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         Gramsci Antonio:     more books (100)
  1. Antonio Gramsci : con 18 tavole fuori testo by Salvatore Francesco (1910-) Romano, 1965
  2. An Antonio Gramsci reader, selected writings, 1916-1935. Edited by David Forgacs. by Antonio and David Forgacs Gramsci, 1988
  3. Antonio Gramsci e il "progresso intellettuale di massa" (Prospettive) (Italian Edition)
  4. Intelectuales y pueblo: Un acercamiento a la luz de Antonio Gramsci (Coleccion Analisis) (Spanish Edition) by Jose Francisco Gomez Hinojosa, 1987
  5. Antonio Gramsci: An Introduction to His Thought by Alberto Pozzolini, 1971-03
  6. The Two Revolutions: Gramsci and the Dilemmas of Western Marxism by Carl Boggs, 1999-07-01
  7. Gramsci, Historical Materialism and International Relations (Cambridge Studies in International Relations)
  8. The open Marxism of Antonio Gramsci: Translated and annotated by Carl Marzani by Antonio Gramsci, Carl Marzani, 1957
  9. Gramsci and Global Politics: Hegemony and resistance (Routledge Innovations in Political Theory)
  10. Prison Notebooks, Volume 1 (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism) by Antonio Gramsci, 2010-11-19
  11. Proletarian Order: Antonio Gramsci, Factory Councils and the Origins of Communism in Italy, 1911-21 by Gwyn A. Williams, 1975-06-05
  12. Gramsci, Language, and Translation (Cultural Studies/Pedagogy/Activism)
  13. Selections from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsciedited and translated by Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell Smith by Antonio (1891-1937). Hoare, Quintin, ed. Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey, ed. Gramsci, 1971
  14. A Gramsci Reader by Antonio Gramsci, 1988-11

81. Icehousebooks (author: Gramsci, Antonio)
Author gramsci, antonio Click Books (etc ). 1 gramsci, antonio Selections From Political Writings 19101920, , , . 001619. 2 We buy and sell all kinds of second-hand and antiquarian books.
Our special interests include socialist / marxist / progressive fiction and non-fiction. Home Classified lists Frosty`s igloo How to order About us ... Noticeboard Author index: A B C D ... Z
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GRAMSCI, ANTONIO Selections From Political Writings 1910-1920 GRAMSCI, ANTONIO Selections From Prison Notebooks GRAMSCI, ANTONIO Selections from the Prison Notebooks GRAMSCI, ANTONIO The Modern Prince and Other Writings , International Publishers, New York, 1959. Home Author Index Classified lists Frosty`s igloo How to order ... Noticeboard If you experience any difficulty with our website, please email
Updated 9 Nov 2003/82

82. GRAMSCI, ANTONIO - Prometeo Libros - Libreria De Ciencias Sociales
Translate this page gramsci, antonio,Libros de las Ciencias Sociales. 250.000 Aires. Usted buscó Autor gramsci, antonio. Se encontraron 9 títulos.

83. Det Kongelige Bibliotek - Antonio Gramsci: Fængselsoptegnelser
antonio gramsci Fængselsoptegnelser. fra Indledning, Gert Sørensen gramsci og den moderne verden antonio gramsci Fængselsoptegnelser.

ELEKTRA - e -ressourcer ... Antonio Gramsci
fra Indledning, Gert Sørensen: Gramsci og "den moderne verden" »Optegnelserne« er et intellektuelt højdepunkt i en nederlagets historie: Gramscis eget personlige og den italienske arbejderklasses. De fortætter et stort uforløst felt ikke bare af indsigt i bestemte historiske begivenheder men også af ufortrøden tillid til fremtiden; og de leverer en civilisationskritik af de politiske, økonomiske og kulturelle institutioner, der blev det faktiske resultat af de i historien indbyggede magtrelationer. Af disse grunde synes det ikke holdbart at hævde, at fortiden er forbi, at sket er sket, og at fortiden er noget, der »har været«, hvorfor Gramsci lige så godt kan blive liggende i fred på den protestantiske kirkegård i Rom. Sagen er, at forfatterskabet og dets senere virkning er en massiv påmindelse om historien som et uomgængeligt vilkår, der forlænger hele den sammensatte fortid ind i nutiden. Hvad der på denne måde fortsætter, er selvsagt ikke et oprindeligt sæt af begivenheder men fortiden som erindring, som efterladenskaber, som åndelige og materielle dokumenter og som rammer for liv, som traditioner. Fortiden får dermed et liv, der peger ud over dens definitive fortidighed og ind i nutiden, ligesom den bliver et memento mori til en nutid, der selv er underkastet forgængeligheden.
Det Kongelige Bibliotek - en del af Danmarks Elektroniske Forskningsbibliotek:

