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         Gramsci Antonio:     more books (100)
  1. Antonio Gramsci, the man, his ideas by Alastair Davidson, 1968
  2. Gramsci's Political Thought: An Introduction by Roger Simon, 1991-04
  3. Antonio Gramsci: Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers
  4. Antonio Gramsci: Towards an intellectual biography (International library of social and political thought) by Alastair Davidson, 1977
  5. Historia a contrapelo. Una constelacion: Walter Benjamin, Karl Polanyi, Antonio Gramsci, Edward P. Thompson, Ranajit Guha, Guillermo Bonfil Batalla (Spanish Edition) by Adolfo Gilly, 2006-01-01
  6. Antonio Gramsci (Twayne's World Authors Series) by Robert S. Dombrowski, 1989-01
  7. Antonio Gramsci, la conciencia de la revolucion (Coleccion Perfiles) (Spanish Edition) by Ariel Bignami, 1993
  8. Antonio Gramsci: Beyond Marxism and Postmodernism (Critics of the Twentieth Century) by Renate Holub, 1992-05-21
  9. LETTERS FROM PRISON BY ANTONIO GRAMSCI by Lynne (edited and translated by & with Introduction by) Lawner, 1973
  10. Politische Bildung bei Antonio Gramsci und Paulo Freire. by Peter Mayo, 2002-07-31
  11. La Vie de Antonio Gramsci (Collection Pluriel) (French Edition) by Giuseppe Fiori, 1977
  12. Antología de Antonio Gramsci by Antonio Gramsci, 1970-01-01
  13. Antonio Gramsci: A New Introduction by Paul Ransome, 1992-10-01
  14. Il prigioniero: Vita di Antonio Gramsci (Storia e societa) (Italian Edition) by Aurelio Lepre, 1998

41. Home Page PRC
Chivasso, TO Appuntamenti, notizie, vignette e link.

42. Gramsci, Antonio --  Britannica Student Encyclopedia
gramsci, antonio Britannica Student Encyclopedia. To cite this page MLA style gramsci, antonio. Britannica Student Encyclopedia. 2004. liberal party&ct=e

43. Antonio Gramsci, Marxiste Italien
Translate this page antonio gramsci, marxiste italien, 1891-1937. Robert K., Le Front national de Belgique, «antonio gramsci a fait école » publié dans le Bastion, no 36.
marxiste italien, 1891-1937
Autres liens Page d'accueil centrale Dimanche 02 mai 2004
Par Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue

44. Scuola Media Statale A. Gramsci
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45. Antonio Gramsci
Translate this page antonio gramsci (1891 - 1937). Der italienische Philosoph und Politiker antonio gramsci war 1921 Mitbegründer der kommunistischen Partei Italiens.
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Antonio Gramsci (1891 - 1937)
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Firenze Situato in zona Campo di Marte, circondato dal verde ¨ una struttura in grado di offrire un supporto completo e moderno agli studenti.

48. Gramsci, Antonio
gramsci, antonio. antonio gramsci. gramsci (18911937), italiensk kommunistleder der indtager en sæstilling som marxistisk teoretiker

49. Antonio Gramsci And Informal Education
This page explores the contribution that antonio gramsci has made to the development of educational thinking especially with regard to informal education and
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antonio gramsci
contents: introduction ideological hegemony organic intellectuals gramsci on schooling and education ... how to cite this article Antonio Gramsci The organised workers of Turin had a very combative history. For the first twenty years of this century, Turin was to witness countless demonstrations and a number of general strikes until finally in 1919, there began a movement for the occupation of the factories and the setting up of factory councils to run them. It was this sort of atmosphere that welcomed Gramsci to university life and was to affect his thinking for the rest of his life. Gramsci had already become a socialist through reading pamphlets sent home to Sardinia from the mainland by an older brother. His political thought was expanded by his experiences at university and in his new home city. What Gramsci was to develop, however, was not just an ability to propagandise or to organise political activity. He became the first Marxist theorist to work with the problems of revolutionary change in 20 th century Western European society and the first to identify the importance of the struggle against bourgeois values ie an ideological-cultural struggle.

