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         Erasmus Desiderius:     more books (100)
  1. The Praise of Folly: Second Edition (Yale Nota Bene) by Desiderius Erasmus, 2003-02-08
  2. A Very Pleasaunt and Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure by Desiderius Erasmus, 2010-07-24
  3. Controversies: Volume 78 (Collected Works of Erasmus) by Desiderius Erasmus, 2011-02-28
  4. Desiderius Erasmus: Concerning the Aim and Method of Education by William Harrison-Woodward, 2002-06
  5. Desiderius Erasmus (World Authors) by Jesse Kelley Sowards, 1976-01-05
  6. Man On His Own: Interpretations of Erasmus, c1750-1920 (Erasmus Studies) by Bruce Mansfield, 1993-06-23
  7. Erasmus on Language and Methods in Theology (Erasmus studies) by M.O'Rourke Boye, 1978-04
  8. The Man Who Laid the Egg: The Story of Erasmus by Louise A. Vernon, 1996-04-01
  9. The praise of folly, by Desiderius Erasmus by Desiderius Erasmus, 2010-08-29
  10. The Colloquies of Desiderius Erasmus Concerning Men, Manners and Things, Volume 3 by Anonymous, 2010-02-28
  11. All the Familiar Colloquies of Desiderius Erasmus, of Roterdam, Concerning Men, Manners, and Things by Desiderius Erasmus, 2010-03-28
  12. The Colloquies of Desiderius Erasmus Concerning Men, Manners and Things, Volume 1 by Desiderius Erasmus, 2010-04-20
  13. The Colloquies of Desiderius Erasmus Concerning Men, Manners and Things, Volume 2 by Anonymous, 2010-02-23
  14. The Colloquies of Desiderius Erasmus Concerning Men, Manners and Things, Volume 3 by Edwin Johnson, Desiderius Erasmus, et all 2010-01-12

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You searched for erasmus, desiderius Your results are Peace, erasmus, desiderius,The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war., Desideriu

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Browse for author " Desiderius Erasmus " matched 91 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of books matching your search terms. Page of 4 sort results by Top Selling Title Author Used Price New Price In Praise of Folly more books like this by Erasmus, Desiderius Witty, influential work by one of the greatest scholars of the Renaissance satirizes the shortcomings of the upper classes and religious institutions. Required reading for humanities classes, this literary gem is ripe with vignettes and caricatureswith Folly, a metaphor for stupidity, the centerpiece. Unabridged republication of the John Wilson... buy used: from Discourse on Free Will: Milestones of Thought more books like this by Erasmus-Luther, and Erasmus, Desiderius, and Luther, Martin

43. Society, Philosophy, Philosophers, E: Erasmus, Desiderius
desiderius erasmus, 14661536. Dutch philosopher known as one of the great Renaissancehumanist writers. erasmus, desiderius - Brief illustrated profile.,_Desiderius/
Top Society Philosophy Philosophers ... Erasmus, Desiderius
Related links of interest: Desiderius Erasmus, 1466-1536. Dutch philosopher known as one of the great Renaissance humanist writers. A critic of the church and producer of authoritative editions of the classics, he wrote in Latin.

44. Phorum - Erasmus, Desiderius

45. Phorum - Erasmus, Desiderius
erasmus, desiderius

Search Library Searched on keyword erasmus, desiderius Displaying1 13 of 13 articles. Page 1, The Gallery Family, Friends, Foes

