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         Peirce Charles Sanders:     more books (100)
  1. Description of a Notation for the Logic of Relatives, Resulting from an Amplification of the Conceptions of Boole's Calculus of Logic by Charles Sanders Peirce, 2010-02-25
  2. Charles Sanders Peirce: Contributions to the Nation, Pt 4 by Kenneth Laine Ketner, 1982-06
  3. Charles Sanders Peirce . Razón e invención del pensamiento pragmatista. Teoría pragmática (Huellas del conocimiento 212) (Spanish Edition) by Varios autores, 2010-01-23
  4. Semioticians: Ferdinand de Saussure, Umberto Eco, Charles Sanders Peirce, Julia Kristeva, Gregory Bateson, Charles W. Morris, Roland Barthes
  5. Suhrkamp Taschenbücher Wissenschaft, Semiotische Schriften, 3 Bde. by Charles Sanders Peirce, Christian J. W. Kloesel, et all 2000-06-01
  6. Determinations of Gravity at Stations in Pennsylvania 1879-1880: Appendix No. 19--Report for 1883, Issue 19 by Charles Sanders Peirce, 2010-02-22
  7. Studies in Logic: By Members of the Johns Hopkins University (1883)
  8. Le Raisonnement et la Logique des choses - Les Conférences de Cambridge (1898) by Charles Sanders Peirce, Christiane Chauviré, et all 1995-04-19
  9. Studies in Logic by Charles Sanders Peirce, 2009-01-27
  10. Studies in Logic by Charles Sanders Peirce, Allan Marquand, et all 2010-01-11
  11. Das Denken und die Logik des Universums. by Charles Sanders Peirce, Hilary Putnam, et all 2002-05-01
  12. Phänomen und Logik der Zeichen. by Charles Sanders Peirce, Helmut Pape, 1998-01-01
  14. Semiotische Schriften 2: 1903 - 1906. by Charles Sanders Peirce, Christian J. W. Kloesel, et all 2000-06-01

A cura di
Quasi nello stesso tempo in cui si stava sviluppando l'idealismo con Royce, negli Stati Uniti si assistette alla nascita della corrente del pragmatismo , che costituisce il più originale contributo americano alla filosofia novecentesca ed esercita una vasta influenza anche sulla cultura europea: il termine 'pragmatismo' mette in rilievo la tesi fondamentale secondo cui il significato di qualsiasi cosa è determinato dalla sua rilevanza pratica. L'iniziatore di questa nuova corrente, destinata a grande successo, é Charles Sanders Peirce, anche se egli non tarderà a prendere le distanze dal movimento. Nato a Cambridge nel Massachussetts nell'anno 1839, figlio di un famoso matematico che insegnò fisica e astronomia ad Harvard, tentò con insistenza, senza riuscire, di ripercorrere la carriera accademica paterna. Non ottenne successo neanche nella pubblicazione delle sue opere che, fatta eccezione per alcuni importantissimi articoli, rimasero inedite e uscirono solo quando Peirce era già morto (morì nel 1914 a Milford, in condizione di miseria). Una prima antologia dei suoi scritti apparve, postuma, nel 1923 con il titolo di Caso, amore e logica

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63. Wissenschaft: Geisteswissenschaften: Philosophie: Personen: Peirce, Charles Sand
Translate this page Wissenschaft Geisteswissenschaften Philosophie Personen peirce, charles sanders. Suchmaschine Internetseiten. peirce, charles sanders.
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Peirce, Charles Sanders
Neue Suche ? im gesamten Verzeichnis nur in dieser Kategorie Index Wissenschaft Geisteswissenschaften Philosophie ... Personen : Peirce, Charles Sanders Links:
  • Abduktion und ihre Anwendungen
    In den letzten 50 Jahren konnte ein steigendes Interesse am Thema 'abduktive Inferenz' festgestellt werden, die Charles Sanders Peirce als 'ersten Schritt' des Denkens und Interpretierens bezeichnete. Ein Artikel von U. Wirth.
Peirce, Charles Sanders
Kategorie Peirce, Charles Sanders aktualisiert: 25.05.2004

