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         Socrates:     more books (100)
  1. Selected Writings (Collector's Library of Essential Thinkers) by Socrates, 2004-09-01
  2. The Trial and Execution of Socrates: Sources and Controversies
  3. Socrates and the Fat Rabbis by Daniel Boyarin, 2009-11-15
  4. The Works of Apuleius: Comprising the Metamorphoses, Or Golden Ass, the God of Socrates, the Florida, and His Defence, Or a Discourse On Magic by Apuleius, Hudson Gurney, et all 2010-03-01
  5. The Trial and Death of Socrates (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading): Four Dialogues (B&N Library of Essential Reading) by Plato, 2004-09-17
  6. Socrates for Kids by S. Sage Essman, 2000-12-01
  7. Socrates and the State by Richard Kraut, 1987-07-01
  8. Plato's Apology of Socrates: A Commentary (Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture) (English and Greek Edition) by Paul Allen Miller, Charles Platter, 2010-01-15
  9. The Post Card: From Socrates to Freud and Beyond by Jacques Derrida, 1987-06-15
  10. The Great Philosophers: From Socrates to Foucault by Jeremy Stangroom, 2007
  11. Socrates' Education to Virtue: Learning the Love of the Noble by Mark J. Lutz, 1998-02-26
  12. Socrates (Great Pursuits) by Pierre Moessinger, 1993-09
  13. Socrates: A Play in Three Acts by Voltaire, 2009-10-28
  14. Apology: On the Death of Socrates by Plato, 2010-03-16

81. Brother Outsider: The Life Of Bayard Rustin || A Documentary For PBS
Web site and film devoted to profiling the influential 1960's civil rights leader and gay rights activist.

About Bayard Rustin
About the Film Film Credits Resources
About Bayard Rustin
About the Film Film Credits Resources

socrates History for Kids! H4K Crafts and Projects. Greek Philosophy. socrates. socrates was the first of the three great Athenian philosophers (the other two are Plato and Aristotle).

83. Bio Of Socrates, Philosopher Of Wisdom
Concise timeline of Socrate's life.
Brian Taylor Web Site Developer Search Engine Promoter
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Bio of Socrates
Immortal Philosopher of Antiquity
470-399 B.C.
Plato Aristotle Pi 3.14 ...
Problems Socrates (469-399), despite his foundational place in the history of ideas, actually wrote nothing. Most of our knowledge of him comes from the works (in the form of dialogues) of Plato (427-347), and since Plato had other concerns in mind than simple historical accuracy it is usually impossible to determine how much of his thinking actually derives from Socrates. Although Socrates is the central figure of Plato's dialogues, little is actually known about him. He left no writings , and what is known is derived largely from Plato and Xenophon. Socrates wrote nothing because he felt that knowledge was a living, interactive thing. Socrates' method of philosophical inquiry consisted in questioning people on the positions they asserted and working them through questions into a contradiction, thus proving to them that their original assertion was wrong. Socrates himself never takes a position; in The Apology he radically and skeptically claims to know nothing at all except that he knows nothing. Socrates and Plato refer to this method of questioning as

84. Nuova Pagina 1
STRUMENTI MULTIMEDIALI PER IL PLURILINGUISMO E L'INTERCULTURALITA' Dalla positiva esperienza del sito è nato un nuovo portale per la diffusione del plurilinguismo e dell'interculturalità: Clicca qui per visitarlo Dal 2004 le sezioni news, forum, bibliografia, sitografia non vengono più aggiornate: per le novità delle analoghe sezioni vedi il sito gestito dal COSPE per le scuole plurilingui e interculturali.
Il progetto Me Too - Anch'io la multimedialità per il plurilinguismo e l'interculturalità nelle scuole Durata del progetto: settembre 1998 settembre 2001 Commissione Europea DG Istruzione e Cultura Programma Socrates Comenius, Azione 2