47. Desiderius Erasmus
desiderius erasmus. desiderius erasmus was one of the great humanists.He was well educated and practice scholasticism. He was also
Home Biography Historical Figures BIOGRAPHY : Historical Figures Desiderius Erasmus Desiderius Erasmus was one of the great humanists. He was well educated and practice scholasticism. He was also a great writer, who wrote books of many types. He is even called the greatest European scholar of the 16th century (Britannica Macropedia). He was also courageous, as he criticized the Church harshly. It was said by R. C. Trench that "Erasmus laid the egg of the Reformation and Luther hatched it." Erasmus was the illegitimate son of a priest named Gerard. This fact would haunt him for his entire life. He feared that, if this fact was widely known, his life would be ruined. Therefore, there has been much confusion about his early life. It has been discerned that he as born in Gouda, Holland in 1469 and that he had a brother. Erasmus tried to keep all these facts hidden, confusing modern day historians. He died in 1536. Erasmus's writings included The Praise of Folly, a satire which pointed out major problems in the clergy, saying that monks were beggars, the clergy was greedy, and that the pope had no resemblance to the Apostles. He also wrote a short satirical skit in which Pope Julius II had trouble getting into heaven. In the skit, Pope Julius II is made out to be more of a Muslim than a Catholic. Writing this had to take considerable courage, for, though the Church was in decline, it still had considerable power. He also published the Greek version of the New Testament in Latin, so Europeans could read it.

48. Wauu.DE: Society: Philosophy: Philosophers: Erasmus, Desiderius
Also features a number of pictures of erasmus. http//, desiderius Brief illustrated profile.
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  • Catholic Encyclopedia: Desiderius Erasmus
    Article by Joseph Sauer from this 1912 reference work. An extensive overview of the life, works and impact of this scholar.
  • Desiderius Erasmus Forum Frigate
    Forum and live chat devoted to the life and works of Desiderius Erasmus.
  • Erasmus
    Short biographical article on the Dutch humanist, in the Columbia Encyclopedia.
  • Erasmus (1466-1536) Article on his life, writings, and theology, in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  • Erasmus Text Project Latin and English texts presented by Chris Cudabac. Also features a number of pictures of Erasmus.
  • Erasmus, Desiderius Brief illustrated profile.

49. Spirit And Sky Philosophy: Philosophers: E: Erasmus-desiderius
Links Catholic Encyclopedia desiderius erasmus Catholic Encyclopedia desideriuserasmus. erasmus, desiderius erasmus, desiderius. Brief illustrated profile.
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the entire directory only this category More search options Home Search Suggest a Site ... e : erasmus-desiderius Links:
  • Catholic Encyclopedia: Desiderius Erasmus Catholic Encyclopedia: Desiderius Erasmus Article by Joseph Sauer from this 1912 reference work. An extensive overview of the life, works and impact of this scholar.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113528
  • Desiderius Erasmus Forum Frigate Desiderius Erasmus Forum Frigate Forum and live chat devoted to the life and works of Desiderius Erasmus.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113523
  • Erasmus Erasmus Short biographical article on the Dutch humanist, in the Columbia Encyclopedia.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113524
  • Erasmus (1466-1536) Erasmus (1466-1536) Article on his life, writings, and theology, in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113525
  • Erasmus Text Project Erasmus Text Project Latin and English texts presented by Chris Cudabac. Also features a number of pictures of Erasmus.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113530
  • Erasmus, Desiderius

50. Erasmus (1469-1536)
Analyses include William Harrison Woodward, desiderius erasmus Concerning the Aimand Method of Education (1904); Otto Schottenloher, erasmus im Ringen um die
born Oct. 27, 1469, Rotterdam, Holland [now in The Netherlands]
died July 12, 1536, Basel, Switzerland humanist who was the greatest scholar of the northern Renaissance, the first editor of the New Testament, and also an important figure in patristics and classical literature. Early life and career Erasmus was the second illegitimate son of Roger Gerard, a priest, and Margaret, a physician's daughter. He advanced as far as the third-highest class at the chapter school of St. Lebuin's in Deventer. One of his teachers, Jan Synthen, was a humanist, as was the headmaster, Alexander Hegius. The schoolboy Erasmus was clever enough to write classical Latin verse that impresses a modern reader as cosmopolitan.
After both parents died, the guardians of the two boys sent them to a school in 's Hertogenbosch conducted by the Brethren of the Common Life, a lay religious movement that fostered monastic vocations. Erasmus would remember this school only for a severe discipline intended, he said, to teach humility by breaking a boy's spirit. The wandering scholar Adnotationes on the Greek New Testament, which he published in 1505 with a dedication to Colet.

51. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Society > ... > Philosophers > E > Erasmus, Deside
erasmus, desiderius Subjects Society Philosophers E erasmus, desiderius. Bestselling Products in erasmus, desiderius.

52. BBC - History - Desiderius Erasmus (c.1466 - 1536)
desiderius erasmus (c.1466 1536). Catholic Encyclopedia desiderius erasmus.The BBC is not responsible for the content of external websites.
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Desiderius Erasmus (c.1466 - 1536)
Erasmus was the leading Humanist scholar of his time, despite his humble beginnings. The illegitimate son of a priest, Erasmus was ordained in 1492 and studied in Paris, before travelling to England in 1499 where he met Colet. Back in Europe, he travelled from capital to capital, lecturing and writing while preparing new humanist editions of the Scriptures, stressing toleration, man's inherent dignity and the practical problems of living as a good Christian. Fame followed, and he returned to England, becoming friends with More (among others) and teaching at Cambridge. He continued to write, with sarcasm but also humour and sincerity, attacking church corruption, affirming man's free will and rejecting Luther's determinist doctrines. A moderate critic of the church, he refused to join the Protestants, favouring reconciliation. He published many popular works including: Adages Handbook of Christian Soldier ; and In Praise of Folly Articles

53. Desiderius Erasmus Von Rotterdam
Translate this page desiderius erasmus von Rotterdam Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen Online-Philosophenlexikon. desideriuserasmus von Rotterdam (1466 - 1536).
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Desiderius Erasmus von Rotterdam (1466 - 1536)
Philosoph Desiderius Erasmus (eigentlich Gerhard Gerhards Erasmus von Rotterdm hat unter Anwendung philologisch-kritischer Methoden u. a. Das Neue Testament und klassische Texte herausgegeben. Erasmus von Rotterdsam war Freund von Thomas Morus und stand mit der platonischen Akademie in Florenz in Verbindung. powered by Uwe Wiedemann

54. Erasmus, Desiderius
erasmus, desiderius (desiderius erasmus). Correspondence, letters, 16581801, January1526-March 1527 erasmus, desiderius Publisher Univ of Toronto Pr, 2003.
Home Categories Authors Series Libraries Publishers Help Data My Account Login Logout ISBN: Title: Most Popular
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(Desiderius Erasmus)
Books by this Author Correspondence, letters, 1658-1801, January 1526-March 1527
Erasmus, Desiderius

Publisher: Univ of Toronto Pr, 2003.
ISBN: 0-80204-831-5
Practical rhetoric, 1663

Erasmus, Desiderius

Publisher: Menston, Scolar Press
ISBN: 0-85417-815-5 The praise of folly by Desiderius Erasmus Publisher: [Malibu, Calif.] : Joseph Simon ISBN: 0-93471-001-5 The praise of folly Desiderius Erasmus ; translated with an introduction and commentary by Clarence H. Miller ; afterword by William H. Gass Publisher: New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press ISBN: 0-30009-734-4 The praise of folly and other writings The praise of folly and other writings: a new translation with critical commentary Desiderius Erasmus ; chosen, translated, and edited by Robert M. Adams Publisher: New York : Norton ISBN: 0-39395-749-7 FAQ Contact Us

55. Desiderius
erasmus, desiderius (c. 14661536) (The Hutchinson Dictionary of theArts). Pavia, Siege of (The Hutchinson Dictionary of World History).
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56. Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius: (Egnatius, Ioannes Baptista:) (Erasmus, Desiderius
Unsworth s Booksellers. Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius (Egnatius, IoannesBaptista) (erasmus, desiderius) XII Caesares, Io. Baptistae
Unsworth's Booksellers
Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius: (Egnatius, Ioannes Baptista:) (Erasmus, Desiderius:) XII Caesares, Io. Baptistae Egnatii Veneti De Romanis principibus, Libri III. Eiusdem Annotationes in Suetonium. Annotata in eundem, et loca aliquot restituta per D. Erasmum Roter. Lugduni (Lyon) apud Seb. Gryphium, 1551. 16mo, pp. 632 [xxxvi]. Extreme top outer corner of title-page missing, some foxing, spotting and light browning, one name on title-page neatly obliterated with ink. Bound in seventeenth century blind-ruled calf with triple ruled panels, stamped with gilt florets, spine in four compartments, rubbed, corners, joints and tail repaired, head partly replaced, new morocco label. Stub from mediaeval ms psalter. Edges gilt, decorated simply with indented lines and points. Ex libris of Han. Rowe, alumnus of St. John’s College, Cambridge, March 2, 1704/5. A pocket-sized edition of the standard Egnatius-Erasmus Suetonius, from the highly competent Gryphius press. Gryphius may have developed a proprietorial interest in Erasmus, as he produced a very popular edition of his commentaries on the Gospels in 1542., Adams S 2046. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Unsworth's Booksellers ; click here for further details.