84. Det Kongelige Bibliotek - Elektroniske Biografier Og Biografisk Materiale - Anto
antonio gramsci. antonio gramsci. antonio gramsci Fængselsoptegnelser. Gert Sørensen gramsci og den moderne verden . Genvej til Hvad, hvor, hvornår?

ELEKTRA - e -ressourcer ... -biografier og biografiske portrætter : Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci
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Antonio Gramsci
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antonio gramsci? *. -HOLGONSI SOARES-. -Prof. antonio gramsci foi um homem que sempre lutou contra a ortodoxia, o autoritarismo, a fragmentação
"QUEM FOI ANTONIO GRAMSCI?"* -HOLGONSI SOARES- Preso em 08.11.1926 de 22.04.1929 mostra-nos a abertura o arejamento de sua estrutura mental filosofia literatura psicologia etc Gramsci Dessa forma ,Gramsci foi um intelectual que teve a relacionalidade Por exemplo Assim A ou seja hegemonia intelectuais teoria ampliada do Estado, Escrevendo sobre o fordismo reconhece explicitamente que a homogeneidade Gramsci "onde quer que se evidenciassem: no operariado e nos intelectuais e artistas mais vivos e inteligentes mesmo sendo liberais" In : Nosella). formal e informal escola para que a mesma e sempre foi contra o In Nosella integral e consistia Gramsci Antonio Gramsci foi um homem que sempre lutou contra a ortodoxia o autoritarismo "como podemos nos tornar livres?" pela flexibilidade educadores enfim pela sociedade em geral Faleceu em 27.04.1937 aos 46 anos de idade companheiros Motivo A companheirada era tradicional e tinha

86. Volver A Leer A Gramsci
Translate this page Entre estos últimos documentos, lo más importante para el conocimiento preciso de lo que fue la evolución de antonio gramsci durante los años de la cárcel
Qui som? Textos Activitats
Volver a leer a Gramsci
Francisco Fernández Buey
Desde la aparición de la edición crítica de los Quaderni del carcere preparada por Valentino Gerratana (Einaudi, Turín, 1975) han visto la luz en Italia muchas piezas inéditas del epistolario de Gramsci y de Julia y Tatiana Schucht, su mujer y su cuñada (que fue la persona que más cerca estuvo de Gramsci entre 1927 y 1937), así como un considerable número de documentos que aclaran aspectos poco conocidos de la biografía del pensador sardo y permiten interpretar mejor ciertos pasos oscuros de los cuadernos que escribió en las cárceles musolinianas. Entre estos últimos documentos, lo más importante para el conocimiento preciso de lo que fue la evolución de Antonio Gramsci durante los años de la cárcel es la correspondencia entre Piero Sraffa y Tatiana Schucht, que fue publicada en 1991. Por otra parte, y en relación con esta documentación nueva, los estudios gramscianos han crecido exponencialmente en todo el mundo. En el último tercio del siglo XX Gramsci dejó de ser "la moda" en que quiso convertirle cierto politicismo de la década de los setenta y pasó a ser estudiado como un clásico del pensamiento político. Los politiqueros dejaron de citar su nombre en vano y los oportunistas descubrieron que el nombre de Gramsci ya no era utilizable para sus negocios cotidianos. Pero la influencia intelectual de Gramsci se ha mantenido entre las personas serias que se dedican a las ciencias sociales, a los estudios culturales y a la crítica de la política. Y, por supuesto, entre las personas que aprecian la veracidad en política; personas que, con el tiempo y sus avatares, han pasado a ser las que mejor conectan con aquello que un día se llamó "espíritu revolucionario".

