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         Patocka Jan:     more books (69)
  1. Jan Patocka: Philosophy and Selected Writings by Erazim Kohak, 1989-08-15
  2. Caring for the Soul in a Postmodern Age: Politics and Phenomenology in the Thought of Jan Patocka by Edward F. Findlay, 2002-09
  3. L'art et le temps by Jan Patocka, 1991-10-01
  4. Plato and Europe (Cultural Memory in the Present) by Jan Patocka, 2002-03-05
  5. Heretical Essays in the Philosophy of History by Jan Patocka, 1999-01-26
  6. Introduction to Husserl's Phenomenology by Jan Patocka, 1999-02-17
  7. Philosophe Tchèque: Tomás Masaryk, Ernest Gellner, Jan Patocka, Ladislav Klíma, Egon Bondy, Bernard Bolzano, Ernest Nagel, Karel Kosík (French Edition)
  8. Phénoménologie: Jean-François Lyotard, Jan Patocka, Écophénoménologie, Phénoménologie de La Perception, Kitaro Nishida (French Edition)
  9. Profils de Jan Patocka: Hommages et documents (Publications des Facultes universitaires Saint-Louis) (French Edition)
  10. Husserl in Gottingen by Helmuth Plessner, with: Edmund Husserl: Zum Gedachtnis by Ludwig Landgrebe & Jan Patocka. 2 Volumes in 1. by Helmuth Plessner, Ludwig Landgrebe & Jan Patocka, 1980-05-01
  11. Die Welt des Menschen-Die Welt der Philosophie: Festschrift für Jan Patocka Herausgegeben von dem Husserl-Archiv zu Löwen und W. Biemel (Phaenomenologica) (German Edition) by W. Biemel, 1976-11-30
  12. Body, Community, Language, World by Jan Patocka, 1999-01-27
  13. L'idée de l'Europe en Bohême by Jan Patocka, 1991-07-01
  14. Vom Erscheinen als solchem: Texte aus dem Nachlass (Orbis Phaenomenologicus) (German Edition) by Jan Patocka, 2000

1. Jan Patocka Helga Blaschek Hahn Karel Novotny Vom Erscheinen Als Solchem
Translate this page Titel Vom Erscheinen als solchem patocka jan Blaschek Hahn Helga Novotny KarelHahn Helga Blaschek Jan Patocka Helga Blaschek-Hahn Karel Novotny Medium
Jan Patocka Helga Blaschek Hahn Karel Novotny Vom Erscheinen als solchem
Autor / Künstler / Gruppe / Hersteller: Jan Patocka Helga Blaschek Hahn Karel Novotny
Titel: Vom Erscheinen als solchem
Patocka Jan Blaschek Hahn Helga Novotny Karel Hahn Helga Blaschek
Jan Patocka
Helga Blaschek-Hahn
Karel Novotny
Medium: Sondereinband
Semen N. Frank-Werke, 8 Bde., Bd.3, Die geistigen Grundlagen der Gesellschaft...

Josef Seifert-Überwindung des Skandals der reinen Vernunft. Die Widerspruchsfreiheit der Wirklichkeit, trotz Kant....

Emmanuel Levinas-Wenn Gott ins Denken einfllt. Studienausgabe. Diskurse über die Betroffenheit von Transzendenz....

Spirou und Fantasio 16. QRN ruft Bretzelburg....

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3. Éditions Jérôme Millon | Krisis
patocka jan Liberté etsacrifice. patocka jan Introduction à la phénoménologie de Husserl.
Accueil Collections Philosophie
Marc Richir A nonyme Le Livre des XXIV philosophes
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F Psychiatrie et existence (colloque de Cerisy) Fink Eugen Fink Eugen Fink Eugen
G arelli Jacques Gil Fernando Greish Jean
H Haar Michel Heidegger et l'essence de l'homme Haar Michel La fracture de l'histoire Husserl Edmund Husserl Edmund
Husserl Edmund Pantasia, conscience d'images, souvenir
Husserl Edmund
K assis Raymond
Kimura Bin L anciani Attilio M aldiney Henri Penser l'homme et la folie Montebello Pierre Montet Danielle Les traits de l'Etre. Essai sur l'ontologie platonicienne Montet Danielle Murakami P atocka Jan Patocka Jan Patocka Jan Patocka Jan Pierobon Frank Pierobon Frank Pontremoli Edouard R ichir Marc Richir Marc Richir Marc Richir Marc Richir Marc Richir Marc Rodrigo Pierre Rossi Paolo S chelling F.W. Philosophie de la mythologie Schelling F.W. Schelling F.W. Philosophie de l'art Simondon Gilbert Souche-Dagues Denise Du Logos chez Heidegger Straus Erwin T aminiaux Jacques Lectures de l'ontologie fondamentale. Essais sur Heidegger

