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41. Romanistik Im Internet | Universität Stuttgart sartre und die Kunst. Von H. Wittmann. http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/lingrom/wittmann/sartre.html | |
42. Jean Paul Sartre Portrait de sartre. Son parcours, sa philosophie, son oeuvre. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/1768/portrait/p_sartre.htm | |
43. Boston Globe Online / Table Of Contents Article details sartre's funeral ceremony and procession, which ran through Paris on April 19, 1980. http://www.boston.com/globe/search/stories/nobel/1980/1980ag.html | |
44. Sartre, Jean-Paul. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. sartre, jeanpaul. (zhäN-pôl sär´tr ) (KEY) , 190580, French philosopher, playwright, and novelist. http://www.bartleby.com/65/sa/Sartre-J.html | |
45. 48239. Sartre, Jean-Paul. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 ATTRIBUTION jeanpaul sartre (19051980), French novelist, dramatist, philosopher, political activist. Garcin in No Exit, act 1, sc. 5, Gallimard (1947). http://www.bartleby.com/66/39/48239.html | |
46. Jean-Paul Sartre Spielgemeinschaft ODYSSEE jeanpaul sartre - Leben und Werk. http://www.odysseetheater.com/sartre/sartre.htm | |
47. Jean-Paul Sartre - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia This free encyclopedia offers a biography and further links of the french existentialist philosopher and novelist jeanpaul sartre. Includes a list of his works. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Paul_Sartre | |
48. Jean-Paul Sartre Biography Offers a biography, list of works, and a selection of links about jeanpaul sartre. http://people.brandeis.edu/~teuber/sartrebio.html | |
49. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: Sartre Translate this page jean-paul sartre, Biographie en résumé Philosophe, critique, écrivain français (1905-1980). Oeuvres de jean-paul sartre, Documentation Domenach, Jean-Marie. http://agora.qc.ca/mot.nsf/Dossiers/Jean-Paul_Sartre | |
50. Jean-Paul Sartre Eine Seite zum Leben und Wirken des franz¶sischen Schriftstellers und Philosophen. http://www.jean-paul-sartre.de/ | |
51. Extraits De La Préface De Jean-Paul Sartre Au Livre «Les Damnés De La Terre» Extraits de la pr©face de sartre au livre «Les Damn©s de la Terre» dans l'©dition Hiver 1996. http://www.tanbou.com/1996/SatreExtraits.htm | |
52. Jean-Paul Sartre At PhilosophyClassics.com -- Essays, Resources Several essays on aspects of sartre's ethics of authenticity and bad faith, along with a selection of links and resources. http://www.philosophyclassics.com/philosophers/Sartre/ | |
53. - Great Books - Jean Paul sartre (19051980), jean-paul sartre (1905 - 1980) was a French existentialist philosopher, novelist and critic. His longtime http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_1020.asp | |
54. Sartre Gesellschaft Homepage der sartre Gesellschaft e.V. Reflexion, Dokumentation und Verbreitung des Werkes von jeanpaul sartre. http://www.sartre-gesellschaft.de/ | |
55. SARTRE, Jean-Paul Translate this page sartre, jean-paul, * 21.6. 1905 in Paris, + 15.4. 1980 in Paris, französischer Philosoph und Schriftsteller. Ss Mutter Anne-Marie, geb. http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/s/s1/sartre_j_p.shtml | |
56. Find A Grave View several pictures of jeanpaul sartre's grave, including details of the headstone. Includes a brief biography. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=1161 |
57. Sartre, Jean-Paul sartre, jeanpaul. jean-paul sartre, Baudelaire (1947, Baudelaire, trans. Martin Turnell, 1950), Black Orpheus, Situations III (1949, Black Orpheus, trans. http://www.press.jhu.edu/books/hopkins_guide_to_literary_theory/jean-paul_sartre | |
58. NASS Home The Society, dedicated to the study of all aspects of the work and thought of jeanpaul sartre, presents extracts from its journal and information about its activities. http://condor.stcloudstate.edu/~phil/nass/home.html | |
59. Sartre, Jean-Paul sartre, jeanpaul. sartre, photograph by Gisèle Freund, 1968. Gisèle Freund. (b. June 21, 1905, Paris, Franced. April 15, 1980, Paris http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/527_68.html | |
60. The New York Review Of Books: Sartre At Seventy: An Interview Read an Interview with jeanpaul sartre and Michel Contat. An article by Paul Auster from The New York Review of Books, August 7, 1975 http://www.nybooks.com/articles/9113 | |
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