87. Essential Classics In Politics: Gramsci CD-Rom
Essential Classics in Politics antonio gramsci. THE REVOLUTIONARY READER Six complete works on CDRom at the Special Price of just £24.95 ($39.95).
Price £24.95
Essential Classics in Politics
Six complete works on CD-Rom at the Special Price of just £24.95 ($39.95). Save £5 on normal price

has long been recognised as the 20th century’s most profound and original Marxist thinker. Now for the first time these award-winning, authoritative texts— virtually everything currently available by Gramsci in English —are brought to you in digital form by the Electric Book Company. Now you can have every Gramsci reference at your fingertips —for the price of a hardback. Gramsci's Political Thought: An Introduction
edited by Roger Simon with an introductory essay by Stuart Hall

A lucid, easily comprehensible account of the ideas put forward by Gramsci and their relevance to modern industrial and post-industrial societies. It discusses the concepts of hegemony, the national-popular, passive revolution, ideology, civil society and the revolutionary party. Selections from the Prison Notebooks
edited and translated by Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell Smith

Contains many of the key writings by Gramsci including The Modern Prince, and Americanism and Fordism and observations on the state and civil society, Italian history and the role of intellectuals. The extensive introduction and notes set the work in political and historical context and help readers find their way into Gramsci’s thinking.

88. Narrative Theology And Post-Modern Cults: Antonio Gramsci
Narrative Theology And PostModern Cults antonio gramsci. Notes from Analysis of antonio gramsci s Theory on Social Revolution by Marnid and Jason.
Review by request of Russ Adcox and the Purpose Driven Church Model. Russ supports the underlying scheme but has some advice about how to do it more gradually. Hohenwald has been stung by the venum of deliberate SOWING OF DISCORD and, "without a by your leave" has usurped the authority of the members temporarily vested in its elders. This authority ceases when they refuse to "teach that which has been taught" and silences the voice of their betters. We will show the connection between these para-church groups and the Volkish state. We will quote some Machiavelli and Hitler which fits perfectly with the NEW PATTERNISM for Infiltrating and Diverting the church houses of widows.
Narrative Theology And Post-Modern Cults: Antonio Gramsci
Narrative Theology : Gramsci, Machiavelli and Hitler taught Emotional Manipulation of Human Material (sheep) but training of the intellectual, dominant few with just one Head Shepherd "Liberal literary criticism allows each community the right to re-write Scripture . The canon (not necessarily of biblical texts, but at least in the

89. Niels Helsloot, References (Linguists Of All Countries ...!)
antonio gramsci Life of a revolutionary. London New Left Books. gramsci, antonio, 1967. gramsci, antonio, 1971. Selections from the prison notebooks.
Niels Helsloot
Niels Helsloot, 'Linguists of all countries ...!, On Gramsci's premise of coherence' , in: Journal of Pragmatics 13, 1989, pp. 564-566.
1989, 2003 (posted with permission from Elsevier) References Althusser, Louis, 1971. 'Ideology and ideological state apparatuses (Notes towards an investigation)'. In: Lenin and philosophy, and other essays. New York, London: Monthly Review Press. pp. 127-186. Atkinson, Paul, 1985. Language, structure, and reproduction: An introduction to the sociology of Basil Bernstein. London: Methuen. Baker, G.P. and P.M.S. Hacker, 1984. Language, sense and nonsense. Oxford: Blackwell. Bernstein, Basil, 1971. Class, codes and control, Vol. I. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Bertoni, Giulio and Matteo G. Bartoli, 1925. Buci-Glucksmann, Christine, 1980. Gramsci and the State. London: Lawrence and Wishart. Chomsky, Noam, 1976. Reflections on language. New York: Pantheon. Clark, Katerina and Michael Holquist, 1984. Mikhail Bakhtin. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Croce, Benedetto, 1922. Aesthetic: As science of expression and general linguistic. London: Macmillan.

