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         Kant Immanuel:     more books (98)
  1. Historical Dictionary of Kant and Kantianism (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies and Movements) by Helmut Holzhey, 2005-06-22
  2. Perpetual Peace, and Other Essays on Politics, History, and Morals (HPC Classics Series) by Immanuel Kant, 1983-02-01
  3. Toward Perpetual Peace and Other Writings on Politics, Peace, and History (Rethinking the Western Tradition) by Immanuel Kant, 2006-11-01
  4. The Philosophy of Law: An Exposition of the Fundamental Principles of Jurisprudence as the Science of Right [ 1887 ] by Immanuel Kant, 2009-08-10
  5. Die Religion Innerhalb Der Grenzen Der Blossen Vernunft. Die Metaphysik Der Sitten by Immanuel Kant, 1968-06
  6. Logik. Physische Geographie. Padagogik by Immanuel Kant, 1987-03
  7. Der Streit Der Fakultaten. Anthropologie in Pragmatischer Hinsicht by Immanuel Kant, 1972-03
  8. A Kant Dictionary (Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries) by Howard Caygill, 1995-07-12
  9. Klassiker der Philosophie, 2 Bde., Bd.2, Von Immanuel Kant bis Jean-Paul Sartre by Otfried Höffe, 1995-01-01
  10. Kant's Theory of Freedom by Henry E. Allison, 1990-09-28
  11. Kant: Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy)
  12. The Critique of Judgement (mobi) by Immanuel Kant, 2008-08-14
  13. Raising the Tone of Philosophy: Late Essays by Immanuel Kant, Transformative Critique by Jacques Derrida
  14. An Answer to the Question: 'What Is Enlightenment?' (Penguin Great Ideas) by Immanuel Kant, 2010-10-26

81. Kantian Ethics & Christ - Does Christ Agree With Immanuel Kant ?
Argues that Christ's philosophy holds the key to completing Kantian Ethics through resolving the dualism of happiness and virtuousness.
Christ's Reply to Kantian Ethics I have divided this introduction into 4 sections, so that the reader may have a better understanding on what I shall attempt to do in this site through seeing the problem from 4 different viewpoints. Kantian Ethics can also be called the ethics of the metaphysical i.e. with its metaphysical moral will, metaphysical freedom of the will, metaphysical responsibility, metaphysical punishment and justice. Is there really a metaphysical world, or is it merely in one's drunken mind, who is, according to Wittgenstein, bewitched by his language. Let's take a look at the belief in the existence of metaphysical justice. (Note that I'm not in anyway denying the importance of social justice, but only the metaphysical one.) Should the first in a competition be rewarded or should the person who could derive the greatest joy from the award itself be rewarded instead? It seems that the first deserve or ought to be rewarded, just as the moral man seems to deserve happiness more than the sinner. And this oughtness There is absolutely no logical necessity between the concept of deserve and happiness. We feel that the first deserves the reward, and the moral man deserves happiness

82. Kant
Translate this page immanuel kant. Vida. Filosofia. Metafísica. Para citar este texto Cobra, Rubem Q. - immanuel kant. Página de Filosofia Moderna, Geocities, Internet, 1997.
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    IMMANUEL KANT Vida Filosofia

    De rerum natura
    Em 1740, aos dezesseis anos, Kant entrou para a universidade de Königsberg onde estudou até aos 21 anos. Apesar de ter assistido a cursos de teologia e até pregado alguns sermões, ele foi atraído mais pela matemática e a física. Ajudado por um jovem professor, Martin Knutzen, que havia estudado Christian Wolff, um sistematizador da filosofia racionalista, e que também era um entusiasta da ciência de Sir Isaac Newton, Kant começou a ler os trabalhos deste físico inglês e, em 1744, começou seu primeiro livro, o qual tratava de um problema relativo a forças cinéticas: "Ideias sobre a Maneira Verdadeira de Calcular as Forças Vivas"
    : Em 1755, ajudado pela bondade de um amigo, Kant pode completar seus estudos na universidade. Obteve seu doutorado e assumiu a posição de livre docente (Privatdozent, professor sem salário). Três dissertações que ele apresentou na habilitação a esse posto indicam o interesse e rumo de seu pensamento nessa época. Em uma, "Sobre o fogo", ele argumenta, muito ao jeito aristotélico, que os corpos agem uns sobre os outros através de uma matéria sutil e elástica uniformemente difusa que é a substância básica de ambos calor e luz.

