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         Erasmus Desiderius:     more books (100)
  1. Ulrich Von Hutten Gegen Desiderius Erasmus, Und Desiderius Erasmus Gegen Ulrich Von Hutten: Zwey Streitschriften Aus Dem Sechszehnten Jahrhundert (German Edition) by Desiderius Erasmus, Ulrich Von Hutten, 2010-02-16
  2. Desiderius Erasmus Of Rotterdam (1899) by Ephraim Emerton, 2010-09-10
  3. Desiderius Erasmus Concerning The Aim And Method Of Education (1904) by William Harrison Woodward, 2010-09-10
  4. Humanistische Evangelienauslegung: Desiderius Erasmus von Rotterdam als Ausleger der Evangelien in seinen Paraphrasen (Beitrage zur historischen Theologie) (German Edition) by Friedhelm Kruger, 1986
  5. Desiderius Erasmus 1536 - 1936. With Portrait. by Henry Guppy, 1935
  6. Briefe An Desiderius Erasmus Von Rotterdam (1906) (German Edition) by Ludwig Karl Enthoven, 2010-09-10
  7. The Colloquies of Desiderius Erasmus Concerning Men, Manners and Things, Volume 2 by Edwin Johnson, Desiderius Erasmus, et all 2010-03-09
  8. The Colloquies of Desiderius Erasmus Concerning Men, Manners and Things (Volume 1) by Desiderius Erasmus, 2010-10-14
  9. The whole familiar colloquies of Desiderius Erasmus, of Rotterdam by Desiderius Erasmus, N d. 1742 Bailey, 2010-08-25
  10. Life, Character and Influence of Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam by John Joseph Mangan, 1973-06
  11. Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam [1899] by Ephraim Emerton, 2010-01-06
  12. 1516 Erasmus Greek Latin New Testament-Original Spelling Edition by Desiderius Erasmus, 1516
  13. The Man Who Laid the Egg: The Story of Erasmus by Louise A. Vernon, 1996-04-01
  14. Erasmus and the New Testament by Jr. Rabil, 1993-09-13

61. Erasmus
erasmus. desiderius erasmus Roterodamus (also desiderius erasmus of Rotterdam) (October27, probably 1466 July 12, 1536) was a Dutch humanist and theologian.
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Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (also Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam October 27 , probably July 12 ) was a Dutch humanist and theologian He was born Geert Geertsen in Rotterdam , the Netherlands . He (mistakenly) believed that the root Geert derived from begeren to desire ) and translated this into both Latin and Greek . Information as to his family and early life comes mainly from vague references in his writings. He was almost certainly illegitimate. His father was a priest named Gerard. Little is known of his mother other than the fact that her name was Margaret. Despite his illegitimacy, he was cared for by his parents till their early death from the plague in 1483, and then given the best education open to a young man of his day in a series of monastic or semi-monastic schools. He was admitted to the priesthood and took monastic vows at about the age of twenty-five, but he never seems to have worked as a priest, and monasticism was one of the chief objects of his attack in his lifelong assault upon the evils of the Church. He went on to study at the University of Paris , then the chief seat of scholastic learning, but already under the influence of the revived classical culture of Italy . Erasmus chose to lead the life of an independent scholar, independent of country, of academic ties, of religious allegiance and anything else that might interfere with his freedom of intellect and literary expression. The chief centres of his activity were Paris