90. Niels Helsloot, Gramsci
antonio gramsci. Artikelen. 2001e gramsci, antonio (18911937), in Raj Mesthrie, red., Concise encyclopedia of sociolinguistics, Oxford Pergamon, 873.
Niels Helsloot
Antonio Gramsci Artikelen 2001e Gramsci, Antonio (1891-1937), in: Raj Mesthrie, red., Concise encyclopedia of sociolinguistics, Oxford: Pergamon, 873 1998b Gramsci, Antonio (1891-1937), in: Jacob L. Mey, red., Concise encyclopedia of pragmatics, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1070-1071 Marxist linguistics Neuzen in orde. Naar een post-marxistische taaltheorie , in: De Gids 156, 197-205 Linguists of all countries ...! On Gramsci's premise of coherence , in: Journal of Pragmatics 13, 547-566 Presentaties 1992 International Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association, Gent (9-11 september); Paper: Towards a post-marxist theory of language

91. Scout Report Archives
Archives Browse Resources. Browse Resources. gramsci, antonio, 18911937. (1 classification). Classifications. Bibliography (1). Andrew W

92. Cuadernos De La Cárcel De Antonio Gramsci.
Translate this page Cuadernos de la carcel. antonio gramsci. Mexico Ediciones Era. Seis volumenes. antonio gramsci. Cuadernos de la cárcel. antonio gramsci.
los libros que quiero leer entrada libros por temas mi pedido
Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci
A cargo de Valentino Gerratana.
ISBN 968411074X.
En bodega. Disponible para
Muerto Gramsci, este "material todavía en elaboración" hubo de esperar a la terminación de la guerra para ser publicado: apareció originalmente entre 1948 y 1951, en seis volúmenes, y conoció una vasta difusión. Cuadernos
Los rituales del caos
arriba Antonio Gramsci los estantes literatura latinoamericana Jaime Bayly Mario Benedetti Carlos Fuentes Elena Garro Angeles Mastretta Marcela Serrano Mario Vargas Llosa otros autores el "boom" cubano la sexualidad las escritoras pensamiento latinoamericano otros temas entrada los estantes por temas regalos para servirle...

93. Bibliografia In Lingua Italiana Su Antonio Gramsci
antonio gramsci. Opere su antonio gramsci. Il prigioniero.
Bibliografia in lingua italiana
su Antonio Gramsci Opere su Antonio Gramsci
Opere di Antonio Gramsci
back to Antonio Gramsci: Italiano English Nota: le opere su Antonio Gramsci sono elencate dalle edizioni più recenti alle più vecchie. Le opere di Antonio Gramsci invece sono in ordine alfabetico ed ogni titolo è preceduto da un numero d'ordine. Opere di Antonio Gramsci Opere su Antonio Gramsci Il prigioniero. Vita di Antonio Gramsci - 2000 - Lepre Aurelio - Laterza
Per un umanesimo rivisitato. Da Heidegger a Gramsci, a Jonas, all'etica di liberazione - 1999 - Battistrada Franco - Jaca Book
Egemonia e poesia. Gramsci: l'arte, la letteratura - 1999 - Anglani Bartolo - Manni
Gramsci e Gioberti nel discorso nazionale popolare - 1999 - Landolfi Enrico
Antonio Gramsci - 1999 - Patriarchi Adele - Seam
Storia degli intellettuali in Italia 3 Temi e ideologie dagli illuministi a Gramsci - 1999 - Dotti Ugo - Editori Riuniti -
Appuntamenti con Gramsci. Introduzione allo studio dei Quaderni del carcere - 1999 - Vacca Giuseppe - Carocci
Rosso su rosso. Interventi e interviste di fine secolo da Cattaneo a Gramsci - 1998 - Santarelli Enzo - Datanews -