50. MSN Encarta - Gramsci, Antonio
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Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Gramsci, Antonio Gramsci, Antonio (1891-1937), th©oricien marxiste et homme politique italien, l'un des fondateurs du Parti communiste italien. M©dias Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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51. Biografía - Gramsci, Antonio
gramsci, antonio Nacionalidad Italia Cagliari 1891 - Roma 1937.
Nacionalidad: Italia
Cagliari 1891 - Roma 1937
Se decanta por estudiar letras y para ello se traslada a Turín. Sin embargo su inclinación por la política es el detonante que le incita a abandonar sus estudios para dedicarse de lleno al partido socialista. Junto con otros compañeros de ideología edita "Ordine Nuovo", un periódico en defensa de los bolcheviques cada vez más cercano al comunismo . Esta situación culmina con el nacimiento de la fuerza comunista en 1912, con Gramsci en el puesto de Secretario General. En la década de los años veinte saca a la luz "L´Unità Quotidiano degli operai e dei contadini", pero tiene en su contra al movimiento fascista que en 1926 le encarcela. Gramsci fue uno de los pensadores más destacados de su tiempo. Defiende la función educativa e intelectual del partido político. De su producción hay que destacar: "Gli intelettuali e l´ordinazione della cultura" o "Passato e presente", entre otros ensayos.
Todos los textos e imágenes en alta resolución de esta sección están
disponibles en la colección La Historia y sus Protagonistas de Ediciones Dolmen, S.L.

52. Antonio Gramsci: Problems Of Marxism
antonio gramsci Problems of Marxism. antonio Labiola (3868) An early Italian marxist whose ideas had a profound effect on gramsci.
Antonio Gramsci: Problems of Marxism
Carl Cuneo's Notes on the Relation of Gramsci to Marxism
Sociology 2R3: Theories of Social Inequality
Part I: Some Problems in the Study of the Philosophy of Praxis
  • Statement of the Problem Questions of Method The Philosophy of Praxis and Modern Culture ... Historic Bloc
  • Part I: Some Problems in the Study of the Philosophy of Praxis
    (pp. 390=419 in Prison Notebooks)
    1. Statement of the Problem
    (Relation Between Marx and Lenin)
    Contrst between science (a new philosophy of the proletariat devised by Marx) and action (Lenin's Russian revolution). Gramsci maintains that it is ridiculous to rank or compare them, both together are 'homogenous and heterogenous', both are necessary. (381-2). Note: the statement of the problem is really the relation between science and action in Marxism.
    2. Questions of Method
    (Note: how to study Marx) (382=6) 1) Distinguish Stable and Permanent Elements: ie, in the intellectual development of the thinker, "identify those elements which were to become stable and 'permanent'", as opposed to those ideas which came from the past, which he once took up, but subsequently discarded. (the 'discards'). 2) Control 'Heroic Fury' : ie, Gramsci suggests that there are two ways of approaching the text of an author: with 'heroic fury': with deep interest and active striving; or with passive "external curiosity". Gramsci argues that there is a danger that in heroic fury there is a danger of being seduced by the material and not taking a sufficiently critical attitude toward it. (382-3) It is thus important to introduce an element of systematisation to heroic fury. And now Gramsci suggests how this might be done as follows:

    53. Antonio Gramsci's Index
    antonio gramsci Main Table of Contents. Sociology 2R3 Theories of Class and Stratification; Carl Cuneo s Notes.
    Antonio Gramsci: Main Table of Contents
    Sociology 2R3: Theories of Class and Stratification; Carl Cuneo's Notes
  • State 14 Meanings of Hegemony Passive Revolution Americanism and Fordism ...
  • Questions