64. Charles Sanders Peirce, A Fixação Da Crença
Translate this page pp. 1-15) (versão inglesa). charles sanders peirce. (tradução de Anabela Gradim Alves, Universidade da Beira Interior). I. Poucas
A fixação da crença Popular Science Monthly 12 (November 1877), pp. 1-15) (versão inglesa) Charles Sanders Peirce (tradução de Anabela Gradim Alves, Universidade da Beira Interior) I Poucas pessoas se dão ao trabalho de estudar lógica, porque toda a gente se concebe a si própria como sendo já suficientemente versado na arte de raciocinar. Mas eu constato que essa satisfação se limita à sua própria capacidade de raciocinar, e não se estende à dos outros homens. Entramos na plena posse do nosso poder de retirar inferências como a última das nossas faculdades, pois não é tanto um dom natural, mas uma longa e difícil arte. A história da sua prática daria um esplêndido assunto para um livro. Os escolásticos medievais, seguindo os romanos, faziam da lógica, depois da gramática, o primeiro dos estudos de um rapaz, e apresentavam-no como sendo muito fácil. Assim era, tal como o entendiam. O seu princípio fundamental, segundo eles, era que todo o conhecimento repousa ou na autoridade ou na razão; mas o que quer que seja deduzido pela razão depende em última análise de uma premissa derivada da autoridade. Deste modo, assim que um rapaz era perfeito no procedimento silogístico, acreditava-se que o seu conjunto de ferramentas intelectuais estava completo. Os primeiros cientistas, Copérnico, Tycho Brahé, Kepler, Galileu e Gilbert, tinham métodos mais semelhantes aos dos seus modernos confrades. Kepler empreendeu desenhar uma curva através da órbita de Marte; e o seu maior serviço à ciência foi imprimir na mente dos homens que isto era o que deveria ser feito se desejavam melhorar a astronomia; e que não deveriam contentar-se com inquirir se um sistema de epiciclos era melhor que outro, mas que deveriam reflectir sobre os números e descobrir o que a curva, na verdade, era. Ele conseguiu isto pela sua incomparável energia e coragem, tropeçando às cegas da forma mais inconcebível (para nós), de uma hipótese irracional para outra, até que, depois de tentar vinte e duas destas tropeçou, por mera exaustão da sua invenção, sobre a órbita que uma mente bem apetrechada com as armas da lógica moderna teria tentado quase à partida.

65. Charles Sanders Peirce, The Fixation Of Belief
charles sanders peirce. Few persons care to study logic, because everybody conceives himself to be proficient enough in the art of reasoning already.
The Fixation of Belief Popular Science Monthly 12 (November 1877), pp. 1-15 (tradução em português)
Charles Sanders Peirce
The object of reasoning is to find out, from the consideration of what we already know, something else which we do not know. Consequently, reasoning is good if it be such as to give a true conclusion from true premises, and not otherwise. Thus, the question of its validity is purely one of fact and not of thinking. A being the premises and B the conclusion, the question is, whether these facts are really so related that if A is B is. If so, the inference is valid; if not, not. It is not in the least the question whether, when the premisses are accepted by the mind, we feel an impulse to accept the conclusion also. It is true that we do generally reason correctly by nature. But that is an accident; the true conclusion would remain true if we had no impulse to accept it; and the false one would remain false, though we could not resist the tendency to believe in it.
A book might be written to signalize all the most important of these guiding principles of reasoning. It would probably be, we must confess, of no service to a person whose thought is directed wholly to practical subjects, and whose activity moves along thoroughly-beaten paths. The problems which present themselves to such a mind are matters of routine which he has learned once for all to handle in learning his business. But let a man venture into an unfamiliar field, or where his results are not continually checked by experience, and all history shows that the most masculine intellect will ofttimes lose his orientation and waste his efforts in directions (W3.246) which bring him no nearer to his goal, or even carry him entirely astray. He is like a ship in the open sea, with no one on board who understands the rules of navigation. And in such a case some general study of the guiding principles of reasoning would be sure to be found useful.

