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         Popper Karl:     more books (100)
  1. The Logic of Scientific Discovery (Routledge Classics) by Karl Popper, 2002-03-29
  2. Unended Quest: An Intellectual Autobiography (Routledge Classics) by Karl Popper, 2002-08-02
  3. Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge (Routledge Classics) by Karl Popper, 2002-08-09
  4. Popper Selections by Sir Karl Raimund Popper, 1985-02-01
  5. Philosophy and the Real World: An Introduction to Karl Popper by Bryan Magee, 1985-07
  6. The Open Society and Its Enemies (Routledge Classics) (Vol 2) by Karl Popper, 2006-01-26
  7. The Open Society and itsEnemies: The Spell of Plato (Routledge Classics) (Vol 1) by Karl Popper, 2002-07-11
  8. The Poverty of Historicism (Routledge Classics) by Karl Popper, 2002-03-29
  9. Lesson of this Century : With Two Talks on Freedom and the Democratic State by Karl Popper, 2000-05
  10. The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism by Karl Popper, John C. Eccles, 1984-03-29
  11. Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach by Karl R. Popper, 1972-11-09
  12. Popper: The Great Philosophers (The Great Philosophers Series) by F. Raphael, 1999-07
  13. The Myth of the Framework: In Defence of Science and Rationality by Karl Popper, 1996-01-25
  14. Karl Popper - The Formative Years, 1902-1945: Politics and Philosophy in Interwar Vienna by Malachi Haim Hacohen, 2002-03-04

1. Karl Popper
Karl Popper. Karl Popper is generally regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of science of the 20th Karl Raimund Popper was born on 28 July 1902 in Vienna, which
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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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Karl Popper
Section Headings:
Realgymnasium Popper obtained a primary school teaching diploma in 1925, took a Ph.D. in philosophy in 1928, and qualified to teach mathematics and physics in secondary school in 1929. The dominant philosophical group in Vienna from its inception in 1928 was the Wiener Kreis Logik der Forschung in 1934. The book - which he was later to claim rang the death knell for logical positivism - attracted more attention than Popper had anticipated, and he was invited to lecture in England in 1935. He spent the next few years working productively on science and philosophy, but storm clouds were gathering - the growth of Nazism in Germany and Austria compelled him, like many other intellectuals who shared his Jewish origins, to leave his native country. In 1937 Popper took up a position teaching philosophy at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, where he was to remain for the duration of the Second World War. The annexation of Austria in 1938 became the catalyst which prompted him to refocus his writings on social and political philosophy. In 1946 he moved to England to teach at the London School of Economics, and became professor of logic and scientific method at the University of London in 1949. From this point on Popper's reputation and stature as a philosopher of science and social thinker grew enormously, and he continued to write prolifically - a number of his works, particularly

2. Karl Popper - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
The neutrality of this article is disputed. Karl Raimund Popper ( July 28, 1902 to middleclass parents of Jewish origins, Karl Popper was educated at the University of Vienna

3. Eichstätter Karl Popper-Seite
Karl popper karl Popper (Vol. 6, No.
Sir Karl R. Popper (1902-1994)

Angebote zu Sir Karl Popper im Internet
Detaillierte Inhaltsangaben zu den einzelnen Angeboten:
  • Karl Popper 2002 General Information Allgemeine Informationen Call for Papers ... Programme - Kongressprogramm Timetable Zeitplan Abstracts Abstracts ... News - Activities
        The Karl Popper Web (TKPW) (Dr. Ray Scott Percival/Dr. Barry McMullin, Dublin City University, School of Electronic Engineering)
        Home About Karl Popper The Critical Rationalist: A peer-reviewed electronic journal (In unterschiedlichen Formaten zum Download)
        Number 1 (26-Nov-1996): A Failed Philosopher Tries Again by George Soros Number 2 (26-Nov-1996): The Metaphysics of Scarcity: Popper's World 3 and the Theory of Finite Resources by Dr. Ray S. Percival Number 3 (30-Dec-1996): Einstein, Popper and the Theory of Relativity by Dr. Christoph von Mettenheim Number 4 (31-Dec-1996): Adaptation Considered Harmful: Darwin's Problem Revisited by Dr. Barry McMullin
  • 4. Sir Karl Raimund Popper
    Translate this page Peter WasonExperiment zur Implikation, Modus Tollens und Falsifikation Karl Popper. Logik der Forschung. Verbrechen und Strafe. Karl popper karl Popper.
    Sir Karl Raimund Popper
    Zitate von K.R. Popper Peter Wasons Karten-Wahl-Aufgabe. Experiment zur Implikation, Modus Tollens und Falsifikation
    Karl Popper. Logik der Forschung 18. Allgemeinheitsstufen. Der "modus tollens" (kurzer Auszug) Meinungen zu Poppers Fallibilismus "Es irrt der Mensch, solang' er strebt." J.W.v.Goethe. Faust I
    Fjodor Dostojewskij.
    Verbrechen und Strafe Bei Amazon
    Karl Popper Lesebuch. Stuttgart: Uni-TB, 1995. Taschenbuch