4. English
303, Suslik Vojtech, Ing.,, CSc. 216, Zach Peter, Ing.,, CSc. 303, patocka jan,Doc., RNDr.,, DrSc. 202, Oddelenie ekológie pôdy Kodrik Milan, Ing.,, CSc. 316,ved.
Ústav ekológie lesa
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5. Patocka
Jan Patocka, RNDr., DrSc., Doc. Je absolventom PF Karlovej univerzity v Prahe.Habilitoval sa na TU vo Zvolene a DrSc. obhájil na KU v Bratislave.
Jan Patoèka, RNDr., DrSc., Doc. Je absolventom PF Karlovej univerzity v Prahe. Habilitoval sa na TU vo Zvolene a DrSc. obhájil na KU v Bratislave. 40 rokov pracoval na LVÚ vo Zvolene, tiež ako vedúci odboru Ochrany lesov a po¾ovníctva. Po odchode do dôchodk u pracuje od r.1989 na ÚEL SAV vo Zvolene.
Zaoberá sa taxonómiou, bionómiou, ekológiou a faunistikou radu Lepidoptera, najmä nedospelých štádií, populaènou dynamikou živoèíchov a lesníckou ekológiou.
Je autorom vyše 200 vedeckých a odborných prác, z toho vyše 100 pôvodných vedeckých z èasti uvedených v currentových èasopisoch a z ve¾kej èasti v zahranièí, 16 knižných publikácií a monografií.
Prednáša populaènú ekológiu živoèíchov na Ekologickej fakulte TU vo Zvolene.

6. Jan Patocka - 13-06-2002 - Radio Prague
Translate this page Jan Patocka. 13-06-2002 Par Jaroslava Gregorova. Écoute Real Audio.Jan patocka jan Patocka. Jan Patocka, né en 1907, en Bohême
Radio Prague, émissions internationales de la Radio tchèque Version texte seulement 27-5-2004, 19:13 UTC Infos Édition précédente Archives Abonnez-vous ... Culture sans frontières Thèmes Le Championnat du monde de hockey sur glace 2004 La République tchèque et l'Union européenne La musique tchèque 2004 Histoire de la musique tchèque ... Archives Sur Radio Prague Concours de Radio Prague Comment écouter RP? Rapport de réception Équipe ... Histoire de la Radio tchèque Découvrez la République tchèque Les Tchèques célebres Guide à travers la République tchèque Événements majeurs de l'histoire nationale La République tchèque vue par les enfants ... Archives Les Tchèques célèbres et moins célèbres Portraits de Tchèques qui ont fait, font ou feront parler d'eux. Jan Patocka [13-06-2002] Par Jaroslava Gregorova Écoute Jan Patocka Jan Patocka, né en 1907, en Bohême du nord, est l'un des plus grands philosophes modernes. Un conflit avec le pouvoir public communiste lui coûtera la vie. Sa mort fera partie des plus tragiques de l'histoire, faisant parallèle à la fin de Socrate, condamné à mort par le tribunal démocratique d'Athènes. Jan Patocka Le grand philosophe effleure le monde de la politique lorsque Vaclav Havel lui demande de soutenir la pétition du groupe persécuté Plastic People of the Universe. En 1977, le professeur est avec Vaclav Havel et Vaclav Hajek, ex-ministre des affaires étrangères co-auteur et porte-parole de la Charte 77.

7. BIBSYS-Post 010150870

8. Jan Patocka
Jan Patocka. 1 Plato and Europe (Cultural Memory in the Present) by Jan Patocka,Petr Lom Books Plato and Europe (Cultural Memory in the Present) Patocka/
Jan Patocka
Body, Community, Language, World
by: Jan Patocka Erazim Kohak James Dodd James Todd's Price:
Prices subject to change.
Plato and Europe (Cultural Memory in the Present)

by: Jan Patocka Petr Lom
List Price:'s Price:
You Save:
Prices subject to change.
An Introduction to Husserl's Phenomenology
by: Jan Patocka Erazim Kohak James Dodd List Price:'s Price: You Save: Prices subject to change. Heretical Essays in the Philosophy of History by: Jan Patocka Erazim Kohak James Dodd Erazin Kohak's Price: Prices subject to change. Jan Patocka: Philosophy and Selected Writings by: Erazim Kohak's Price: Prices subject to change. Qu'est-ce que la ph©nom©nologie ? by: Jan Patocka's Price: price not available Prices subject to change. Papiers ph©nom©nologiques by: Jan Patocka Erika Abrams's Price: price not available Prices subject to change. Essais h©r©tiques sur la philosophie de l'histoire by: Jan Patocka Paul Ricoeur's Price: price not available Prices subject to change.