83. Index
Biograf­a, conocimiento y ©tica.

84. Biografia De Kant, Immanuel
Translate this page kant, immanuel. (Königsberg, hoy Kaliningrado, actual Rusia, 1724-id., 1804) Filósofo alemán. Hijo de un modesto guarnicionero, fue educado en el pietismo.
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85. Prolegomena To Any Future Metaphysics (1783) Immanuel Kant
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics (1783) immanuel kant Copyright 1997, James Fieser ( See endnote for details on copyright and editing.

86. Kant Crítica De La Razón Pura
Introducci³n de esta obra de immanuel kant.
[Segunda Parte: La lógica trascendental]
Idea de una lógica trascendental
Nuestro conocimiento surge básicamente de dos fuentes del psiquismo: la primera es la facultad de recibir representaciones (receptividad de las impresiones); la segunda es la facultad de conocer un objeto a través de tales representaciones (espontaneidad de los conceptos). A través de la primera se nos da un objeto; a través de la segunda, lo pensamos en relación con la representación (como simple representación del psiquismo). La intuición y los conceptos constituyen, pues, los elementos de todo nuestro conocimiento, de modo que ni los conceptos pueden suministrar conocimiento prescindiendo de una intuición que les corresponda de alguna forma, ni tampoco puede hacerlo la intuición sin conceptos. Ambos elementos son, o bien puros, o bien empíricos. Son empíricos si contienen una sensación la cual presupone la presencia efectiva del objeto). Son puros si no hay en la representación mezcla alguna de sensación. Podemos llamar a ésta última la materia del conocimiento sensible. La intuición pura únicamente contiene, pues, la forma bajo la cual intuimos algo. El concepto puro no contiene, por su parte, sino la forma bajo la cual pensamos un objeto en general. Tanto la intuiciones puras como los conceptos puros sólo son posibles

87. Immanuel Kant On Suicide
immanuel kant on Suicide. The above is taken from immanuel kant s FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF THE METAPHYSIC OF MORALS as translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott.
Immanuel Kant on Suicide "Firstly, under the head of necessary duty to oneself: He who contemplates suicide should ask himself whether his action can be consistent with the idea of humanity as an end in itself. If he destroys himself in order to escape from painful circumstances, he uses a person merely as a mean to maintain a tolerable condition up to the end of life. But a man is not a thing, that is to say, something which can be used merely as means, but must in all his actions be always considered as an end in himself. I cannot, therefore, dispose in any way of a man in my own person so as to mutilate him, to damage or kill him. (It belongs to ethics proper to define this principle more precisely, so as to avoid all misunderstanding, e.g., as to the amputation of the limbs in order to preserve myself, as to exposing my life to danger with a view to preserve it, etc. This question is therefore omitted here.)" The above is taken from Immanuel Kant's FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF THE METAPHYSIC OF MORALS as translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott. The complete text can be found at
Return to the Euthanasia Home Page

88. Projekt Gutenberg-DE - Kultur - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Kurze biographische Einleitung und Links zu Werken im Volltext wie den drei Kritiken (Kritik der reinen Vernunft in der 1. und 2. Auflage) und dem Aufsatz Was ist Aufkl¤rung? .

