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81. Huoambrus and the Art of Judgement (Cambridge UP, 1992), 77106 van fraassen, bas, Beliefand the Will, Journal of Philosophy (1984) 81.5235-256 Christensen, David http://www.ceu.hu/polsci/Syllabi00-01/PhDwinter/huoambrus.htm | |
82. LAWS AND SYMMETRY From Pickabook Books Buy this and other books by fraassen, bas C.van online from the UK sbest online bookshop Pickabook. Pickabook - Discount books http://www.pickabook.co.uk/cgi/bkdetail.php?isbn=0198248601 |
83. Wissenschaftliche Schwerpunktgebiete Translate this page From Philosophy to Practice http//www.stemnet.nf.ca/~elmurphy/emurphy/cle.html.van fraassen, bas C. (1980) The Scientific Image, New York. http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~hagen66/01/schwerpunkte.htm | |
84. 31-TAFRA THE SHAM VICTORY OF ABSTRACTION (Review of Feyerabend, Conquest of Abundance*) bybas C. van fraassen 23 June 2000*, posted 24 October 2000. bas C. van fraassen. http://www.douglashospital.qc.ca/fdg/kjf/31-TAFRA.htm | |
85. Graduate Seminar Spring 2001 (Prof Other references bas van fraassen, Quantum Mechanics an empiricist view(Oxford Clarendon Press, 1991). on van fraassens own approach. http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/~bacciaga/courses/modal/modalseminar.htm |
86. Critique 661-662, Les éditions De Minuit Latour et de ceux d Henri Atlan, Nancy Cartwright ou bas van fraassen http://www.leseditionsdeminuit.fr/titres/2002/critique-661.htm | |
87. Phil - Books and Paradox An Introduction to Modal and ManyValued Logic Manufacturer OxfordUniversity Press by Authors JC Beall,bas C. van fraassen,bas C. fraassen List http://www.phil-books.com/l-11053-10.html | |
88. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Relevant Books ISBN 0915760029 . van fraassen, bas C. Quantum Mechanics An EmpiricistView Oxford University Press, 1991. ISBN 0198239807 . http://www.wolframscience.com/reference/books/v.html | |
89. Science, Culture And Communicatiion Seminars Summary The dialectic between scientific realists and their most sophisticated opponent,bas van fraassen, cannot be resolved without considering the status of http://www.bath.ac.uk/~hssdcg/Sems1_2002.html | |
90. Untitled Document (with Ermanno Bencivenga and bas van fraassen) Logic, Bivalence andDenotation. Ridgeview, Atascadero, CA, 1986. 2nd edition (1991). http://www.flogik.com/publications.htm | |
91. A CRITIQUE OF VAN FRAASSEN'S VOLUNTARISTIC EPISTEMOLOGY A CRITIQUE OF van fraassen'S VOLUNTARISTIC EPISTEMOLOGY. Jonathan L. Kvanvig. Abstract van fraassen's epistemology is forged from two commitments, one to a type of Bayesianism and the other http://www.missouri.edu/~kvanvigj/papers/critiquevanfraassen.htm | |
92. Philosophy Of Science Reading List - Department Of Philosophy - University Of Ca bas van Frasssen (1980) The Pragmatics of Explanation from bas vanFraassens The Scientific Image, Chapter 5. Scientific Realism. http://www.phil.ucalgary.ca/grad/science.html | |
93. HIW-Staf - Persoonlijke Pagina's positie in confirmatietheorie; Het cobstructief empirisme van bas vanFraassen; Is tweedeorde logica wel echt logica? Over het combineren http://www.hiw.kuleuven.ac.be/hiw/ned/profhiw.php3?ID=16 |
94. Remarks On Van Fraassen REMARKS ON van fraassen. My main purpose is to situate VF s chapter on causalityand explanation within the wider framework of the work we have been examining. http://www.nd.edu/~afreddos/courses/655/vanfraas.htm | |
95. Universitätsbibliothek Karlsruhe http://www.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/hylib-bin/suche.cgi?opacdb=UBKA_OPAC&nd=1915329 |
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