9. Jakub Patocka Odpovidal Ctenarum Lidovek - Lidovky
Odpovezeno 19. 05. 2004 144228. Autor ZZ. Otazka Kdo je podle Vas nejvhodnejsiosobou na post ministra ZP ? Jakub patocka jan Beranek. Odpovezeno 19. 05.

10. IWM Jan Patocka Archive
An archive of The Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, Austria. Site provides information on past and current projects as well as the patocka Fellowship.
Jan Patocka Archive The Philosophical Work of Jan Patocka: Research and Publication selected works bibliography was published jointly with the Prague Archive. In 2000 a new research project on Patocka's contribution to the genealogy of the modern age was started. Since 1993 IWM has offered a Jan Patocka Junior Visiting Fellowship to young scholars pursuing research on the philosophy of Jan Patocka or in fields related to his work. Search:

11. The Husserl Page Jan Patocka Bibliography
Extensive list of original writings and translations.
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12. 43866. Patocka, Jan. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996
well he plays the role that destiny assigned to him. ATTRIBUTION jan patocka (19071977), Czech philosopher, activist
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Quotations The Columbia World of Quotations PREVIOUS ... AUTHOR INDEX The Columbia World of Quotations. NUMBER: QUOTATION: The real test of a man is not how well he plays the role he has invented for himself, but how well he plays the role that destiny assigned to him.

13. Plato And Europe
patocka, jan, Plato and Europe, translated by Petr Lom, Stanford University Press, 2002, 249pp, $19.95, ISBN jan patocka (19071977) was a Czech philosopher who lived most of
Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2003.04.01
Patocka, Jan, Plato and Europe , translated by Petr Lom, Stanford University Press, 2002, 249pp, $19.95, ISBN 0804738017. Reviewed by:
University of Notre Dame Jan Patocka (1907-1977) was a Czech philosopher who lived most of his life quietly refusing to succumb to the oppressive political forces of his native land. These forces deprived him for all but a handful of years of any regular academic employment, including the right to publish. When he died under police interrogation in his Socratic seventieth year, having been a modest participant in the Charter 77 human rights movement, he lived on as a moral hero for many Czechs, including Vaclav Havel. Jan Patocka: Philosophy and Selected Writings (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989). Plato and Europe The main thread of the seminar, accounting for Plato Patocka discusses three main versions of soul-care. He begins by contrasting Democritus and Plato. Care of the soul in both is directed toward knowledge. Democritus is radically private, isolating the thinker from community life to orient him toward knowledge of being. Plato instead takes the primary object of knowledge to be the soul; and pursuit of this knowledge, Patocka rather abruptly insists, essentially involves an interest in politics and political reform (86, 89). Platonic soul-care is essentially vertical: it always takes its bearings from what is, even if this highest reality cannot be made actual in the political world. (Patocka has in mind such passages as the conclusion of

14. Husserl Page: Jan Patocka Bibliography
jan patocka, click here, jan patocka 19071977, Date of compilation November2002. Bibliographies patocka, jan. Texte, Dokumente, Bibliographie . Hrsg.
Jan Patocka
The Husserl Page
A Representative Bibliography of Writings
This bibliography is no substitute for those listed in section one of this page. Indeed, the content of this page is based largely on the content of the first two of these bibliographies. Although representative of Patocka's literary output, there is an obvious deficiency inherent in this representation. Wherever a writing exists without translation into either English, French or German, then only the title of that work is given (in English). The intended audience of this web site is, therefore, those Patocka scholars who have no ability to read Czech but who do have knowledge of at least one of these three languages. Date of compilation: November 2002.
  • Bibliographies:
  • Patocka, Jan. Texte, Dokumente, Bibliographie . Hrsg. von Ludger Hagedorn und Hans Rainer Sepp. Freiburg: K. Alber Verlag, 1999, 524-779. [ISBN 3-495-47962-7]
  • Kohák, Erazim. Jan Patocka. Philosophy and Selected Writings. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1989, 349-377. [ISBN 0-226-45002-3]
  • 15. Society, Philosophy, Philosophers, P: Patocka, Jan
    jan patocka, 19071977. Czech philosopher best known for his writingson human freedom. jan patocka, 1907-1977. Czech philosopher,_Jan/
    Top Society Philosophy Philosophers ... Patocka, Jan
    Related links of interest: Jan Patocka, 1907-1977. Czech philosopher best known for his writings on human freedom. Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web. Submit a Site Open Directory Project Become an Editor The directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified and enhanced using our own technology. About ComboSE Download Combose Toolbar