94. Antonio Gramsci: Selections From The Prison Notebooks
antonio gramsci Selections from The Prison Notebooks. antonio gramsci (1891–1937) was an Italian intellectual who joined first
Antonio Gramsci: Selections from The Prison Notebooks On the subject of Jacobinism and the Action Party, an element to be highlighted is the following: that the Jacobins won their function of "leading" [ dirigente That the Jacobins, despite everything, always remained bourgeois ground is demonstrated by the events which marked their end, as a party cast in too specific and inflexible a mold, and by the death of Robespierre. Maintaining the Le Chapelier law, they were not willing to concede to the workers the right of combination; as a consequence they had to pass the law of the maximum. They thus broke the Paris urban bloc: their assault forces, assembled in the Commune, dispersed in disappointment, and Thermidor gained the upper hand. The Revolution had found its widest class limits. The policy of alliances and of permanent revolution had finished by posing new questions which at that time could not be resolved; it had unleashed elemental forces which only a military dictatorship was to succeed in containing. sic Source: Antonio Gramsci, in Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell-Smith

95. Questão Meridional, A , GRAMSCI, ANTONIO
Translate this page add this item to your shopping cart. Add to basket. Autor, gramsci, antonio. Tradutores, Introdução Franco de Felice e Valentino Parlato. Sugerido, $22.75.

96. Novas Cartas De Gramsci , Antonio A. Santucci
Translate this page gramsci. Coloque este item em sua cesta de compra. add this item to your shopping cart. Add to basket. Sub-Titulo, E algumas cartas de Piero Sraffa. Autor, antonio A

97. Powell's Books - Letters From Prison Volume 2 By Antonio/ros Gramsci
ISBN 0231075545 Other gramsci, antonio Publisher Columbia University Press Subject gramsci, antonio, 18911937 Subject Political Subject Communists

98. Texte Zum Klassenkampf/ Antonio Gramsci: Basis Und Überbau
Translate this page antonio gramsci. Basis und Überbau. Ausg., Bd. 2, S. 871-873.). gramsci, antonio Zur Politik, Geschichte und Kultur, Leipzig 1980, S. 217 - 218. Anmerkungen
Marxistische Bibliothek
Autoren Verweise Impressum ... Kontakt
Antonio Gramsci
Aufzeichnungen aus den Jahren 1930/31
Ökonomie und Ideologie. Die Behauptung, die wie ein grundlegendes Postulat des historischen Materialismus vorgebracht wird, daß jede Bewegung in der Politik und der Ideologie als ein unmittelbarer Ausdruck der Basis darzustellen und zu erklären ist, muß theoretisch als primitiver Infantilismus und praktisch mit dem authentischen Zeugnis von Karl Marx bekämpft werden, der konkrete historische und politische Werke verfaßt hat. Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt sind besonders wichtig der „18. Brumaire" und die Schriften über die „Eastern Question", aber auch andere („Revolution und Konterrevolution in Deutschland", „Der Bürgerkrieg in Frankreich" und kleinere): Eine Analyse dieser Werke ermöglicht es, die marxistische historische Methodologie genauer zu bestimmen, indem man die in allen Werken verstreuten theoretischen Thesen zusammenstellt, erklärt und interpretiert.
2. Daraus folgt, daß einer bestimmten politischen Handlung durchaus ein Kalkulationsfehler von Führern der herrschenden Klassen zugrunde gelegen haben kann, ein Fehler, den die historische Entwicklung im Zuge der parlamentarischen Regierungskrisen der herrschenden Klassen korrigiert und überwindet: Der mechanische historische Materialismus zieht die Möglichkeit des Irrtums überhaupt nicht in Betracht, sondern sieht jeden politischen Akt unmittelbar durch die Basis bestimmt, das heißt als eine Widerspiegelung einer realen und dauerhaften (erworbenen) Veränderung der Basis. Das Prinzip des „Irrtums" ist komplex: Er kann auf einem individuellen Impuls auf Grund falscher Einschätzung beruhen oder auch Ausdruck eines Versuchs bestimmter Gruppen und Grüppchen sein, die Vorherrschaft innerhalb der herrschenden Gruppierung an sich zu reißen; Versuche, die scheitern können.

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