85. 20th WCP: Socrates' Last Error
An article by Miroslav Ivanovic which discusses problems of law and morality in socrates' philosophy.
Ancient Philosophy Socrates' Last Error Miroslav Ivanovic
Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research
ABSTRACT: In the dialogue, Crito Crito refers to some deeper problems of the philosophy of law and morality. The dialogue "Crito" recounts Socrates' last days, immediately before his execution. As the text reveals, his friend Crito proposes to Socrates that he escape from prison. In a dialogue with Crito, Socrates considers the proposal, trying to establish whether an act like that would be just and morally justified . Eventually, he came to argue that by rejecting his sentence and by trying to escape from prison he would commit unjust and morally unjustified acts. Therefore, he decided to accept his death penalty and execution. Because of his decision, he became one of the cult figures in the history of philosophy, a man of intact moral integrity who had made his final decision according to the very same principles that guided his entire life. He was praised as a grand rationalist who had acted rationally and justly Contrary to this widely accepted myth, I will try to demonstrate that Socrates' argument was erroneous, which made his decision less rational. In fact, had he decided to escape, his behavior would not have represented an unjust act. Although his argumentation and dialogue with Crito seem more like a moral sermon, his ideas are based on some deeper philosophical problems. In fact, Socrates' argument, developed in "Crito," belongs to the domain of the philosophy of law and morality. The argument can be summarized in the following way:

86. Untitled
Informatie over natuur filosofen, sofisten, na socrates en scholastici.
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Welcome to the ME TOO web site. If you are interested in intercultural education, in multimedia teaching or in the teaching of languages to migrant pupils and especially if you are a teacher, this is an interesting place for you. ME TOO is the name of a exchange and development project promoted by a large international partnership of schools, NGO’s, public authorities and agencies. The project is co-ordinated by COSPE, an Italian NGO based in Florence and Bologna. On this web site you can read more about the project , participate in the forum discussion , discover interesting links , and find articles of your interest. Don’t forget the news section for “fresh” information. Just click on the menu or on the keywords in the text.

88. Diogenes Laertius, Life Of Socrates, From Lives Of The Philosophers, Translated
A late classical account of this philosopher's life, by Diogenes Laertius. From the C.D. Yonge translation.
I. SOCRATES was the son of Sophroniscus, a statuary, and of Phaenarete, a midwife; as Plato records in his Miaetetus; he was a citizen of Athens, of the borough of Alopece. II. Some people believed that he assisted Euripides in his poems; in reference to which idea, Mnesimachus speaks as follows: The Phrygians are a new play of Euripides,
But Socrates has laid the main foundation.*
(* phrygana, sticks or faggots.) And again he says: Euripides : patched up by Socrates. And Callias, in his Captives, says: A. Are you so proud, giving yourself such airs?
B. And well I may, for Socrates is the cause. And Aristophanes says, in his Clouds: This is Euripides, who doth compose
Those argumentative wise tragedies.
III. But, having been a pupil of Anaxagoras, as some people say, but of Damon as the other story goes, related by Alexander in his Successions, after the condemnation of Anaxagoras, he became a disciple of Archelaus, the natural philosopher. And, indeed, Aristoxenus says that he was very intimate with him. IV.

89. Grote Filosofen, 160520
Uitgebreide collegeaantekeningen over de grote filosofen uit de geschiedenis zoals socrates, Kant en Heidegger.
Enkele aanvullingen op reader
Een artikel uit een tijdschrift over de docent
Grote filosofen
Inleiding (college 1.1)
De Ionische natuurfilosofen (college 1.2)
Uittreksel uit het tentamen van 1998

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90. The Society For Philosophical Inquiry
Its members strive to form and facilitate communities of philosophical inquiry , which meet in groups typically called socrates Cafés®.
The Society for Philosophical Inquiry Home Join SPI Resources Contact Us ... Espanol
Order any of Christopher Phillips books from or Amazon SPI In The News: All the Right Questions: TIME magazine Deeper Meaning at Socrates Cafe: Christian Science Monitor In Step with Socrates ... Tips for Starting and Facilitating a Socrates Cafe And, Is there a group near you?
Help support the efforts of SPI. The Society for Philosophical Inquiry (SPI) is a grassroots nonprofit organization devoted to supporting philosophical inquirers of all ages and walks of life. Its members strive to form and facilitate "communities of philosophical inquiry", which meet in groups typically called . These meetings take place at coffee houses, libraries, hospices, senior centers, nursing homes, prisons, plazas and other public spaces, bookstores, homeless shelters and community centers; and at schools, where we often call our gatherings Philosophers' Clubs or Socrates Cafes . We at SPI are devoted to spreading a version of Socratic inquiry that enables each of us, within a group setting, to become more autonomous thinkers and doers and more expert questioners and listeners. Our fundamental desire is to encourage and support people who are curious and perplexed and filled with a sense of wonder, so they can dialogue for discovery and dialogue for democracy. And we are here for those who would subscribe to the Socratic ethos that the examined life truly makes for a richer existence.