    16. Jan Patocka ; An Introduction To Husserl S Phenomenology, Jan Potter - Unique Ca
    An Introduction To Husserl s Phenomenology; jan patocka An Introduction To Husserl s Phenomenology; patocka, jan. jan patocka. Body, Community, Language, World. jan patocka
    Read: Books ISBN 0812693388 new and used - seach and find 0812693590 . Home Contact
    An Introduction To Husserl s Phenomenology; Jan Patocka
    Jan Potter - Unique Candlewicking Collection Jan Perina - Coherence and Statistics of Photons and Atoms [Wiley Series in Lasers and Applications] Jan R Magnus - Linear Structures Pat Niemeyer Jonathan Knudsen - Introduction à java [et CD-ROM] ...
    An Introduction To Husserl s Phenomenology
    ; Patocka, Jan
    Jan Patocka

    Body, Community, Language, World

    Jan Patocka

    Le Monde Naturel Et Le Mouvement De LExistence Humaine Phaenomenologica 110
    Jan Pen Trevor S Preston

    jan patoca patokka patocca patocka an jn ja janpatocka atocka ptocka paocka patcka patoka patock

    17. IWM Research Focus: The Philosophical Work Of Jan Patocka
    Translate this page In 1984, IWM started its project The Philosophical Work of jan patocka Researchand Publication, aimed at collecting and making accessible the œuvre of the
    Research Focus The Philosophical Work of Jan Patocka
    Das Philosophische Werk Jan Patockas
    Director / Leitung: Klaus Nellen In 1984, IWM started its project The Philosophical Work of Jan Patocka: Research and Publication, IWM Patocka Archive Selected Works bibliography was published jointly with the Prague Archive, followed in 1999 by a German version published in the framework of a comprehensive homage to the Czech thinker. In 1987, IWM started its Jan Patocka Memorial Lectures since 1993, IWM has offered a Jan Patocka Junior Visiting Fellowship to young scholars pursuing research on the philosophy of Jan Patocka or in fields related to his work.
    Ludger Hagedorn, Cyril Riha, David Soucek, Karel Novotny, Ivan Chvatik and Klaus Nellen in the IWM Patocka archive 1984 begann das IWM sein Projekt zur Erforschung und Publikation des philosophischen Werks von Jan Patocka. Das hierzu gegründete Patocka-Archiv des IWM enthält heute alle bekannten publizierten und unpublizierten Schriften des Prager Philosophen sowie mehrere Briefwechsel und die einschlägige Sekundärliteratur. Die Bestände des Archivs stehen allen interessierten Forschern zur Verfügung. Das IWM-Archiv kooperierte von Anbeginn eng mit dem Prager Patocka-Archiv, gegründet von einer Gruppe von Patocka-Schülern, die bis 1989 im Untergrund arbeitete und den Nachlass im Samisdat herausgab; seit 2000 ist es dem Zentrum für phänomenologische Forschung (CFB) angegliedert.

    18. Books By Jan Patocka At - Every Day Low Prices
    Find books written by jan patocka. Select from 1000's of books at, we have a great selection of highquality merchandise, friendly service and, of course, Every Day Low Prices. Gift

    19. Society - Philosophy - Philosophers - P - Patocka, Jan Directory
    Top Society Philosophy Philosophers P patocka, jan The Husserl Page jan patockaBibliography Extensive list of original writings and translations.,_Jan/
    Web Hosting Dir Web Design Dir Search Engine Dir Hardware Info ... Resources Search: Top Society Philosophy Philosophers ... Patocka, Jan See also:

    20. »»Reviews For Patocka, Jan««
    patocka, jan Reviews. Average review score No reviews found. Related SubjectsPhilosophers More Pages patocka, jan Page 1 2. Search site for a Book Review.,_Jan/
    Patocka, Jan Reviews
    Related Subjects: Philosophers
    More Pages: Patocka, Jan Page 1 Book reviews for "Patocka, Jan" sorted by average review score: Body, Community, Language, World Published in Paperback by Open Court Publishing Company (November, 1997) Authors: Jan Patocka, Erazim Kohak, James Dodd, and James Todd Amazon base price:
    List price:
    that's off! Average review score: No reviews found. Caring for the Soul in a Postmodern Age: Politics and Phenomenology in the Thought of Jan Patocka Published in Hardcover by State Univ of New York Pr (September, 2002) Author: Edward F. Findlay Amazon base price: Average review score: No reviews found. Author: Amazon base price: Average review score: No reviews found. Author: Radim Palous Amazon base price: Average review score: No reviews found. Dve studie o Masarykovi 1977 Author: Jan Patocka Amazon base price: Average review score: No reviews found. Heretical Essays in the Philosophy of History Published in Paperback by Open Court Publishing Company (November, 1996) Authors: Jan Patocka, Erazim Kohak, James Dodd, and Erazin Kohak

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