Department and UCO/Lick Observatory as part of the Halliday Lecture Series, made possible by a http://www.astro.ucsc.edu/&e=747 |
102. University Of Chicago Department Of Astronomy & Astrophysics Top/Science/Astronomy/Institutions/Research_Centers http://astro.uchicago.edu/ | |
103. An Introduction To Modern Astrophysics Homepage AN INTRODUCTION TO MODERN astrophysics Bradley W. Carroll and Dale A. Ostlie AddisonWesley Publishing Company, © 1996 1424 pp., ISBN 0-201-54730-9. http://astrophysics.weber.edu/&e=747 |
104. Experimental High Energy Brief details of the departments work with the D0, g2 and MACRO experiments, and its work designing detector components. http://physics.bu.edu/xhe.html | |
105. Www.iiap.ernet.in/ Center for astrophysics and Space AstronomyTour of CASA. Publications. Employees. Projects. IMAGE GALLERY. CONTACT US. MEMBERS DIRECTORY. RESEARCH PROJECTS AAS OBSERV REPORT. CASA http://www.iiap.ernet.in/&e=747 |
106. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Astrophysics And Space Science Publishes original contributions, invited reviews and conference proceedings over the entire range of astronomy and astrophysics. It publishes observational and theoretical papers as well as those concerned with the techniques of instrumentation. Observational papers can include data from groundbased, space, and atmospheric facilities. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0004-640X | |
107. IUCAA The InterUniversity Centre for Astronomy and astrophysics (IUCAA) is an autonomus institution set up by the University Grants Commission to promote nucleation http://www.iucaa.ernet.in/&e=747 |
108. University Of Cambridge: Department Of Physics: Astrophysics Group Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/ | |
109. Darwin Home Page - Space Infrared Interferometer - Planet Finding Mission Designed for general astrophysics and search for signs of life on Earthlike planets orbiting nearby stars. It is a candidate cornerstone 9 for a European Space Agency mission in 2015. http://ast.star.rl.ac.uk/darwin/ | |
110. UMIST Astrophysics Group astrophysics Group, Department of Physics. Welcome. information on astrophysics at UMIST, including links to individual home pages. http://saturn.ma.umist.ac.uk:8000/&e=747 |
111. GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS OF BRANES The SIGRAV Graduate School in Contemporary Relativity and Gravitational Physics is held annually at the Centre for Scientific Culture Alessandro Volta , Villa Olmo, Como. It is primarily addressed to PhD students and young researchers in Physics and Mathematics who are interested in general relativity, astrophysics, experimental gravity and the quantum theories of gravitation. http://www.sissa.it/~bruzzo/sagp2001/sagp2001.html | |
112. Www.lmsal.com/ Institute of Theoretical astrophysics, Oslo 02). Studying, Studying astronomy. astrophysics Library, astrophysics Library. Latest News from our institute, Institute Newspage. Internal http://www.lmsal.com/&e=747 |
113. WebStars: Astrophysics In Cyberspace This list of astronomical resources created by the High Energy astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. It is intended as a resource for users who have a general interest in astronomical topics. http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/www_info/webstars.html | |
114. Paul Kondratko's Home Page Contains my scientific and school related publications, presentations and reference material for physics, astrophysics, and mathematics coursework. http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~pkondratko/ |
115. California Institute For Physics And Astrophysics - Zero Point The California Institute for Physics and astrophysics (CIPA) focuses on research in electrodynamics, relativity, gravitation, inertia and the quantum vacuum http://www.calphysics.org/&e=747 |
116. Greg Kochanski Research results and papers in astrophysics and linguistics. http://kochanski.org/gpk/ | |
117. Theoretical Astrophysics Program - University Of Arizona Graduate Student Research Prize in Theoretical astrophysics. Members of the Theoretical astrophysics Program. Other Astronomy and astrophysics WWW Sites. http://www.astrophysics.arizona.edu/&e=747 |
118. NASA GISS: Software Tools Code for climate modeling, radiation, and astrophysics. http://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/ | |
119. Nuclear Astrophysics Data This is an area for providing nuclear data for astrophysics calculations, such as nucleosynthesis, stellar evolution, the Big Bang, and supernova dynamics. http://t2.lanl.gov/data/astro/astro.html&e=747 |
120. FITS Support Office A format adopted by the astronomical community for data interchange and archival storage. The FITS Support Office is responsible for documenting the FITS standard, participating in its evolution, and advising NASA astrophysics missions on how to present their data in FITS format. http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/ | |
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