91. Socrates Partner Finding Database
You are here SIU SIU s databases socrates partner finding. socrates partner finding. Partners for international cooperation within the socrates Programme.
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Socrates partner finding
Partners for international cooperation within the Socrates Programme NEW POSTING Insert your request for partners, or for joining someone else's project. BROWSE Browse sorted lists of the postings in the database. SEARCH Search the database according to nationality, institution type, keywords, etc. ABOUT Read about the database. It's purpose and how it may be used.

92. Walter Mosley: Socrates In Watts
Kurze Beschreibung des Krimis von Walter Mosley, Presseurteile, biographische Notiz.
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Bestellen ... UT metro Walter Mosley
Socrates in Watts
Aus dem Englischen und mit einem Nachwort von Pieke Biermann
Titel der Originalausgabe: »Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned« (New York, 1997)
256 Seiten, UT metro 166
DM/SFr. 16.90, öS 123.-
ISBN 3-293-20166-0
März Deutsche Erstausgabe
Always Outnumbered Always Outgunned - Interview Walter Mosley pages Mosley bibliography The mysteries of Walter Mosley ... Walter Mosley Page »Walter Mosleys bestes Werk.« Elle Nach siebenundzwanzig Jahren im Knast will Socrates Fortlow wieder ein ordentlicher Mensch werden. Ausgerechnet in South Central, L.A. Walter Mosley führt nach dem legendären Detektiv Easy Rawlins eine neue Figur ein: Socrates Fortlow, der nachdenkliche Hüne mit den eisernen Fäusten, ein hartnäckiger, grüblerischer ehemaliger Sträfling, der es sich zur Aufgabe macht, gegen die Gewalttätigkeit und das Chaos in seiner Welt anzutreten und sie zu verstehen – auch in sich selbst. Drei Jahrzehnte ist es her, seit Socrates in einem Anfall von Trunkenheit einen Mann und eine Frau umgebracht hat. Dafür mußte er siebenundzwanzig Jahre in einem Gefängnis in Indiana absitzen. Jetzt lebt Socrates in einer verlassenen Hütte in Watts, reinigt Flaschen und beliefert für einen Supermarkt kleine Lebensmittelgeschäfte. Inmitten von Gewalt, Betrug, Armut und Verbrechen ist Socrates Fortlow wie sein Namensvetter immer auf der Suche nach einer Wahrheit, die er zusammen mit dem Leser entdecken muß.

93. Socrates
The socrates Programme • ERASMUS Higher education • COMENIUS School education Comenius Training Activities for Course Organisers • MINERVA ODL and ICT in
The European Community Action Programme
in the field of Education

The Socrates Programme

Higher education
School education Comenius Training Activities for Course Organisers
ODL and ICT in education
Language teaching and learning
Adult education Grundtvig Training Activities for Course Organisers
Website maintained by the Socrates Office

94. Socrates Futbol Club
Rochester and nearby communities. Focused on competitive travel teams. Emphasis on brazilian playing style. News, schedules, forms, information.
Expert keeper training is available - act now
Individual player training sessions are available
Team training is available
Rec teams - want to play games when the rec season ends - sign up now ...
Think BRAZIL!! Think BRAZIL!! Think BRAZIL!! The Rochester area experiences Brazilian coaches first hand
Register with Socrates for the 2004 season!
Link to the Tetra Brazil Soccer Academy web site