    5. POPPER: Karl R. Popper Books

    6. Popper Karl
    Translate this page Indice Generale. popper karl. Nasce a Vienna nel 1902 da una famiglia ebraica e muore nel 1994. Si avvicinò ben presto al Circolo
    Segnala questo sito Contattaci Aggiungi a preferiti Home ... Newsletter
    Capitolo 3
    Indice Generale
    Popper Karl
    Nasce a Vienna nel 1902 da una famiglia ebraica e muore nel 1994. Si avvicinò ben presto al Circolo di Vienna ma non vi partecipò mai. In seguito alle leggi razziali si trasferì prima a Cambridge, poi ad Oxford e in Nuova Zelanda tenendo conferenze sul suo razionalismo critico. Popper
    rappresentò il punto di riferimento della riflessione scientifica e filosofica di tutto il ‘900. Fu un grande musicista. Le sue opere filosofiche più importanti sono: “ La logica della ricerca Congetture e confutazioni Città aperta
    Egli afferma che è finito il tempo dell’empirismo classico che si basava sulla raccolta dei dati dall’esperienza, ma per Popper non ha importanza il metodo induttivo. La conoscenza si basa sulle intuizioni: anche Einstein si basa sull’intuizione soggettiva, su ipotesi. Il metodo induttivo non ha a che fare con la scienza, con Einstein ha inizio la rivoluzione scientifica; il nucleo è stato l’argomento cosmologico.
    Tutta la conoscenza scientifica ha questo nucleo: quale deve essere la linea di demarcazione tra la scienza e ciò che non lo è?

    7. Popper Karl Raimund From FOLDOC
    popper karl Raimund. history of philosophy, biography Austrian philosopher of science and political thinker (19021994). According Karl Raimund

    8. Karl Popper
    Karl Popper (19021994). joods filosoof. Intellectual biography, by Stephen Thornton. Karl Popper Against Television (intervieuw).
    Karl Popper (1902-1994) joods filosoof
    Popper in de Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Popper op Popper op The Japan Popper Society ... The Popper Project Central European University , Budapest ) Intellectual biography , by Stephen Thornton Karl Popper: Against Television (intervieuw)

    9. Karl Popper
    popper karl. Covert Action Quarterly 2002 74 (1-2); Duignan,P. The Hoover Institution. 1989 (48, 82, 91); EIR. Dope, Inc. 1992 (270
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    10. - Spravodajsky Server
    popper karl Raimund. FOTO ARCHÍV. V nedelu uplynulo sto rokov od narodenia Karla Raimunda Poppera v rakúsko-uhorskej Viedni.

    11. WIEM: Popper Karl Raimund
    popper karl Raimund (19021995), austriacki filozof, logik. Od 1949 profesor uniwersytetu w Londynie. Filozofia, Austria popper karl Raimund (1902-1995).
    WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
    Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
    Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
    Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Filozofia, Austria
    Popper Karl Raimund
    Popper Karl Raimund (1902-1995), austriacki filozof, logik. Od 1949 profesor uniwersytetu w Londynie. Centralnym problemem swojej filozofii uczyni³ analizê praw i zasad rozwoju wiedzy naukowej. Przeciwstawiaj±c siê "synchronicznej", logicznej analizie osi±gniêæ nauki neopozytywistów, panuj±cej w  Kole Wiedeñskim , wysun±³ hipotezê "diachroniczno¶ci" odkryæ naukowych. Stworzy³ koncepcjê "trzech ¶wiatów": 1) doznañ, 2) s±dów i czynów jednostkowych, 3) ludzkich wytworów maj±cych charakter obiektywny, uniwersalny. Historiê i rozwój nauki zaliczy³ do trzeciego ¶wiata, na który, jego zdaniem, nie maj± wp³ywu dwa pozosta³e, co zbli¿y³o go do koncepcji obiektywno-idealistycznych. Popper krytykowa³ Platona za to, ¿e ów "trzeci ¶wiat" uzna³ za twór boski, dla Poppera bowiem jest on wy³±cznie tworem cz³owieka, podlega

