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61. Socrates Had It Coming Comments on the events and significance of the philosopher's death. http://users.mo-net.com/mlindste/socrates.html | |
62. ISOC - Socrates Projects Database Est un catalogue de projets soutenus par la Commission europ©enne dans le cadre du programme d'actions centralis© dans le domaine de l'©ducation. Pr©sent projets p©dagogiques, produits et les productions r©alis©s, ev©nements futurs et pass©s, partenaires. http://www.isoc.siu.no/ | |
63. Socrates Quotes - The Quotations Page Quotations by Author. socrates (469 BC 399 BC) Greek philosopher in Athens more author details. We have 2 book reviews related to socrates. http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Socrates | |
64. Socrates The Hypocrite Essay arguing that a basic contradiction in socrates' thought is evident from his contentions as documented in the Apology and Crito. http://www.geocities.com/inescapableennui/s8.html |
65. The Greeks - Characters: Socrates http://www.pbs.org/empires/thegreeks/htmlver/characters/f_socrates.html |
66. Western Concepts Of God [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on God from socrates to Nietzsche. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/g/god-west.htm | |
67. The Greeks - Socrates The most famous philosopher of Classical Greece, socrates was an Athenian citizen who revolutionized the way people thought about themselves and the world. http://www.pbs.org/empires/thegreeks/characters/socrates_p1.html | |
68. Agence Nationale Socrates-Leonardo Da Vinci Groupement dint©rªt public (GIP) charg©e dassurer la promotion et la mise en uvre d©centralis©e des ces deux programmes daction communautaire en mati¨re d©ducation et de formation professionnelle. Documents, formulaires, renseignements, liens. http://www.leonardo-france.org/ |
69. Národná Kancelária SOCRATES socrates II (2000 2006). Vitajte na novej stránke Národnej kancelárie programu socrates. Svoje nápady a pripomienky posielajte na adresu webmastera http://www.saaic.sk/socrates/ | |
70. "Who Was Socrates ?" By Alban Dewes Winspear, With Tom Silverberg -- Title Page The text of a book on socrates' life, by Alban Dewes Winspear. http://www.chss.montclair.edu/english/furr/socrates/ | |
71. Philosophers : Socrates socrates. Greek Philosopher. 469399 BC. socrates equated virtue with the knowledge of one s true self, holding that no one knowingly does wrong. http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/phil/philo/phils/socrates.html | |
72. Socrates Scholasticus: The Life Of Hypatia Biographical paragraph from Scholasticus' Ecclesiastical History. Condemns the slaying of this Alexandrian thinker. http://cosmopolis.com/alexandria/hypatia-bio-socrates.html | |
73. Welcome To Socrates Welcome to socrates. Web Publishing socrates Users may use the space available in their accounts for personal or departmental web publishing. http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/ | |
74. Bush S Deep Reasons For War On Iraq Oil, Petrodollars, And The BUSH S DEEP REASONS FOR WAR ON IRAQ OIL, PETRODOLLARS, AND THE OPEC EURO QUESTION (Updated 5/27/03). As the United States made preparations http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/~pdscott/iraq.html | |
75. Redirection Including the student exchange programme ERASMUS. http://www.europa.eu.int/en/comm/dg22/socrates.html | |
76. SOCRATES, Partenariat Dans Le Domaine De L'éducation (2000-2006) socrates comprend, notamment, les actions COMENIUS, ERASMUS, GRUNDTVIG, LINGUA et MINERVA. http://www.info-europe.fr/europe.web/document.dir/fich.dir/qr000419.htm | |
77. Yoga :: Yoga Books :: Yoga Videos :: Yoga Mats :: Yoga Clothing A selection of readings on socrates' death. http://www.yoga.com/raw/readings/phaedo.html | |
78. SOCRATES socrates software is designed as a tool to assist local Texas planners perform a regional labor market analysis. socrates is useful http://socrates.cdr.state.tx.us/ | |
79. Socrates Consulting Ltd Provide technical solutions including advanced network design, customised desktop and server builds, and secure Internet gateways and domain environments. http://www.socratesltd.com/ | |
80. Swift.eng.ox.ac.uk/jdr/socrat.html socrates Scholasticus The Life of HypatiaThe Life of Hypatia. By socrates Scholasticus, from his Ecclesiastical History. Reprinted with permission from Alexandria 2. THERE http://swift.eng.ox.ac.uk/jdr/socrat.html |
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