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61. MARCUS AURELIUS: ELMÉLKEDÉSEK marcus aurelius. ELMÉLKEDÉSEK. FORDÍTOTTA HUSZTI JÓZSEF. A fordítás alapjául szolgáló kiadás IH Leopold M. Antoninus imperator ad se ipsum. http://www.mek.iif.hu/porta/szint/human/szepirod/kulfoldi/marcus/marcus.htm | |
62. TPCN - Great Quotations (Quotes) By Marcus Aurelius To Inspire And Motivate You marcus aurelius. Q U O T E S T O I N S P I R E Y O U. Great quotes to inspire, empower and motivate you to live the life of your dreams http://www.cyber-nation.com/victory/quotations/authors/quotes_aurelius_marcus.ht | |
63. Marcus Aurelius, marcus aurelius. Caesar marcus aurelius Antoninus Augustus, original name (until Ad 161) Marcus Annius Verus. b. April 26, AD 121, Rome http://www.kat.gr/kat/history/Rel/Chr/MarcusAurelius.htm | |
64. Marcus Aurelius Translate this page marcus aurelius (121 - 180). Der römische Kaiser und Philosoph marcus aurelius stammte aus einer Senatorenfamilie spanischer herkunft. http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/aurelius.htm | |
65. Marcus Aurelius marcus aurelius. Imperator During his reign marcus aurelius was almost constantly at war with various peoples outside the Empire. Germanic http://www.fact-index.com/m/ma/marcus_aurelius.html | |
66. Beginning Of The End? - Marcus Aurelius - Commodus - Pertinax - Didius Julianus marcus aurelius was regarded as a conscientious and virtuous ruler, remembered by posterity for his Stoic philosophy and the Meditations a series of http://www.stephen.j.murray.btinternet.co.uk/decline.htm | |
67. Marcus Aurelius Quotes, Roman Emperor Emperor marcus aurelius Quotes marcus aurelius Quotations. (Marcus Military Related quotations from marcus aurelius, Roman emperor. Anger http://www.military-quotes.com/marcus-aurelius.htm | |
68. Notes On Marcus Aurelius Notes on marcus aurelius. Bruce MacLennan. I. Some Important Stoics. A. Predecessors to Stoicism. F. Epictetus (60117 CE). G. marcus aurelius (121-180 CE). II. http://www.cs.utk.edu/~mclennan/Classes/US220/Marcus-Aurelius-Outline.html | |
69. MotivationalQuotes.Com Presents Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor Information about marcus aurelius, Roman Emperor, and links to Internet resources about him. marcus aurelius marcus aurelius. marcus aurelius http://www.sperience.org/People/marcus.shtml | |
70. Philosophy.com: Meditations Meditations. marcus aurelius The former was the philosophical tradition that marcus aurelius was working within; a tradition that had its roots in Socrates. http://www.sauer-thompson.com/archives/philosophy/000870.html | |
71. Quotez - Author Index marcus aurelius, Meditations, Bk VIII, Ch. This is enough. Do not add, And why were such things made in the world? marcus aurelius, Meditations; http://www.digiserve.co.uk/quotations/search.cgi?type=Author&terms=Marcus Aureli |
72. Marcus Aurelius marcus aurelius (161 180). marcus aurelius okamite jmenoval spoluvladarem Lucia Vera, rovne adoptovaného Antoninem Piem. http://web.dkm.cz/antika/ma.htm | |
73. Marcus Aurelius, Emperor Of Rome, 121-180.: Free Web Books, Online marcus aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121180. Biographical note. from Wikipedia. Works. The Meditations read download . Other links. http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/aut/marcus_aurelius.html | |
74. Column Of Marcus Aurelius Column of marcus aureliusColumn of marcus aurelius Click on a thumbnail image to see a fullsize image. Column of marcus aurelius 1. Column of marcus aurelius 2. http://wings.buffalo.edu/AandL/Maecenas/rome/col_marc_aurel/section_contents.htm | |
75. Marcus Aurelius - Kurzporträt Translate this page marcus aurelius Antoninus (Römischer Kaiser 161 - 180 n.Chr.) marcus aurelius Antoninus kam am 26. April 121 n.Chr. marcus aurelius verstarb am 17. http://www.fh-friedberg.de/dvsz/kurs/1_doku.htm | |
76. Marcus Aurelius, Romans (Photo Archive) marcus aurelius. Roman Emperor. Romans / Historical Persons. Photo gallery of 31 pictures for marcus aurelius . Prints of the http://sights.seindal.dk/sight/839_Marcus_Aurelius.html | |
77. Column Of Marcus Aurelius, Piazza Chigi (Photo Archive) Column of marcus aurelius. Roman Monument. Piazza Chigi / Rome / Italy. Photo gallery of 6 pictures for Column of marcus aurelius . http://sights.seindal.dk/sight/219_Column_of_Marcus_Aurelius.html | |
78. Entrez PubMed No abstract, The plague under marcus aurelius and the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2004 Mar;18(1)6577. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?holding=mnumhelib&cmd=search&db=pu |
79. The Walters: Collections: The Ancient World image 12 of 13 prev next , locate on map, Head of marcus aurelius Roman, Antonine period AD 161180 Marble Height 12 5/8 in. Acquired http://www.thewalters.org/html/collec_object_detail.asp?ID=36&object_ID=23.215 |
80. Expatica Living In, Moving To, Or Working In France, Plus NEWS AND COMMUNITY FOR THE EXPATRIATE. French archeologists find marcus aurelius head . AMMAN, April 22 (AFP) French archeologists http://www.expatica.com/source/site_article.asp?subchannel_id=58&story_id=6873 |
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