    54. Antonio Gramsci, 1891-1937
    Translate this page .. antonio gramsci, 1891-1937. «Io sono stato abituato dalla vita antonio gramsci (1891-1937). . . Ciò che antonio gramsci ha generosamente
    dalla vita isolata,
    che ho vissuto fino dalla fanciullezza,
    a nascondere i miei stati d'animo
    dietro una maschera
    di durezza o dietro un sorriso ironico.
    per molto tempo i miei rapporti
    con gli altri
    furono un qualcosa
    Antonio Gramsci
    Autrice, curatrice e webmaster Angela Molteni

    55. Antonio Gramsci, La Vita E Il Contesto Storico - 1891-1918
    La vita e il contesto storico.
    Una breve cronologia
    Casa Gramsci a Ghilarza
    La camera da letto di Antonio Gramsci a Ghilarza

    Nel 1902 consegue la licenza elementare a Ghilarza. Studia poi privatamente e intanto lavora, per aiutare la famiglia, presso l'ufficio catastale di Ghilarza.
    Nel 1905 si iscrive al liceo-ginnasio di Santu Lussurgiu, cittadina a 15 km da Ghilarza. Inizia a leggere la stampa socialista che il fratello Gennaro gli invia da Torino.
    Con molti giovani del liceo Dettori, Gramsci partecipa alle "battaglie" per l'affermazione del libero pensiero e a discussioni di carattere culturale e politico. Abita in una poverissima pensione in via Principe Amedeo, poi si trasferisce in un'altra del Corso Vittorio Emanuele. A scuola si distingue tra i compagni per i suoi vivi interessi culturali, legge moltissimo (in particolare Croce e Salvemini). Rivela spiccatissime tendenze per le scienze esatte e per la matematica.
    Sopra, a destra : Antonio Gramsci a quindici anni. Clicca sull'immagine per ingrandirla.]
    Gli avvenimenti.

    56. Antonio Gramsci: Biografia
    Nasce ad Ales (Oristano) il 22/1/1891; vive un'infanzia funestata dall'incarcerazione del padre (per un atto di "giustizia trafficata" in seguito alle elezioni del marzo 1897), dalle conseguenti difficoltà economiche che non lo abbandoneranno per molto tempo, e da una caduta che poco dopo sarà forse la causa di una malformazione irreversibile alla colonna vertebrale. Ma col procedere dell'indebolimento fisico tenderà a diventare"tutto cervello",quel cervello che Mussolini cercherà di far smettere di funzionare. Come attestano le numerose LETTERE, ha sentito in maniera molto intensa i legami familiari e con la terra d'origine,così come verso la sua compagna Julka Schucht, conosciuta a Mosca nel '22, e da cui ebbe due figli ; con lei vive momenti molto felici ma gliene deriva anche una grande sofferenza quando in carcere, isolato politicamente e dagli amici non riceve più notizie da lei se non raramente e in maniera contraddittoria. Dopo aver frequentato le elementari a Ghilarza e un Ginnasio "molto scalcinato" a Santu Lussurgiu

    57. LookSmart - Directory - Antonio Gramsci
    YOU ARE HERE Home Sciences Social Science Sociology Sociologists gramsci, antonio. antonio gramsci Read about the life
    @import url(/css/us/style.css); @import url(/css/us/searchResult1.css); Home
    IN the directory this category
    YOU ARE HERE Home Sciences Social Science Sociology ... Sociologists
    Antonio Gramsci - Read about the life and work of this 20th C. political philosopher who co-founded the Italian Communist Party.
    Directory Listings About
  • Colorado College - Selections from the Prison Notebooks
    Read selections on the study of philosophy from Gramsci's "The Prison Notebooks" edited and translated by Q. Hoare and G. N. Smith.
    Cultural Power and Discursive Effects