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89. Kant, I
kant, immanuel, 17241804, German philosopher, one of the greatest figures in the history of metaphysics. After 1755 he taught at the Univ.
Photo by Kant, I
Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804, German philosopher, one of the greatest figures in the history of metaphysics. After 1755 he taught at the Univ. of Konigsberg and achieved wide renown through his teachings and writings. According to Kant, his reading of David Hume Hegel ILTweb (
The Critique of Judgemen (

The Critique of Judgement
(Univ.of Idaho)
The Critique of Judgement
The Critique of Judgement
( translated by James Creed Meredith
The Critique of Practical Reason
The Critique of Practical Reason
(Univ.of Idaho)
The Critique of Practical Reason
The Critique of Pure Reason
( translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott
The Critique of Pure Reason
( The Critique of Pure Reason (Univ.of Idaho) The Critique of Pure Reason ( The Critique of Pure Reason ( The Critique of Pure Reason ( The Critique of Pure Reason ( translated by J. M. D. Meiklejohn The Critique of Pure Reason ( a translation by Norman Kemp Smith, an electronic edition

90. Immanuel Kant: Perpetual Peace
Perpetual Peace A Philosophical Sketch. by immanuel kant. 1795. PERPETUAL PEACE. Whether this satirical inscription on a Dutch innkeeper s
Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch
by Immanuel Kant
PERPETUAL PEACE clausula salvatoria the author desires formally and emphatically to deprecate herewith any malevolent interpretation which might be placed on his words.
"No Treaty of Peace Shall Be Held Valid in Which There Is Tacitly Reserved Matter for a Future War" Otherwise a treaty would be only a truce, a suspension of hostilities but not peace, which means the end of all hostilities — so much so that even to attach the word "perpetual" to it is a dubious pleonasm. The causes for making future wars (which are perhaps unknown to the contracting parties) are without exception annihilated by the treaty of peace, even if they should be dug out of dusty documents by acute sleuthing. When one or both parties to a treaty of peace, being too exhausted to continue warring with each other, make a tacit reservation ( reservatio mentalis ) in regard to old claims to be elaborated only at some more favorable opportunity in the future, the treaty is made in bad faith, and we have an artifice worthy of the casuistry of a Jesuit. Considered by itself, it is beneath the dignity of a sovereign, just as the readiness to indulge in this kind of reasoning is unworthy of the dignity of his minister.

91. Leben Und Werk Von Immanuel Kant
Translate this page Leben und Werk von immanuel kant. von Christian J. Krause. Kindheit und Jugend in seiner Heimatstadt. immanuel kant wurde 1724 in Königsberg geboren.

Leben und Werk von Immanuel Kant
von Christian J. Krause Kindheit und Jugend in seiner Heimatstadt "gelehrte Sibirien" "Viele Leute denken, ihre Jugendjahre seien die besten und angenehmsten ihres Lebens gewesen. Aber dem ist wohl nicht so. Es sind die beschwerlichsten Jahre, weil man da sehr unter der Zucht ist, selten einen eigentlichen Freund und noch seltener Freiheit haben kann." [1] Zur Ehe bemerkt Kant: "ungemeinen" Scharfsinn, "edlen Schwung des Genius" und Stellung zu den literaturhistorischen Bewegungen der Zeit
Der Welt zum Unterricht.
"insgesamt im ersten Zuschnitt verdorben" "Disziplin"
. Und ebensowenig unempfindlich blieb er gegen die Allgewalt des Genies. Kritische Phase "Revolution in der Denkungsart"
Ein weiteres wichtiges Werk, die "Grundlegung der Metaphysik der Sitten", folgte 1785. Das Buch basiert auf folgendem Zitat: Ein Unterschied zwischen Denken und Handeln?
Andreas (Unki)
Deutsch Erdkunde Informatik ... Physik

92. Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804) : Routledge Encyclopedia Of Philosophy Online
kant, immanuel (1724–1804). immanuel kant was the paradigmatic philosopher of the European Enlightenment. He kant, immanuel. In
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14 The final decade of Kant’s public and private career

Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804)
Immanuel Kant was the paradigmatic philosopher of the European Enlightenment. He eradicated the last traces of the medieval worldview from modern philosophy, joined the key ideas of earlier rationalism and empiricism into a powerful model of the subjective origins of the fundamental principles of both science and morality, and laid the ground for much in the philosophy of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Above all, Kant was the philosopher of human autonomy, the view that by the use of our own reason in its broadest sense human beings can discover and live up to the basic principles of knowledge and action without outside assistance, above all without divine support or intervention. Kant laid the foundations of his theory of knowledge in his monumental Critique of Pure Reason (1781). He described the fundamental principle of morality in the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785) and the Critique of Practical Reason (1788), in the conclusion of which he famously wrote:

93. Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804) : Routledge Encyclopedia Of Philosophy Online
How to cite this article GUYER, PAUL (1998). kant, immanuel. In E. Craig (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London Routledge.
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14 The final decade of Kant’s public and private career

5 Space, time and transcendental idealism
The first part of the Critique , the ‘Transcendental Aesthetic’, has two objectives: to show that we have synthetic a priori knowledge of the spatial and temporal forms of outer and inner experience, grounded in our own pure intuitions of space and time; and to argue that transcendental idealism, the theory that spatiality and temporality are only forms in which objects appear to us and not properties of objects as they are in themselves, is the necessary condition for this a priori knowledge of space and time (see Space Time Much of the section refines arguments from the inaugural dissertation of 1770. First, in what the second edition labels the ‘Metaphysical Exposition’, Kant argues that space and time are both pure forms of intuition and pure intuitions . They are pure forms of intuition because they must precede and structure all experience of individual outer objects and inner states; Kant tries to prove this by arguing that our conceptions of space and time cannot be derived from experience of objects, because any such experience presupposes the individuation of objects in space and/or time, and that although we can represent space or time as devoid of objects, we cannot represent any objects without representing space and/or time ( A 23–4/B 38–9; A 30–1/B 46

94. Ethics Updates: Kantian Ethics Home Page
A Survey of PowerPoint/Video Resources on kant. Lawrence M. Hinman immanuel kant The Ethics of Duty immanuel kant The Ethics of Respect
Utilitarianism Egoism Justice Rights Theory ... Ethics Updates ". . . dedicated to promoting the thoughtful discussion of difficult moral issues."
Lawrence M. Hinman

University of San Diego
Kant and Kantian Ethics Last updated on April 3, 2004
A Survey of PowerPoint/Video Resources on Kant
Lawrence M. Hinman:

95. Kant, Immanuel -
kant, immanuel. Critik der reinen Vernunft. (kant, immanuel) Riga, verlegts Johann Friedrich Hartknoch 1781.; XXIV/856 Seiten. € 7,00.
Faksimile-CDs von Kant, Immanuel Lexika Vermischtes Schauen Sie auch unsere online-Textbank an! ... Impressum > Kategorie: Kant, Immanuel Critik der reinen Vernunft.
(Kant, Immanuel)

Riga, verlegts Johann Friedrich Hartknoch 1781.; XXIV/856 Seiten.
Menge: Critik der reinen Vernunft.
(Kant, Immanuel)
Zweyte hin und wieder verbesserte Auflage.; Riga, bey Johann Friedrich Hartknoch 1787. XLIV/884 Seiten.
Menge: Prolegomena zu einer jeden künftigen Metaphysik die als Wissenschaft wird auftreten können.
(Kant, Immanuel)
Riga, bey Johann Friedrich Hartknoch. 1783.; 222 Seiten.
Menge: Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten.
(Kant, Immanuel) Zweyte Auflage. Riga, bey Johann Friedrich Hartknoch 1786.; XVI/128 Seiten. Menge: Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft. (Kant, Immanuel) Zweyte Auflage., Riga, bey Johann Friedrich Hartknoch 1787.; XXIV/158 Seiten. Menge: Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft. (Kant, Immanuel)

