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Singer Peter: more books (100) | ||||||||||
81. Search Results Feedback Documents (None specified). Displaying Documents 110 (out of 12 found), page 1 of 2. 100, singer, peter A (2000) When shall we be free? http://www.myoai.com/search/Search.cgi/SearchResult?Database=citebase&IR_FieldNa |
82. Armchair Moralising Roger Scruton reviews 'Writings on an Ethical Life' by peter singer. http://www.newstatesman.co.uk/200101220048.htm |
83. Philosophical Dictionary: Sidgwick-Smith Latin for without which, not; hence, an alternative way of expressing the presence of a necessary condition. singer, peter (1946 ). Australian philosopher. http://www.philosophypages.com/dy/s5.htm | |
84. Peter Brandenberger singer/Songwriter aus dem Glarnerland. Vom Duett bis zur kompletten Band. H¶rproben und CDBestellung, Songtexte, Konzertdaten. http://www.peterbrandenberger.ch/ | |
85. Singer, Peterms[^[EVK[n singer, peter ·. ?singer, peter 1993 Practical Ethics, 2nd Edition Cambridge Univ. ISBN0631162119 $74.95 ¦singer, peter et al. http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/gr/gsce/dw/singerp.htm | |
86. 'Peter Singer' Wikipedia entry. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Singer |
87. Reason Magazine -- December 2000, The Pursuit Of Happiness, Peter Singer Intervi The Pursuit of Happiness Controversial philosopher peter singer argues for animal rights, utilitarian ethics, and A Darwinian Left. Interviewed by Ronald Bailey. http://reason.com/0012/rb.the.html | |
88. Science & Technology At Scientific American.com: How The Left Got Darwin Wrong - Review of 'A Darwinian Left Politics, Evolution, and Cooperation' by peter singer. http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=000D34AD-64D0-1C74-9B81809EC588EF21 |
89. Singer: Ethics In The Age Of Evolutionary Psychology singer, peter. The Expanding Circle Ethics and Sociobiology. New York Farrar, Straus Giroux, 1981. Review (external). singer, peter. Animal Liberation. http://cogweb.ucla.edu/Debate/SingerPM.html | |
90. Other People's Mothers Severely critical review of two of peter singer's books, by peter Berkowitz. Published in the New Republic in 2000. http://www.tnr.com/011000/berkowitz011000.html |
91. Bøker Om Og Av Peter Singer Friday 14.05 2004 0657. peter singer bøker av og om peter singer. singer, peter Dyrenes frigjøring Bokkilden 260,-. singer, peter Ethics into Action. http://exphil.info/studier/peter-singer-boeker.php | |
92. Icehousebooks (author: Singer, Peter) Author singer, peter 1 singer, peter Ethics Into Action Henry Spira and the Animal Rights Movement, Rowman Littlefield, Maryland, First, 1998. 000742 http://www.icehousebooks.co.uk/A_singerpete.htm | |
93. Peter Singer http://www.ewetel.net/~martin.bode/Singer.htm | |
94. Peter Mayer Official Website Folk singer/songwriter who hails from Minnesota and tours across the US. Contains biography, tour information, CD details, quotes, and pictures http://petermayer.net/ | |
95. Singer-Heft 1 peter singer . Warum eine Sondernummer für peter singer? von Georg Batz (Nürnberg). http://www.gkpn.de/singer1.htm | |
96. Abortion - Peter Singer Article from Ted Honderich (ed.), 'The Oxford Companion to Philosophy' (Oxford, 1995). http://www.petersingerlinks.com/abortion.htm | |
97. Bokförlaget Nya Doxa Nästa bok i kategorin. singer, peter. Djurens frigörelse. ÖversättningBjörn petersson. Hft 296 sidor . ISBN 91578-0328-5. Artikelnummer 688. Pris 115 Kr. http://www.nya-doxa.se/www/index.php?sida=bocker&id=82&kategori=2 |
98. The Disingenuous Ethics - The Radical Capitalist Analysis of peter singer's famous railroad track hypothetical. http://www.prometh.com/Radcap/Inserts/ins0012.asp | |
99. The Chronicle: Research & Publishing: March 10, 2000 From the issue dated March 10, 2000. Why Are We Afraid of peter singer? peter singer s troubles began when he was finally allowed to speak in Germany. http://chronicle.com/free/v46/i27/27a00101.htm | |
100. The Right To Be Rich Or Poor, By Peter Singer Review of Robert Nozick, 'Anarchy, State, and Utopia' (New York, 1974). http://www.petersingerlinks.com/rich.htm | |
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