62. Great Books Index - Erasmus
GREAT BOOKS INDEX. desiderius erasmus (Gerhard Gerhards) (about 14661536).An Index to Online Great Books in English Translation.
Desiderius Erasmus (Gerhard Gerhards) (about 14661536)
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63. Biblioteca Virtual - Erasmus, Desiderius (1466-1536)
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65. MTA
erasmus, desiderius /erasmus Rotterdamus, Geert Geerts/(1469, Rotterdam 1536,Basel) németalföldi származású humanista író, gondolkodó, filozófus
Az MTA Filozófiai Kutatóintézetének
ERASMUS, Desiderius /Erasmus Rotterdamus, Geert Geerts/ 1469, Rotterdam - 1536, Basel ): németalföldi származású humanista író, gondolkodó, filozófus, filológus és teológus, a reformációt elõkészítõ reneszánsz szellemiség és a devotio moderna vallási eszményeinek képviselõje, ágostonrendi szerzetes, 1517-tõl egyházmegyés pap. Deventerben, Párizsban teológiát és bölcseletet tanult, alapos humanista mûveltséget szerzett, 1499-tõl pedig néhány évet pártfogói segítségével Angliában töltött, ahol szoros barátságba került ¤ Morus Tamás sal. 1504-ben Leuwen ben kiadta ¤ L. da Valla újszövetségi magyarázatait és hozzákezdett az újszövetségi görög szöveg kritikai vizsgálatához. A következõ éveket Itáliában töltötte, 1509-tõl pedig Angliában élt és Oxfordban tanított. 1516-ban Baselben jelentette meg híres újszövetségi szövegkiadását, majd néhány évig Leuwenben bibliai nyelveket tanított. 1521-tõl ismét Basel, majd Freiburg volt életének és írói mûködésének színtere, halála elött röviddel pedig ismét Baselbe tért vissza. E.

66. The Darwin Correspondence Online Database
Previous Eprémesnil, JLRD, Next Ercolani, GB. desiderius erasmus, 1466–1536.For a list of all references in the database, including, Desiderius

67. Scientific Identity: Portraits From The Dibner Library Of The History Of Science
Scientist erasmus, desiderius (1469 1536). Discipline(s) Humanist. Print ArtistEdward Scriven, 1775-1841. Portrait of desiderius erasmus ~ Enlarge Image ~,

68. NedWeb/Links/Schrijversdossiers/Erasmus, Desiderius
NEDWEB/Links/Schrijversdossiers/erasmus, desiderius. Pagina in het Nederlands Deutsch English . erasmus, desiderius. Schrijversdossiers.

69. - Great Books -
desiderius erasmus (c. 1469c. 1536), The most brilliant years ago. Pleasebrowse our Amazon list of titles about desiderius erasmus. For
Desiderius Erasmus (c. 1469-c. 1536)
Thomas More
, Latimer, and others, with all of whom acquaintance ripened into lifelong friendship. Colet showed him how to reconcile the ancient faith with humanism by abandoning the scholastic method and devoting himself to a thorough study of the Scriptures. Consequently, on his return to the Continent he took up with ardour the study of Greek at Paris and Louvain. The first publications of Erasmus occurred in this early period. In 1500 was issued the "Adagia", a collection of Greek and Latin proverbs, and in 1508 another greatly enlarged edition of the same; in 1502 appeared the "Enchiridion militis christiani", in which he described the nature of true religion and true piety, but with comments that were biting and antagonistic to the Church; in 1505 Lorenzo Valla's "Annotationes" to the New Testament , the manuscript of which he had found in a monastery at Brussels. His introduction to this work is important, for in it occurred his first utterance concerning the Scriptures, laying especial stress on the necessity of a new translation, a return to the original text, and respect for the literal sense.
In 1506 he was finally able, by the aid of his English friends, to attain his greatest desire, a journey to Italy. On his way thither he received at Turin the degree of Doctor of Divinity; at Bologna, Padua, and Venice, the academic centres of Upper Italy, he was greeted with enthusiastic honour by the most distinguished humanists, and he spent some time in each of these cities. At Venice he formed an intimate friendship with the famous printer Aldus Manutius. His reception at Rome was equally flattering; the cardinals, especially Giovanni de' Medici (later Leo X), and Domenico Grimani, were particularly gracious to him. He could not, however, be persuaded to fix his residence at Rome, and refused all offers of

70. Adagia Quaecumque Ad Hanc Diem Exierunt ... [Microforma! By Erasmus, Desiderius
Exierunt Microforma! by erasmus, desiderius (Erasmo De Rott oneof 320000 Spanish Language books available for worldwide delivery.
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Adagia Quaecumque Ad Hanc Diem Exierunt ... [Microforma!
Erasmus, Desiderius (Erasmo De Rott
Obras Del Siglo Xvi
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71. Apotegmas De Sabiduria Antigua By Erasmus, Desiderius (Erasmo De Rott ; Book - H
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72. Desiderius Erasmus Quotes And Quotations - BrainyQuote
desiderius erasmus Quotes, desiderius erasmus Ask a wise man to dinner andhe ll upset everyone by his gloomy silence or tiresome questions.
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Desiderius Erasmus Quotes A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit.
Desiderius Erasmus