96. Kant En El Centro Telemático De Filosofía
Forma parte de immanuel kant - Information Online.
Kant (1724 - 1804) Unas visitas sugeridas
Immanuel Kant, autor de la filosofa "crítica", con la que alcanza la cima de la Ilustración. Desautoriza a la metafísica como conocimiento científico, pero da curso a sus deseos en el terreno estético y sobre todo en el ético. Defensor de la razón humana, entiende que su desarrollo sistemático sólo es posible postulando los objetos de fe de la religión y en una sociedad cosmopolita. Ian C. Johnston Ian C. Johnston Gutenberg Norman Kemp Smith ... James Creed Meredith Sitios recomendados

El idealismo transcendental de Kant
Ver , correspondiente al mes de marzo de 1999.
Immanuel Kant - Information Online
Das Marburger Kant-Archiv y lugares locales como Immanuel Kant in Italia
Immanuel Kant: Links
Immanuel Kant - Projekt Gutenberg-DE
Introduction à la philosophie critique d'Emmanuel Kant ... Kant's writings y Kant resources on this web site
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97. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804: Free Web Books, Online
immanuel kant, 17241804. Biographical note. from Wikipedia. Works. The Critique of Judgement / translated by James Creed Meredith read download ;
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Immanuel Kant, 1724-1804
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98. Kant, Immanuel - LaCentral - Barcelona
Translate this page 25.71 €. kant, immanuel Sobre la paz perpetua Tecnos, Madrid 1989. 7.00 €. kant, immanuel Ensayo sobre las enfermedades de la cabeza Visor, Madrid 2001.

99. Bibliotheca Augustana
Translate this page A N A, immanuel kant 1724 - 1804, Der Autor immanuel kant wurde 1724 als Sohn eines Sattlers in Königsberg geboren. Zeit seines Lebens
Immanuel Kant
Der Autor
Das Werk
Vorkritische Schriften:
Meditationes de igne (1755)
Principiorum primorum cognitionis metaphysicae nova dilucidatio (1755)
Monadologia physica (1755)
Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels (1755)
Von dem ersten Grunde des Unterschiedes der Gegenden im Raume (1768)
De mundi sensibilis et intelligibilis forma atque principii (1770) Von den verschiedenen Rassen der Menschen (1775)
Kritische Schriften:
Kritik der reinen Vernunft (1781) Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten (1785) Kritik der praktischen Vernunft (1788) Kritik der Urteilskraft (1790) Zum ewigen Frieden (1795) Metaphysik der Sitten (1797) Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht (1798) Logik (1800) Physische Geographie (1802) Briefe
Quellen, Kolophon

100. Glossary Of People: Ka
kant, immanuel (17241804). The philosophical world into which immanuel kant entered was one riven by apparently irresolvable contradictions.
MIA Encyclopedia of Marxism : Glossary of People
Kaganovich, Lazar Undeviating Stalinist in various state and party posts. He was removed from all his posts when Khrushchev became premier of the Soviet Union in 1958. Kagarlitsky, Boris (b. 1958) Imprisoned 1982 for opposition to the Soviet Union. Coordinator of the Moscow Popular Front for Perestroika in 1990. Leading member of the Soviet Left and well-known Soviet Marxist outside of Russia; founding member of the Party of Labour, member of the Moscow City Council. Kahlo, Frida (1907-1954) Born and brought up in Coyoacan, Mexico. Kahlo got polio at age of seven, and suffered a terrible accident when she was 18, the painful effects of which she suffered throughout her life. A prominent artist, her only public exhibition was in 1953, shortly before her death. In 1929 she married the famous muralist, Diego Rivera, who had joined the Fourth International in 1936. In January 1937, Trotsky and Natalia came to Coyoacan, where Rivera rented Trotsky a house. Trotsky and Kahlo had a brief love affair in 1937. Rivera co-authored the Manifesto Towards a Free Revolutionary Art with Andre Breton and Trotsky in 1938. In January 1939, under intense pressure from his fellow-artists, Rivera resigned from the FI. Trotsky broke off relations with Rivera, but tried to retain Frida Kahlo's support. Frida resisted pressure to denounce Trotsky, until rejoining the CP in 1948, eight years after Trotsky's assassination in Mexico.

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