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Rand Ayn: more books (101) | |||
141. Franz Lehár Considered From The Objectivist Point Of View Study of how his compositions, especially The Merry Widow, intertwine with the philosphy and personal life of ayn rand. http://www3.sympatico.ca/rr.rawlings/leh.AR.html | |
142. Great Thinkers: Ayn Rand Russianborn novelist and philosopher ayn rand s inspiring moral defense of individualism and liberty. Information about purchasing The Letters of ayn rand. http://www.libertystory.net/LSTHINKRAND.htm | |
143. Ayn Rand [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Extensive text from The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/r/rand.htm | |
144. Rand, Ayn Links, Articles And Topics At Suite101.com - Suite101.com A brief biography of ayn rand ....... contains the word(s). Subject Heading rand, ayn, Articles. Title Classic Authors ayn rand Author Susan Jensen http://www.suite101.com/subjectheadings/contents.cfm/28149 | |
145. Objectivist Center -- Objectivism, Reason, Individualism, Achievement, And Freed Institute seeking to promote the Objectivist values of reason, individualism, freedom, and achievement through public advocacy, research, seminars, and publications. Information about events, issues, ideas, ayn rand, and related organizations. http://www.objectivistcenter.org/ | |
146. 1999 Stamp Program ayn rand The 1999 addition to the Literary Arts stamp series honors ayn rand, the author of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Born Alissa Rosenbaum in St. http://www.usps.com/images/stamps/99/ayn_rand.htm | |
147. Controversial Rand Deserves Closer Scrutiny ayn rand A Sense of Life is informative but crushingly dull. Review in the Toronto Sun. http://www.canoe.ca/JamMoviesReviewsA/aynrand_kirkland.html | |
148. Ayn Rand Biography ayn rand(Redirected from ayn rand). US postage stamp honoring rand (1999) Biography ayn rand was born to Jewish parents in Saint Petersburg, Russia. http://www.biblio.com/biography/ayn_rand.html |
149. Project Gutenberg Titles By Rand, Ayn Project Gutenberg Titles by. ayn rand. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Rand, Ayn |
150. Ayn Rand As A Person And Author Biographical information about ayn rand. http://www.objectivism.addr.com/bio/ |
151. Ayn Rand Institute MediaLink: In Defense Of Reason, Egoism, Individual Rights, F ayn rand Institute's Media Web site. http://aynrand.org/medialink/ | |
152. The Atlantic | May 2001 | Ayn Rand Comes To Somalia | Maass The Atlantic Monthly May 2001 Notes Dispatches Mogadishu ayn rand Comes to Somalia In the absence of government bureaucracy and foreign aid, business is http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2001/05/maass.htm | |
153. Documentary Helps Make Sense Of Rand's Life Review by Mick LaSalle, in the San Francisco Chronicle. ayn rand was quite an interesting character, and the clips of her are worth seeing, although the tone of this film begins to grate. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/1998/05/01/DD14367.DTL |
154. Central Florida Objectivists SCOPE is a discussion group based on the philosophy of ayn rand. Meeting location, essays, and newsletters. http://members.tripod.com/WideSCOPE/ | |
156. Ayn Rand And Objectivism -- Objectivist Center -- Reason, Individualism, Achieve Articles on the philosopher and her philosophy provided by the Objectivist Center. http://www.objectivistcenter.org/ideas/ayn-rand-objectivism.asp | |
157. Ontario Libertarian Party Official Home Page ayn rand inspired party advocating minimal government, the elimination of social programmes and unrestrained capitalism. http://www.libertarian.on.ca/ | |
158. LibertyGuide.com - Ayn Rand Short biography with annotated resource links. http://www.theihs.org/libertyguide/people.php/75856.html | |
159. Home Page Study group on Objectivism and the works of ayn rand. Site includes calendar, information on upcoming events, discussion board, and brief history and goals. http://www.studentgroups.ucla.edu/reason/ | |
160. Ayn Rand A concise biography, short introductions and excerpts of her novels, information about Objectivism and links. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/1311/rand.html |
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