95. Íàöèîíàëíà àãåíöèÿ ÑÎÊÐÀÒ
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96. 20th WCP: Responding To Socrates’ Pedagogical Provocation
An article by AnneMarie Bowery which examines the text of the Symposium to illustrate two non-philosophical responses to socrates.
Ancient Philosophy Anne-Marie Bowery
Baylor University ABSTRACT: In this paper I examine the text of the Symposium Symposium In this paper, I examine the text of the Symposium 1. Imitation of Socrates' Non-narrative Behavior When Aristodemus arrives at Agathon's party without Socrates, his solitary appearance surprises Agathon. Upon seeing Aristodemus without Socrates, Agathon acts as if such an occurrence were an anomaly. Somewhat bewildered, Agathon exclaims "but where is he?" (174e8). Apparently, Aristodemus follows Socrates around everywhere. Apollodorus' concluding description of Aristodemus reveals that the man habitually followed Socrates everywhere; "He [Aristodemus] followed him [Socrates] just as he was accustomed" (223e10). Given this behavior, it is not surprising that Agathon cannot imagine a circumstance in which he would find Aristodemus without Socrates. Early in the dialogue, Apollodorus suggests that Aristodemus engages in this behavior because he is "obsessed with Socrates" (173b). When Apollodorus tells us that Aristodemus "followed Socrates just as he was accustomed" (223e10), he uses the word

97. Socrates
socrates. (427 BC 347 BC). History By 403 democracy was once again restored. socrates was brought to trial and executed in 399.

98. Swain Chemistry And Chemical Engineering Library
Provides access to socrates, science and engineering databases, ejournals, course reserves catalog, Web Guides directory, CPIMA/SURE, news, chemistry and chemical engineering databases, chemistry and chemical engineering toolbox, chemical lab safety guide, polymer chemistry guide and the Swain Guide.
The Swain Library Web Site was created using frames. If your browser does not support frames, please see the text-only version of the Swain Web Page You may also want to visit the Browser Requirements page.

99. The Trial Of Socrates
A collection of primary documents, essays, maps, images and other materials relating to the trial of socrates in 399 B. C. The Trial of socrates 399 B. C. Maps.
Chronology Famous Trials
The Trial of Socrates 399 B. C

( Laertius)
The Three Accusers

    "The Death of Socrates" by Jacques-Louis David (1787)
Greek Criminal Procedure Apology
Apology ...
The Trial of Socrates
by Douglas Linder (c) 2002
The trial and execution of of Socrates in Athens in 399 B.C.E. puzzles historians. Why, in a society enjoying more freedom and democracy than any the world had ever seen, would a seventy-year-old philosopher be put to death for what he was teaching? The puzzle is all the greater because Socrates had taughtwithout molestationall of his adult life. What could Socrates have said or done than prompted a jury of 500 Athenians to send him to his death just a few years before he would have died naturally? Finding an answer to the mystery of the trial of Socrates is complicated by the fact that the two surviving accounts of the defense (or apology) of Socrates both come from disciples of his, Plato and Xenophon. Historians suspect that Plato and Xenophon, intent on showing their master in a favorable light, failed to present in their accounts the most damning evidence against Socrates. [ CONTINUED Famous Trials Homepage Images I.F. Stone Interview on the Trial

100. Attitudes Of Socrates By Sanderson Beck
Comprehensive essay concerning the characteristics and lifestyle of socrates.
Confucius and Socrates Contents
BECK index
Manner and Attitudes

Love of Friendship

Desire to Learn
Attitude toward Death
Xenophon informs us that Socrates' entire property and possessions might sell for about five minas; yet Socrates felt himself to be rich since he was not in need of more money, while Critobulus who owned material goods worth a hundred times as much would need even three times what he already had to satisfy his wants and keep up his style of life.3 In the Memoirs of Socrates Xenophon recalls a conversation which he felt he must record. The sophist Antiphon pointed out to Socrates that the fruits he was reaping from philosophy were all kinds of unhappiness - the poorest food and drink, a poor cloak used summer and winter, and no shoes or coat. All this was because he refused to take money which was a joy itself, making one more independent and happier. According to Antiphon, teachers attempt to make their students imitate them, and therefore Socrates must be a teacher of unhappiness. Socrates responded as follows:
Further, if help is wanted by friends or city, which of the two has more leisure to supply their needs, he who lives as I am living or he whose life you call happy? Which will find soldiering the easier task, he who cannot exist without expensive food or he who is content with what he can get? Which when besieged will surrender first, he who wants what is very hard to come by or he who can make shift with whatever is at hand?

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