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         Erasmus Desiderius:     more books (100)
  1. Luther, Erasmus and the Reformation: A Catholic Protestant Reappraisal by James D. Smart, 1982-12-02
  2. Erasmus of the Low Countries by James D. Tracy, 1997-01-30
  3. Literary and Educational Writings, 1 and 2: Volume 1: Antibarbari / Parabolae. Volume 2: De copia / De ratione studii, Volume 23-24 (Collected Works of Erasmus) (Vol 23 & 24) by Desiderius Erasmus, 1978-12-01
  4. The Lives of Jehan Vitrier, Warden of the Franciscan Convent at St. Omer, and John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's, London by Desiderius Erasmus, 2009-12-16
  5. The Lives of Jehan Vitrier, Warden of the Franciscan Convent at St. Omer, and John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's, London by Desiderius Erasmus, 2009-12-16
  6. The Julius Exclusus of Erasmus. Trans. by Paul Pascal. Intro. and notes by J. Kelley Sowards. by Desiderius Erasmus, 1968
  7. The Christian's Manual: Compiled From the Enchiridion Militis Christiani of Erasmus With Copious Scripture Notes and Comments on Several Fatal Errors in ... in England and Correspondence [1816 ] by Desiderius Erasmus, 2009-09-22
  8. Paraphrases on Romans and Galatians: Volume 42 (Collected Works of Erasmus) by Desiderius Erasmus, 1984-04-01
  9. The Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume 2 by Desiderius Erasmus, 2010-03-09
  10. Latin Translation in the Renaissance: The Theory and Practice of Leonardo Bruni, Giannozzo Manetti and Desiderius Erasmus (Cambridge Classical Studies) by Paul Botley, 2009-01-29
  11. The Epistles of Erasmus: From His Earliest Letters to His Fifty-First Year, Arranged in Order of Time [V.3 ] [1901-1918 ] by Desiderius Erasmus, 2009-09-22
  12. Erasmus' "Institutio principis christiani." Chapters III-XI by Desiderius Erasmus, Percy Ellwood Corbett, 2010-07-28
  13. Erasmus in Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus, Hans Holbein, 2010-02-17
  14. Select Colloquies of Erasmus by Desiderius Erasmus, 2010-10-14

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82. DESIDERIUS ERASMUS (Geert Geert’s)
Translate this page desiderius erasmus (Geert Geert’s). geb. 28. Oktober 1467 (oder1466/1469) in Rotterdam. gest. 12. Juli 1536 in Basel. Bedeutender
geb. 28. Oktober 1467 (oder 1466/1469) in Rotterdam gest. 12. Juli 1536 in Basel
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83. Knowledge ª¾ÃѺô "¥ì©Ô´µÂÓ Erasmus, Desiderius (¬ù1466.10.26/27~
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84. Quoteland :: Quotations By Author
QUOTATIONS by AUTHOR, BooksBooks by and about desiderius erasmus Click this iconto engrave the quote on mugs, bookmarks, tshirts and much more. Perception.

PHS Foundations of the Faith - erasmusdesiderius erasmus (1466/69-1536) Humanist of Rotterdam. erasmus new testamenterasmus,desiderius Roterodamus, 1466/69-1536 Bible. New Testament.

86. TPCN - Great Quotations (Quotes) By Desiderius Erasmus To Inspire And Motivate Y
desiderius erasmus. Q U O T E S T O I N S P I R E Y O U. Great quotesto inspire, empower and motivate you to live the life of your
Desiderius Erasmus Q
S P I R E Y O U Great quotes to inspire, empower and motivate you to live the life of your dreams and become the person you've always wanted to be!
T he fox has many tricks. The hedgehog has but one. But that is the best of all.
G reat eagerness in the pursuit of wealth, pleasure, or honor, cannot exist without sin.
Fools and Foolishness
T he entire world is my temple, and a very fine one too, if I'm not mistaken, and I'll never lack priests to serve it as long as there are men.
A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit.
W hat difference is there, do you think, between those in Plato's cave who can only marvel at the shadows and images of various objects, provided they are content and don't know what they miss, and the philosopher who has emerged from the cave and sees the real things?
I f you look at history you'll find that no state has been so plagued by its rulers as when power has fallen into the hands of some dabbler in philosophy or literary addict.
Philosophers and Philosophy
A s an example of just how useless these philosophers are for any practice in life there is Socrates himself, the one and only wise man, according to the Delphic Oracle. Whenever he tried to do anything in public he had to break off amid general laughter. While he was philosophizing about clouds and ideas, measuring a flea's foot and marveling at a midge's humming, he learned nothing about the affairs of ordinary life.