Ask a wise man to dinner and he'll upset everyone by his gloomy silence or tiresome questions. Invite him to a dance and you'll have a camel prancing about. Haul him off to a public entertainment and his face will be enough to spoil the people's entertainment.
Desiderius Erasmus

By a Carpenter mankind was made, and only by that Carpenter can mankind be remade.
Desiderius Erasmus

Concealed talent brings no reputation.
Desiderius Erasmus
Don't give your advice before you are called upon. Desiderius Erasmus Everybody hates a prodigy, detests an old head on young shoulders. Desiderius Erasmus Everyone knows that by far the happiest and universally enjoyable age of man is the first. What is there about babies which makes us hug and kiss and fondle them, so that even an enemy would give them help at that age? Desiderius Erasmus Fools are without number.

73. Medieval Desiderius Erasmus (c.1466/9 - 1536)
Medieval, desiderius erasmus. (c.1466/9 1536). QUICK desiderius erasmus (Dr. Tod E. Jones) View in PDF format. Etsuro
Desiderius Erasmus
(c.1466/9 - 1536)
- QUICK FIND INDEX - Bibliographies Primary Sources Secondary Sources
ERASMUS , Desiderius, the most brillant representative of humanistic culture at the beginning of the sixteenth century, and the head of a movement in the interest of a reformation of ecclesiastical abuses which prepared the way for the Protestant Reformation. His life divides itself naturally into three periods; the first, lasting till 1507, was the period of gradual emancipation from the fetters of his age; the second lasted till 1519, and marked his greatest reputation and most efficient reformatory activity; the last is the period of conflict, isolation, and final abandonment of the Reformation movement. Erasmus was b. in Rotterdam, and d. in Basel 1567. The date of birth is variously put in 1466, 1467, and 1469. Oct. 28, 1465, is probably the right one, and is favored by the statement of Rhenanus, that Erasmus died in his seventieth year, as by his own statement ( Ep Adagia (a collection of proverbs and witty sayings derived fromn ancient writers) appeared, and in 1502 the

74. Desiderius Erasmus Life Stories, Books, & Links
Stories about desiderius erasmus s life and Letters, The Praise of Folly. TABLEOF CONTENTS. desiderius erasmus Life Stories, Books, and Links.
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Desiderius Erasmus - Life Stories, Books, and Links
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Desiderius Erasmus
Category: Dutch Literature
Born: October 27, 1466
Rotterdam, Holland Died: July 12, 1536 Basel, Switzerland Related authors: Francois Rabelais Thomas More list all writers DESIDERIUS ERASMUS - LIFE STORIES Ship of Fools and Other Folly When Katherine Anne Porter's best-selling Ship of Fools was published on April Fools Day, 1962, it joined a long tradition of Fool literature. Porter took her title from a moral allegory of the same name published in the fifteenth century, but in the third century St. Chrysostom had lastingly defined the Fool as "he who gets slapped," and even then the slapping had already been going on for some time. . . . top of page SELECTED WORKS BY THIS AUTHOR Correspondence of Erasmus: Letters by R. A. B. Mynors, D. F. S. Thomson, W. K. Ferguson (Translator), Desiderius Erasmus, Beatrice Corrigan (Editor)