    12. Karl Popper
    Karl popper karl Popper is generally regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of science of this century. He was also a social
    Karl Popper Karl Popper is generally regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of science of this century. He was also a social and
    political philosopher of considerable stature, a self-professed ‘critical-rationalist’, a dedicated opponent of all forms of
    scepticism, conventionalism, and relativism in science and in human affairs generally, a committed advocate and staunch
    defender of the ‘Open Society’, and an implacable critic of totalitarianism in all of its forms. One of the many remarkable
    features of Popper’s thought is the scope of his intellectual influence. In the modern technological and highly-specialised world
    scientists are rarely aware of the work of philosophers; it is virtually unprecedented to find them queuing up, as they have done
    in Popper’s case, to testify to the enormously practical beneficial impact which that philosophical work has had upon their own. But notwithstanding the fact that he wrote on even the most technical matters with consummate clarity, the scope of Popper’s
    work is such that it is commonplace by now to find that commentators tend to deal with the epistemological, scientific and

    13. The Karl Popper Web
    For those interested in the philosophy of karl popper. The karl popper Web. (Referenced by the BBC, the British Science Museum and The Encyclopaedia Britannica).




    BOOKSHOP ... Further Resources
    "Awarded to an elite group of web sites for their quality of presentation, content and accuracy."
    The Karl Popper
    (Referenced by the B.B.C., the British Science Museum and The Encyclopaedia Britannica) (Last revised: 8th August, 2003)
    PROBLEMS, AIMS RESPONSIBILITIES University of Warwick September 16th-18th 2004 A conference to mark the 10th Anniversary of the death of Karl Popper (28.vii.1902-17.ix.1994) For more information and registration, click this link: Founder and Editor: Dr. Ray Scott Percival Co-Founder and Assistant Editor: Dr. Barry McMullin Karl Raimund Popper (1902-1994) Photograph used by kind permission of Dr. Milan Jira from Popper's visit to Prague, May 1994. Support The Karl Popper Web by book marking your link to through this page. makes a small contribution toward the maintenance of this site with each book (or CD or Video etc.) you buy going through this link. Any item you buy is the same price as if you had gone directly to Amazon. Direct links to books provides more support. Try our bookshop If you live in America you can support the Karl Popper Web by using the search link below to buy your books or other items. Try our

    14. Karl Popper In Prague
    IN MEMORIAM karl popper in Prague. Sir karl Raimund popper in Prague, May 23-27, 1994. karl popper, Prague Lecture. Cyril Hoeschl, Knighthood of the Truth. Since 11 July 1996 entries of this WWW page.
    IN MEMORIAM - Karl Popper in Prague
    Since 11 July 1996 entries of this WWW page.

    15. Karl Popper At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base
    karl popper. Analytic Philosophy at Erratic Impact Philosophy Research Base. These pages present online resources in analytic philosophy, logical positivism, logic, philosophy of language and

    Analytic Index

    General Resources

    Berlin Circle

    Logical Positivism
    G. E. Moore

    Karl Popper
    W. O. Quine

    Bertrand Russell

    Gilbert Ryle

    Ludwig Wittgenstein
    ... Advertising
    Karl Popper
    New Books: Karl Popper Used Books: Karl Popper Know of a Resource?
    The Popper Project
    From Central European University. The primary task of the Popper Project is to research, edit and publish books from the Karl Popper Archives, which the CEU has on loan from the Ianus Foundation. These 473 reels of microfilm contain the late Sir Karl Popper's unpublished manuscripts and correspondence through 1984. They represent a complete copy of the original papers currently housed in Stanford University’s Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. The project envisions the joint publication by Routledge and CEU Press of more than ten volumes of Popper’s works, including correspondence, collected essays and complete texts. Das Elend des Globalismus Roland Walter Müller
    The Karl Popper Web
    Founder and Editor: Dr. Ray Scott Percival

    16. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: Karl Popper
    Biographie et bibliographie de karl popper.
    Accueil Index Catégories Dossiers ... Imprimer Dossiers connexes Science
    Extrait: Si l'on devait définir la science à partir du texte suivant, où Léon Brunschvicg évoque son origine, il faudrait l'associer étroitement à la liberté et à la vérité, elles-mêmes indissociables l'une de l'autre: Grandes questions Karl Popper Biographie en résumé
    Célèbre épistémologue viennois. Vie et oeuvre
    Karl Raimund Popper est né à Vienne en 1902. Très jeune, il s'intéresse aux disciplines et aux arts les plus divers. D'abord tenté par une carrière musicale, puis par un engagement politique au sein du Parti social-démocrate autrichien, il choisit de poursuivre des études universitaires. En 1937, il émigre en Nouvelle-Zélande, où il accepte un poste d'enseignant. Il y demeure jusqu'en 1945, avant de réintégrer l'Europe. Grâce, notamment, à F. A. Von Hayek, il est invité à la prestigieuse London School of Economics, où il enseigne la logique et la méthodologie des sciences. Popper est reçu chevalier en 1965. Il habitera la banlieue de Londres jusqu'à sa mort. source et suite Oeuvres de Karl Popper Documentation
    Conjonctures, conjectures et réfutations