    Attempts to bring together Habermas' concepts of the system and the lifeworld and Gramsci's cultural and ideological hegemony.
    Global Site, The - Gramsci Studies

    Adam David Morton provides a review of the book "Antonio Gramsci: Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers" by J. Martin.
    Gramsci for Beginners - Overview of the Prison Notebooks

    Examines political position of Gramsci's "The Prison Notebooks" and contrasts it to that of Croce.
    Gramsci for Beginners - Why Read Gramsci?
    Presents Gramsci's thinking about marxism, fascism, and cultural revolution as full of insights that are still relevant. Gramsci, Antonio - Bibliography
  • 58. Gramsci, Antonio
    gramsci, antonio. Italian Marxist who attempted to unify social theory and political practice. He helped to found the Italian Communist
    Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames. // Show bread crumbs navigation path. breadcrumbs('four'); //> ENCYCLOPAEDIA Hutchinson's
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    Or search the encyclopaedia: Gramsci, Antonio Quaderni di carcere/Prison Notebooks were published posthumously in 1947. Gramsci believed that politics and ideology were independent of the economic base, that no ruling class could dominate by economic factors alone, and that the working class could achieve liberation by political and intellectual struggle. His concept of hegemony argued that real class control in capitalist societies is ideological and cultural rather than physical, and that only the working class educated by radical intellectuals could see through and overthrow such bourgeois propaganda. His humane and gradualist approach to Marxism, specifically his emphasis on the need to overthrow bourgeois ideology, influenced European Marxists in their attempt to distance themselves from orthodox determinist Soviet communism.

    59. Antonio Gramsci Bibliography
    antonio gramsci (18911937) Bibliography. by Elaine Cubbins Summer 1995 Independent Study Dr. Charley Seavey. PRIMARY SOURCES. gramsci, antonio.
    Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937)
    by Elaine Cubbins
    Summer 1995 Independent Study
    Dr. Charley Seavey
    What follows is probably just the tip of the iceberg. We have included LCSH headings where available, and indexing terms from various thesauri to help you in identifying other possible works of interest. Try and read at least one of the biographical pieces just for the background. Gramsci's work has moved deeply into mainstream social science and education literature. The man is not always cited directly, which makes searching problematic. Anytime someone uses the term "hegemony" you can bet that the good Antonio is in the background somewhere, although it has gotten to the point where some authors don't even know where the basic idea came from. The professor recognizes that there is probably a difference between what is available in Tucson and what is potentially available elsewhere. Do the best you can.
    Gramsci, Antonio. Lettere dal carcere . English. Selections. Letters from prison
    Communists Italy Correspondence.

    Translate this page Fondazione Istituto Piemontese antonio gramsci Via Vanchiglia n.3 tel. 011/83.95.402 fax 011/83.95.403 10124 Torino. Ultimo aggiornamento
    Non c'è attività umana da cui si possa escludere ogni intervento intellettuale, non si può separare l'homo faber dall'homo sapiens.
    Ogni uomo infine, all'infuori della sua professione esplica una qualche attività intellettuale, è cioè un "filosofo", un artista, un uomo di gusto, partecipa di una concezione del mondo, ha una consapevole linea di condotta morale, quindi contribuisce a sostenere o a modificare una concezione del mondo, cioè a suscitare nuovi modi di pensare.
    la biblioteca l'archivio Premio internazionale Giuseppe Sormani per un'opera su Antonio Gramsci - prima edizione 2004 - le ricerche le novità del mese documenti on line

    Fondazione Istituto Piemontese
    Antonio Gramsci
    Via Vanchiglia n.3
    tel. 011/83.95.402 fax 011/83.95.403
    10124 Torino
    Ultimo aggiornamento: maggio/ giugno 2004
    Ottimizzato per una risoluzione video 800*600
    explorer, caratteri piccoli Programmazione: Altervox Le immagini sono tratte dalle pubblicazioni della Fondazione, a cura di Gianfranco Torri

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