75. ResAnet Results Summary
Search Term(s) erasmus, desiderius, d. 1536, 42 matches found. Recorderasmus,desiderius, d. 1536. Recorderasmus, desiderius, d. 1536.
Sort By: Title Author Date Search Term(s): Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536 matches found
  • Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. Collected works of Erasmus. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1974-
  • Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. Guerre et paix dans la pensée d'Érasme / introduction, choix de textes [traduits du latin], commentaires et notes par Jean-Claude Margolin. Paris : Aubier-Montaigne, 1973.
  • Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. Erasmus / edited by Richard L. DeMolen. New York : St. Martin's Press, [1973].
  • Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. Inquisitio de fide : a colloquy, 1524 / by Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus ; edited with introd. and commentary by Craig R. Thompson. 2d ed. / introd. by Roland H. Bainton ; bibliography by Craig R. Thompson. Hamden, Conn. : Archon Books, 1975, c1950.
  • Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. Erasmus and Cambridge; the Cambridge letters of Erasmus translated by D. F. S. Thomson. Introd., commentary, and notes by H. C. Porter. [Toronto] University of Toronto Press [c1963]
  • Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. La Correspondance d'Erasme. Bruxelles, Presses académiques européennes, 1967-
  • Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. Guerre et paix dans la pensée d'Érasme / introduction, choix de textes [traduits du latin], commentaires et notes par Jean-Claude Margolin. Paris : Aubier-Montaigne, 1973.
  • 76. ResAnet Results Summary
    Sort By Title. Search Term(s) Subject=erasmus, desiderius, d. 1536,40 matches found. desiderius erasmus / J. Kelley Sowards.
    Sort By: Title Author Date Search Term(s): Subject=Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536 matches found
  • Faludy, György, 1913-. Erasmus / George Faludy. New York : Stein and Day, 1971, c1970.
  • Beaulieu, Benoît, 1928-. Visage littéraire d'Erasme / Benoit Beaulieu. Québec : Presses de l'Université Laval, 1973.
  • Boyle, Marjorie O'Rourke, 1943-. Erasmus on language and method in theology / Marjorie O'Rourke Boyle. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c1977.
  • Thompson, Geraldine, 1908-. Under pretext of praise : satiric mode in Erasmus' fiction / Geraldine Thompson. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c1973.
  • Stage international d'études humanistes, 12e, Tours, France, 1969. Colloquia erasmiana turonensia/ Douzième stage international d'études humanistes, Tours 1969. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972.
  • Bijl, Simon Willem. Erasmus in het Nederlands tot 1617 / Simon Willem Bijl. Nieuwkoop : Graaf, 1978.
  • Faludy, György, 1913-. Erasmus von Rotterdam / George Faludy ; [aus dem Englischen übertragen von Walter Seib und Waltraut Engel ; mit einem Nachwort von Ingeborg Sültemeyer]. Frankfurt am Main : Societäts-Verlag, 1973, c1970.
  • Huizinga, Johan, 1872-1945. Erasmus and the age of Reformation / [translated from the Dutch by F. Hopman] With a selection from the letters of Erasmus; [translated by Barbara Flower]. New York : Harper, [1957].
  • 77. 95.02.11
    erasmus, desiderius (d. 1536). L ELOGE DE A FOLIE. Compose en Forme de Declamation..F. Honore, Amsterdam (Paris?) 1731/2. Sm. 8vo. 168 x 115 mm. pp.
    Erasmus, Desiderius (d. 1536).
    L'ELOGE DE A FOLIE. Compose en Forme de Declamation..
    F. Honore, Amsterdam (Paris?) : 1731/2. Sm. 8vo. [168 x 115 mm.] pp. (22), 234, (18) + Plates: a fine engraved frontis; portrait plate showing Erasmus, More, and Holbein; six folding plates; and seventy-five half-page etchings in the text. The illustrations are based on the well-known designs of Hans Holbein (1497-1543). These are apparently the same copperplates as were used in the first "counterfeit" edition of 1713/1714. Attractive contemporary French full mottled calf. Gilt spine. 
    One of the world's great works of satire and mockery. This translation of "Moriae Encomium", by Nicolas Guedeville (ca. 1654-1721), with notes by Gerard Listre, is the most popular and frequently published French version of "In Praise of Folly". Probably in great part because it was accompanied by a remarkable suite of exotic and curious illustrations - that still entrance us after almost three centuries.
    Cohen 142; Cohen-de Ricci 348; Kossman 1069; Van der Haeghen I, 126.

    78. Desiderius Erasmus Resources At Questia - The Online Library Of
    desiderius erasmus Resources at Questia The Online Library of Books andJournals. desiderius erasmus. Questia. Primary Content. desiderius erasmus.

    79. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge
    Translate this page Nominalkatalog der UB Innsbruck (1500-1988). E. erasmus. erasmus, desiderius Colloquia. UBInnsbruck. erasmus, desiderius Colloquia. erasmus, desiderius Expostulatio.

    80. Erasmus, Desiderius
    Naam erasmus, desiderius. desiderius erasmus werd omstreeks 1469 in Rotterdam geborenuit de onwettige verbintenis van een priester en een zekere Margaretha.

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