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21. Hippias [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Hippias was a sophist, a contemporary of socrates, and an enthusiast for universality. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/h/hippias.htm | |
22. Socrates Law ReviewDistance EducationLaw Student Publication This site for Distance education law students offers topical features, opinions, webcasts, students resources, news and law student links. http://www.socrateslawreview.com | |
23. Greek Philosophy: Socrates until a truce was made in 421, but this was never very stable and in 415 Athens was persuaded by Alcibiades, a pupil of the Athenian teacher, socrates, to send http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/GREECE/SOCRATES.HTM | |
24. The University Of Urbino Contains lots of useful information on this little university located in the green hearth of Italy and also summer study programs for Italian language. Information about the socrates exchange program is also provided. http://www.uniurb.it/Welcome.html | |
25. Greek Philosophy: Plato, The Apology Of Socrates Greek Philosophy socrates How you, O Athenians, have been affected by my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that they almost made me forget who I was, so http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/GREECE/APOLOGY.HTM | |
26. Socrates, Leonardo Youth TAO Welcome. socrates, Leonardo Youth TAO. fr. en. Feedback. Home Posted on 2 March 2004. socrates Centralised Actions Note for the attention of the Coordinators of pre-proposals http://www.socleoyouth.be/ |
27. Jesus, Socrates, And Others -- To Dr. Joseph Priestley Text of a letter written to Priestly in by Thomas jefferson in 1803 . http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/jeff1120.htm | |
28. British Council - Socrates Welcome to the socrates website, socrates Find out about the latest socrates developments and news in the UK and across Europe. Arion http://www2.britishcouncil.org/socrates | |
29. EUROPA - Education And Training - Socrates, The European Community Action Progra socrates, the European Community action programme for cooperation in the field of education Programmes and Actions socrates. Contact Search. What's new pdf format) socrates I to socrates http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/socrates/socrates_en.html | |
30. Music Download More search results about Music download. Music download information. Click here to see more info about music. , Karadar Net, Another http://www.socrates-france.org/ | |
31. S O C R A T E S Translate this page socrates il programma europeo per istruzione. AGENZIA NAZIONALE socrates ITALIA ? socrates come, socrates oggi, socrates per chi. Per contattarci. http://www.bdp.it/socrates/ | |
32. S O C R A T E S Translate this page http://www.bdp.it/socrates/comenius/ | |
33. Gds_scient Biographies et analyses des th¨ses scientifiques des philosophes grecs. Le site du coll¨ge Jules Ferry de Montlu§on, fruit d'un programme ©ducatif socrates met en ligne des fiches tr¨s d©taill©es sur les id©es et les r©flexions de la plupart des grands penseurs grecs de l'antiquit©. http://coll-ferry-montlucon.pays-allier.com/gdscient.htm | |
34. Socrates http://www.socrates.lt/index_main.htm | |
35. Socrates - A Biography Of Socrates Life socrates A Biography Of socrates Life. socrates - Greek philosopher. The ancient Greek philosopher socrates is best known today http://www.2020site.org/socrates/ | |
36. British Council - Socrates European Union education programme spanning the entire breadth of the national education system. Includes programmes, case studies, resources, FAQ, news and application details. http://www.socrates-uk.net/ | |
37. Agence Socrates-Leonardo Da Vinci socrates Leonardo da Vinci a pour mission de promouvoir des projets européens innovants dans le secteur de l éducation et de la formation http://www.socrates-leonardo.fr/ |
38. EUROPA - Redirection , informations pour les enseignants et les ©tudiants, ©tablissements participant et statistiques.......Le programme d'©change d'©tudiants de la Communaut© europ©enne dans le domaine de l'enseignement sup©rieur. http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/erasmus_fr.html | |
39. Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji - Strona G³ówna Dostepny jest katalog wizyt studyjnych Programu socrates Arion 2004/2005. Konkurs na najciekawsze projekty zwiazane z edukacja. webmaster. http://www.socrates.org.pl/ | |
40. Death Of Socrates JacquesLouis David painting of the famous suicide. http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/david/socrates.jpg |
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