57. ERASMUS, Desiderius., Paraphrases ... In Omnes Epistolas Pauli Apostolic Germana
Antiquariat BüchelBaur. erasmus, desiderius. Paraphrases inomnes epistolas Pauli apostolic germanas, in eam quae est ad
Antiquariat Büchel-Baur
ERASMUS, Desiderius. Basle, J. Froben 1521. 8vo. (292) lvs. ( of 492 = 4 Parts of 8). With 15 woodcut borders (of 30) and many woodcut initials. Contemporary German blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards (darkened, joints defective, remains of a hand-written spine label) with remains of clasps. Collected edition of Erasmus' paraphrases of Saint Paul's letters, 1st vol. (of 2). A very rare edition. Front fly leaf and title with ownership stamp. Slightly browned throughout, in places with finger-stains and marginal water-marks. 1 leaf with loss of paper without touching text. Otherwise in good condition. VD 16, E 3376; Bibl. Erasm. I, 144; Adams E 793; Knaake II, 310. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Antiquariat Büchel-Baur ; click here for further details.

58. Snabbsök
Sök. Snabbsök, Söktips snabbsök, Skriv in del av, eller hela,sökord i rutan och tryck på sökknappen. Resultaten visas i den, DE

59. Erasmus.html
46 p. dejavu-serie 5.00 *H 6209. erasmus, desiderius. Christian humanism andthe reformation. 1965. Ingenaaid 201 p. - 10.00 *H 8400. erasmus, desiderius.
Erasmus en zijn tijd. Beknopte handleiding voor bezoekers van de tentoonstelling. Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, 1969. Or. omslag. 52 p. Tentoonstelling 3 oktober tot 23 november 1969. 7.00 *K 2304
AUGUSTIJN, Cornelis. Erasmo de Rotterdam. Vida y obra. Traduccion castellana de Octavi Pellissa. Revision de Carlos Gilly. Barcelona, Critica, 1990. Paperback. 251 p. - 15.00 *H 6725
BEUTH, Lodewijk S. Erasmus herleeft. Naar een nieuwe renaissance. Met een voorwoord van A.G. den Haan. J.N. Voorhoeve Den Haag 1977. Paperback Ills. 49 p. - 5.00 *K 0383
BLOM, N. van der. Erasmus en Rotterdam. Rotterdam/'s-Gravenhage, 1969. Or. omslag. 117 p. Ills. - 7.00 *A 0491
BRABANT, H. Erasme, Humaniste Dolent. Bruxelles, Presses Academiques Europeennes, 1971. Paperback. 111 p. Ills. - 15.00 *H 6724
BUSKEN HUET, C. Erasmus. Met ruim 60 illustraties. Amsterdam, Minerva, z.j. [1969]. Paperback. 151 p. Ills. - 7.00 *H 6727
BUSKEN HUET, Cd. Erasmus. Ingeleid en van aantekeningen voorzien door J.J. Borger en E. de Lint. Gorinchem, J. Noorduijn, 1955. Or. omslag. 80 p. Noorduijn's schoolbibliotheek nr. 7. 6.00 *K 0964
Catalogus I.

60. De Duplici Copia Verborum Ac Rerum ...
Blackwell s, and or, Help. De duplici copia verborum ac rerum erasmus (desiderius) De duplici copia verborum ac rerum Leyden

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