66. Peirce, Charles Sanders. The Charles S. Peirce Papers & Supplement To The Microf
peirce, charles sanders. The charles S. peirce Papers. Cambridge, MA Harvard 32 reels. peirce, charles sanders. Supplement to the
[Main Index] [Microform Search] [Site Map] [Microtext Section Home] ... [U of T Home] Peirce, Charles Sanders. The Charles S. Peirce Papers . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Library Microreproduction Service, 1963. 32 reels. Peirce, Charles Sanders. Supplement to the Microfilm Edition of the Charles S. Peirce Papers, the Houghton Library, Harvard University . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Library Microreproduction Service, 1970. 2 reels. COVERAGE The collection includes the Peirce papers in the custody of the Harvard Department of Philosophy. Charles Sanders Peirce played an unique role in the history of American philosophy. The manuscripts range over the whole of Peirce's intellectual life and include manuscripts on logic, mathematics, metaphysics and pragmatism. Also included are Peirce's scientific manuscripts, his manuscripts on the history of science and on linguistics, his reviews and translations, and various other manuscripts, many of bibliographical interest. In addition to the Peirce material, there are miscellaneous manuscripts and various collections of articles on or by Pierce, correspondence to and from Pierce, and correspondence to and from his second wife, Juliette. ACCESS To find a particular manuscript consult the following catalogues. The supplement to the microfilm edition and the supplementary catalogue are included in reels 31-32. Request an item by giving the call number, the title and the reel number.

67. Peirce, Charles Sanders | 19. Jahrhundert | Epochen | Philosophie | Fachbücher
Translate this page Jahrhundert peirce, charles sanders Allgemein Dilthey, Wilhelm Engels, Friedrich Feuerbach, Ludwig Fichte, Johann Gottlieb Frege, Gottlob Hegel, Georg Wilhelm

Musik DVD Video ...
Rorty, Richard

EUR 13,50 Peirce zur Einführung
Helmut Pape
Junius Verlag, April 2004
EUR 10,80 Charles Sanders Peirce.
Ludwig Nagl
Campus Fachbuch, 1992
EUR 12,50 Charles Sanders Peirce
Klaus Oehler C.H.Beck, September 1993 EUR 5,01 Die Festigung der Überzeugung und andere Schriften. ( Ullstein Materialien). Charles Sanders Peirce , Elisabeth. Walther Ullstein TB-Vlg., B., 1985 EUR 66,47 Das rechtliche Moment der pragmatischen Philosophie von Charles Sanders Peirce Lorenz Schulz var p2=''; document.write('Preisänderungen möglich, da Daten bis zu 7 Tage zwischengespeichert werden. In Kooperation mit Ama'+p2);

68. Philosophie-Seiten: Charles Sanders Peirce
Translate this page charles Santiago sanders peirce (1839-1914). Thomas Morus. Friedrich Nietzsche. charles sanders peirce. Platon. Willard Van Orman Quine.
Charles [Santiago] Sanders Peirce (1839-1914)
Philosophen und Philosophinnen Hannah Arendt Aristoteles Augustinus Francis Bacon ... Mary Wollstonecraft

69. Charles Sanders Peirce
dibattito secondo i Indice charles sanders peirce. Si sa che CS peirce si dichiarava più volte realista. All inizio dei Collected
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Charles Sanders Peirce
Si sa che C.S. Peirce si dichiarava più volte realista. All'inizio dei Collected Papers , Peirce fa una rassegna della filosofia occidentale per concludere che lui si trova assai isolato in questo panorama. Infatti, Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Hartley, Hume, Leibniz, Kant e perfino Hegel erano tutti nominalisti, almeno secondo Peirce . Ora, si sa che non si deve cercare troppa consistenza nel ragionamento di Peirce, specie quando lui dà una sua visione della storia della filosofia. Fatto sta che Peirce non ha mai accettato il nominalismo, anzi lo considerava una dottrina mostruosa: If, however, no law subsists other than an expression of actual facts, the future is entirely indeterminate and so is general to the highest degree. Indeed, nothing would exist but the instantaneous state; whereas it is easy to show that if we are going to be so free in calling elements fictions an instant is the first thing to be called fictitious. But I confess I do not take pains accurately to answer a doctrine so monstrous, and just at present out of vogue. Che cosa avrebbe detto Occam ( entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem ) per esempio, davanti all'arborescenza sterminata della classificazione segnica peirciana?