87. Erasmus/"Praise Of Folly"/Table Of Contents
erasmus PRAISE OF FOLLY. INTRODUCTION. 1. The importance of thePraise of Folly 2. erasmus, Scholastics, Humanists and Reformers
The importance of the Praise of Folly

Erasmus, Scholastics, Humanists and Reformers

Erasmus, the Praise of Folly and Martin Dorp


88. Knitting Circle Desiderius Erasmus
erasmus, DesideriusDesiderius erasmus. Portret van erasmus door Hans Holbein de Jongere. Desideriuserasmus was de onbetwiste leider van het humanisme benoorden de Alpen.
The Knitting Circle: Philosophy
Biography work bibliography
Desiderius Erasmus
Born 27th. October, 1466, in Gouda, the Netherlands; died 12th. July, 1536, in Basle.
Dutch philosopher and humanist. His original name was Gerhard Gerhards. He was the illegitimate son of Roger Gerard, an educated priest, and Margaret, a washerwoman. Erasmus later tried to hide his origins by claiming to have been born in Rotterdam where his grandparents lived. He never used his father's name and called himself Desiderius meaning "the desired one" in Latin. In 1478 Margaret left Gouda, taking her children with her, to live in Deventer where Erasmus was educated by the Brethren of the Common Life. When he was about fifteen both of Erasmus's parents died of the plague, His guardians persuaded him to join an Augustinian monestery at Steyn near Gouda in 1487. He was ordained as a priest in 1492. He tried to develop an amorous relationship with his friend and fellow monk Servatius Roger but was rebuffed. He left the monastery to be the secretary to the Bishop of Cambrai. This led to a life in which he was effectively free to rome Europe to study and teach. He was in fact officially subject to being recalled to the monestery at any time, but he eventually received papal dispensation from even that commitment. He studied and taught in Paris, and later in most of the cultural centres in Europe, including Oxford (1499) and Cambridge (1509-14) where he was Professor of Divinity and of Greek.

erasmus. Home page His philosophy The traveler His work His houseAlso available in french and in dutch. Who is erasmus (1469? 1536).
Home page His philosophy The traveler His work ... His house Also available in french and in dutch
Who is Erasmus (1469? - 1536)
One of the greatest scholar of all-times, he was called Prince of the Humanists and lived at the time of the Renaissance, a period of profound changes, characterized by the revision of most prevailing concepts and a return to classical sources. The unparalleled popularity he had acquired made him, in his thirties, an eagerly sought after guest of kings and emperors, popes and cardinals, archbishops and bishops, lords and towns councilors, university heads, in other words, people who moved in the most distinguished circles of the day. His best known work is the Praise of folly that he wrote on his way back from Italy, a pamphlet mainly directed against the behavior of ruling classes and church dignitaries while exposing the irony of mankind's vanities.
He devoted himself to:
  • the defense of elegance and purity of Latin, the international and cultural language at the time,
  • the revision of Christian traditions, fighting for a clearer and more humane approach of religion

90. Ers.htm
erasmus of Rotterdam Society. See also the Recherce page of Gallica. Prefaceto volume 23 (2003) of the erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook.
Erasmus of Rotterdam Society
The Erasmus of Rotterdam Society was founded in 1980 to promote the following aims: to encourage research and writing on Erasmus, his contemporaries, and their intellectual milieu; to sponsor the publication of a Yearbook containing scholarly articles and book reviews on these subjects; to sponsor and publish three annual lectures: the Birthday Lecture (near Erasmus' birthday, October 27), which focuses attention on the ideals and goals of Erasmus, who during his own lifetime promoted unity, peace, understanding, and dispassionate inquiry, at Pallas, the Research Institute of the Faculty of Letters at Leiden University (The Netherlands); the Roland H. Bainton Lecture in commemoration of Erasmus' ordination to the priesthood (April 25), at the Warburg Institute (London); and the Margaret Mann Phillips lecture, at locations in North America, commemorating the anniversary of Erasmus' death (July 12). The Society is an affiliate of the Renaissance Society of America and the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference Advisory Board: Clarence H. Miller (president), Hans Trapman (ex officio; secretary), Jane E. Phillips (ex officio; editor), Iréna Backus (Switzerland), Georges Chantraine, SJ (Belgium), Sem Dresden† (The Netherlands), Heinz M. Holeczek (Germany), Bruce E. Mansfield (Australia), Germain Marc'hadour (France), Letizia Panizza (United Kingdom).

91. A Maiden & Lover
A LOVER AND MAlDEN. THE ARGUMENT. This Colloquy presents you with a verychaste Wooing, mingling many philosophical Notions with pleasant Jokes.
A LOVER AND MAlDEN THE ARGUMENT This Colloquy presents you with a very chaste Wooing, mingling many philosophical Notions with pleasant Jokes. Of not being hasty in marrying; of chusing, not only for the Sake of the outward Person, but the inward Endowments of the Mind; of the Firmness of Wedlock; of not contracting Matrimony without the Consent of Parents; of living chastly in Matrimony; of bringing up Children piously; that the Soul is not where it animates, but where it loves. The Description of a deformed Man. That Wedlock is to be preferr'd before a single Life, and is not, as it is vulgarly called, a Halter. That we must not consult our Affections so much as Reason. PAMPHILUS and MARY Pa. Good Morrow, Madam, cruel, hard Heart, inflexible. Ma. Good Morrow to you too, Mr. Pamphilus, as often, and as much, and by what Names you please: But you seem to have forgotten my Name, 'tis Mary. Pa. It should rather have been Martia. Ma. Why so, pray, what is Mars to me ? Pa. Because just as Mars makes a Sport of killing Men, so do you; saving that you do it the more cruelly of the two because you kill one that loves you. Ma. Say you so ! pray where's the great Slaughter of Men that I have made? Where's the Blood of the Slain ?

92. Hans Holbein. Portrait Of Erasmus. - Olga's Gallery
Click Here. Olga s Gallery. Hans Holbein. Portrait of erasmus. 1523.Oil on wood. Louvre, Paris, France. More. Back to Holbein s Page.
Olga's Gallery
Hans Holbein. Portrait of Erasmus. 1523. Oil on wood. Louvre, Paris, France. More.
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