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101. M.J.E.N.R. - Programme Européen Socrates II http://www.education.gouv.fr/int/socrates.htm | |
102. Harold A. Miller Library Foucsed on marine biology, provides hours of operation, location, contact details, access circulation policies, reserves, interlibrary services, indexes to marine biology literature, peripheral indexes, online catalogs of books and journals, socrates, dissertations and theses, GIS resources and miscellaneous electronic resources. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/miller/ | |
103. EpistemeLinks.com: Philosopher Results An extended biography website. Brief Reference Materials. Site Title, Details....... socrates Project, Source Project Archelogos. The Life of socrates, http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/Philosophers.aspx?PhilCode=Socr |
104. How Socrates Taught By Sanderson Beck Essay explaining socrates' teaching style and methods. http://www.san.beck.org/SOCRATES3-How.html#2 | |
105. Socratic Ignorance In Democracy, The Free Market, And Science Article taking the philosopher's views as starting points to examine democracy, caitalism, and science. http://www.friesian.com/socrates.htm | |
106. Caffeinated Wiki - CaffeinatedWiki This is PeterColijn s little space on the web. Some interesting pages here are Computer stuff http://socrates.yi.org/ | |
107. Stanford University Physics Library Home Offering interlibrary services and document delivery, including online, collections include videos, UG theses, and Sci Fi. Databases and resources include socrates, CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics, electronic journals for Physics and Astronomy, SLAC-SPIRES, preprints and working papers, INSPEC at LANL-Article Index, 1969-present, technical reports, SciSearch at LANL-Article Citation Index, 1945-present, dissertations and theses, ADS Astrophysics Data System, Melvyl U.C.'s Library Catalog, ArXiv.org E-Print Archive and more. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/physics/ | |
108. Socrates socrates Communautair actieprogramma op onderwijsgebied. Let op de socrates-website is in onderhoud! Informatie ongemak. Wat is socrates? http://www.socrates-programma.nl/ | |
109. Talking Socrates And Jesus This paper reflects an socrates and Jesus and the unconscious link between them. http://www.geocities.com/psychohistory2001/TalkingSocrates.html | |
110. Socrates. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. socrates. (s k´r t z) (KEY) , 469399 BC, Greek philosopher of Athens. 1. Life. socrates was the son of Sophroniscus, a sculptor. http://www.bartleby.com/65/so/Socrates.html | |
111. SULAIR: Stanford Auxiliary Library Houses infrequentlyused Dewey and Library of Congress classified monographs and journals from the collections of Stanford University Libraries as well as materials relocated from Green Library. Materials shelved in SAL are identified as such in Stanford's online catalog, socrates, as well as by stack directories in the Green Library and in SAL. Materials are arranged in Dewey and Library of Congress call number order on compact moveable shelving and are easily browsable. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/sal/index.html | |
112. Was Socrates A Psychological Hedonist? An informative essay concerning socrates' denial of weakness of the will. http://adnetsolfp2.adnetsol.com/ssl_claremont/publications/apsa98/apsa98_johnson | |
113. Socrates Vlaanderen HOME. Webverantwoordelijke Evy Vogeleer. http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/socrates/ | |
114. Centre For International University Cooperation (SIU) Supports international cooperation in education and research. Manages such European cooperation programmes as socrates, NORDPLUS, NUFU, and NORAD. http://siu.no/vev.nsf/o/english | |
115. Socrates In The Labyrinth Susana Pajares Tosca, Hipertulia. socrates in the Labyrinth is a wideranging exploration of the relationships between hypertext, thought, and argument. http://www.eastgate.com/catalog/Socrates.html | |
116. Socrates Who Was socrates? by Michael S. Russo. I. socrates Life. The period in which socrates lived was called the Golden Age of Athens. http://www.molloy.edu/academic/philosophy/sophia/plato/socrates.htm | |
117. ISOC - Socrates Projects Database Projects supported by the socrates program for international cooperation in education and research. Projects are categorized according to target group, theme, and subject. Focus on new technology in learning and distance education. http://siu.no/isoc | |
118. Value Quotes On Business Ethics Corporate Responsibility Financial Management Qu Famous Quotes on value, values, virtues, business ethics and corporate responsibility. From socrates to George Bush. http://www.valuequotes.net | |
119. Tender Evaluation - SOCRATES - Assessment And Evaluation Tools For Supply Chain socrates, a desktop tender evaluation system for the procurement professional. http://www.libraco.co.uk/ | |
120. Programma Socrates . English version. Application Form for Incoming Students. Bando 2004/2005. http://home.unical.it/socrates/ | |
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