70. Wissenschaft/Geisteswissenschaften/Philosophie/Personen/Peirce, Charles Sanders
Translate this page Wissenschaft/Geisteswissenschaften/Philosophie/Personen/peirce, charles sanders - Online Link Katalog.
Suche nach: im gesamten Katalog nur in dieser Kategorie erweiterte Suche Home Wissenschaft Geisteswissenschaften ... Personen : Peirce, Charles Sanders LINKS:
  • Abduktion und ihre Anwendungen
    In den letzten 50 Jahren konnte ein steigendes Interesse am Thema "abduktive Inferenz" festgestellt werden, die Charles Sanders Peirce als "ersten Schritt" des Denkens und Interpretierens bezeichnete. Ein Artikel von U. Wirth.
    (Suchmaschieneneintrag am: Mittwoch, 01.01.2003 Treffer: Bewertung: 0.00 Stimmen: 0) Ihre Stimme Ihre Rezension Details
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71. Charles Sanders Peirce Resources At Questia - The Online Library
charles sanders peirce Resources at Questia The Online Library of Books and Journals. charles sanders peirce. Questia. Primary Content. charles sanders peirce.

72. Charles Sanders (Santiago) Peirce, 1839--1914
Notebooks charles sanders (Santiago) peirce, 1839–1914. 03 Oct 1994 1202 To read Joseph Brent, charles sanders peirce A Life Review by Louis Menand.
03 Oct 1994 12:02 permanent link for this note RSS feed for this note Notebooks Hosted, but not endorsed, by the Center for the Study of Complex Systems

73. PEIRCE, Charles Sanders Santiago
Translate this page peirce, charles sanders Santiago, * 10.9. Eine deutsche Biographie stammt von Elisabeth Walther charles sanders peirce Leben und Werk.
Verlag Traugott Bautz Zur Hauptseite Bestellmöglichkeiten Abkürzungsverzeichnis ... NEU: Unser E-News Service
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Band VII. (1994) Spalten 139-160 Bibliographie : Zur genauen Bibliographie vgl. Kenneth L. Ketner: A Comprehensive Bibliography of the Published Works of Charles Sanders Peirce with a Bibliography of Secondary Sources. Bowling Green, Ohio 1986; weiters Kloesel 1982; Literaturbericht von Pape 1982. Werke: Gesamtausgabe: Lit.: Bibliographie:

74. OPT Design    Philosophy: Charles Sanders Peirce And Rene Descartes
OPT HOME Back to Philosophy charles sanders peirce (18391914) was born in Cambridge, Massachuetts. Comparing and contrasting the
OPT HOME Back to Philosophy
Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) was born in Cambridge, Massachuetts.
Comparing and contrasting the Theories of Descartes and Peirce
For many people, even if they don't know very much about philosophy, they know the name Descartes. Those who know something about the subject would probably agree that Rene Descartes was one of the most influential thinkers, even to this day. In contrast to Descartes' way of thinking is Charles Peirce's philosophy. Although Peirce is less well known outside the philosophical realm, his thoughts have been influential in the formation of a philosophy called Pragmatism, as well as the development of American society. We are going to be examining their opposing views and their influence on our own thinking. Rene Descartes was alive in the early part of the 17th century. His basic concern is overcoming doubt. How can we overcome doubt? Is there a method that we can use that is applicable in all citations? Descartes wants to be apodictic, which is absolutely certain, about his claims. In order to do this he must begin with a foundation. This foundation must be apodictic as well if the rest of his claims are to be considered true. Descartes also wants to use a method that is logical and the idea of knowledge as systematic. In order to understand why Descartes makes the claims that he does we must first understand how he draws his conclusions. Critical to his whole theory is his need for a foundation. Since we all come from distinct backgrounds and have different inherent beliefs and judgments, it is difficult for us to come to an agreement on issues such as truth. In order to avoid this problem of who is right and why, Descartes tries come up with a method that can be used by anyone to demonstrate 'truth'. If we begin with principles that we all acknowledge as correct, we can use this method to come to an agreement about what is true. Descartes wants to make the process of acquiring knowledge into a formal procedure, so that it can not be disputed.