    17. Eichstätter Karl Popper-Seite
    Dokumentation der Verleihung des Ehrendoktors der Geschichts und Gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakult¤t der Katholischen Universit¤t Eichst¤tt 1991, eine Biographie, Bibliographie.
    Sir Karl R. Popper (1902-1994) seit 1991 Ehrendoktor der Eine Seite von Helmut Zenz Prof. Dr. Hubert Kiesewetter zugedacht, mit Karl Popper und anderen politischen Philosophen verdanke. Inhaltsverzeichnis
    • Dokumentation der Verleihung des Ehrendoktors Biographie Bilder von Sir Karl Popper im Internet Angebote zu Sir Karl Popper im Internet Bibliographie Eigene Untersuchungen und Besprechungen
    • Dokumentation der Verleihung des Ehrendoktors
      • Biographie - Auszeichnungen, S. 6 Prof. Dr. Hubert Kiesewetter Laudatio , S. 12-24 Prof. Dr. Sir Karl R. Popper: Festvortrag "Gegen den Zynismus in der Interpretation der Geschichte" , S. 25-35 Bibliographie, S. 36
      Aus der Laudatio von Hubert Kiesewetter:
        (Hervorhebungen durch H.Z.)
      Aus der Rede von Sir Karl R. Popper:
        4. Diese Reformfreudigkeit ist das Resultat einer neuen ethischen Opferbereitschaft, ..." "Was die Zukunft betrifft, so sollen wir also nicht versuchen zu prophezeihen, sondern nur versuchen, moralisch und verantwortlich zu handeln.
        Die politische Freiheit - Freiheit von Despotie - ist der wichtigste aller politischen Werte. Grundwert der Freiheit
        geleitet sein."

    18. Karl Popper 2002 Centenary Congress
    Translate this page Scholarly conference in memory of the hundredth year since popper's birth. Call for papers, program,

    19. Karl Popper
    popper, karl. Open Court Press, La Salle, 1974. Quinton, A. `popper, karl Raimund , in Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol. 6 (ed. P. Edwards).
    Section Headings:
    Realgymnasium Popper obtained a primary school teaching diploma in 1925, took a Ph.D. in philosophy in 1928, and qualified to teach mathematics and physics in secondary school in 1929. The dominant philosophical group in Vienna from its inception in 1928 was the Wiener Kreis Logik der Forschung in 1934. The book - which he was later to claim rang the death knell for logical positivism - attracted more attention than Popper had anticipated, and he was invited to lecture in England in 1935. He spent the next few years working productively on science and philosophy, but storm clouds were gathering - the growth of Nazism in Germany and Austria compelled him, like many other intellectuals who shared his Jewish origins, to leave his native country. In 1937 Popper took up a position teaching philosophy at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, where he was to remain for the duration of the Second World War. The annexation of Austria in 1938 became the catalyst which prompted him to refocus his writings on social and political philosophy. In 1946 he moved to England to teach at the London School of Economics, and became professor of logic and scientific method at the University of London in 1949. From this point on Popper's reputation and stature as a philosopher of science and social thinker grew enormously, and he continued to write prolifically - a number of his works, particularly

    20. Sir Karl Popper (1902--93).
    A short discussion on the life and work of karl popper. Sir karl popper. ( 19021994) Sir karl was a Professor of Logic and Scientific Method at the London School of Economics for 23 years
    Sir Karl Popper
    Sir Karl was a Professor of Logic and Scientific Method at the London School of Economics for 23 years. In his book about Popper, Bryan Magee said: "... philosophy [according to Popper] is a necessary activity because we, all of us, take a great number of things for granted, and many of these assumptions are of a philosophical character; we act on them in private life, in politics, in our work, and in every other sphere of our lives - but while some of these assumptions are no doubt true, it is likely, that more are false and some are harmful. So the critical examination of our presuppositions - which is a philosophical activity - is morally as well as intellectually important." Popper was born in Vienna. While early on he espoused left wing politics, he swung around in the thirties and found himself at variance with the prevailing philosophical thought, logical positivism (see Comte ). From 1937-1945, Popper taught philosophy at the University of New Zealand. In 1946, he came to England, however, Popper's theories continued to be unacceptable to the establishment; neither Oxford, nor Cambridge, wanted him as a professor, eventually though, Popper did find his spot at the London School. Popper was knighted in 1965. Popper, in his philosophy, offers a solution to

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