75. Academic Directories
Impact Philosophy Research Base, this page features annotated links and text resources for the study of the American pragmatist charles sanders peirce.

76. Golem - L'indispensabile
Translate this page 1997 Il pragmatismo, Bologna, Il Mulino) peirce, charles sanders 1931, 1932, 1934 e 1935, Collected Papers, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press 1980

77. Charles Sanders Peirce At -- Essays, Resources
charles sanders peirce free essays, eTexts, resources and links from charles sanders peirce. 1839 - 1914 *.
Start your day with a thought-provoking quote from the world's greatest thinkers and writers. Sign up to The Daily Muse for free. Charles Sanders Peirce American philosopher and founder of pragmatism
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78. Bücher, Kategorien, Fachbücher, Philosophie, Philosophen, Peirce, Charles Sand
charles sanders peirce Written by Christian Kloesel , Nathan Houser , peirce Edition Project , charles sanders peirce Published by Indiana University Press (November 1992) ISBNücher/Kategorien/Fachbücher/Ph
Bücher DVD Hauptseite Bücher ... Peirce, Charles Sanders Stöbern Adorno, Theodor W. Allgemein Arendt, Hannah Aristoteles ... Wittgenstein, Ludwig Peirce, Charles Sanders: 1 - 6 von 6 Produkte
Peirce zur Einführung - Helmut Pape
Preis: EUR 13,50
Versandfertig in 2 bis 3 Tagen.
Junius Verlag
Charles Sanders Peirce. - Ludwig Nagl
Preis: EUR 10,80
Campus Fachbuch
Charles Sanders Peirce - Klaus Oehler
Preis: EUR 12,50
Versandfertig in 24 Stunden.
Charles Sanders Peirce und der Pragmatismus - Jürgen von Kempski
Preis: EUR 0,00
Die Festigung der Überzeugung und andere Schriften. ( Ullstein Materialien). - Charles Sanders Peirce, Elisabeth. Walther
Preis: EUR 5,01
Ullstein TB-Vlg., B.
Das rechtliche Moment der pragmatischen Philosophie von Charles Sanders Peirce - Lorenz Schulz
Preis: EUR 66,47
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79. Peirce, Charles Sanders: Collected Papers Of Charles Sanders Peirce
peirce, charles sanders Collected Papers of charles sanders peirce, university press books, shopping cart, new release notification.
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Peirce, Charles Sanders Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce . Edited by Charles Hartshorne, Paul Weiss, and Arthur W. Burks. Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss (vols. 1-6) and Arthur W. Burks (vols. 7-8). Distributed for the Thoemmes Continuum. 1931-1958 Edition. 3746 p., 8 Volumes. 1931-1958, 1997 Cloth CUSA $995.00tx 1-85506-556-8 Subjects:
  • Philosophy: General Philosophy
The University of Chicago Press You may purchase this title at these fine bookstores . Outside the USA, consult our international information page File last modified on 5/14/2004. See also:
  • Read about this title on the Thoemmes Press website.
Questions about this title? email Email questions about books or availability to or questions about order status to . Click here here

80. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
Vols. 16. Cambridge Belknap 3. peirce, charles sanders The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; January 10, 2004 peirce, charles sanders. 1877 1982. Sander

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