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1. Epicurus [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] epicurus (c. 341271 BCE). epicurus developed an unsparingly materialisticmetaphysics, empiricist epistemology, and hedonistic ethics. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/e/epicur.htm | |
2. Epicurus And Epicurean Philosophy Presenting the philosophy of epicurus, including classical Epicurean texts, history,and information about books, web pages, and email lists devoted to http://www.epicurus.net/ | |
3. The Internet Classics Archive | Works By Epicurus Letter to Menoeceus and Principal Doctrines. http://classics.mit.edu/Browse/browse-Epicurus.html | |
4. Epicurus.info : Epicurean Philosophy Online epicurus of Sámos (341270 BCE), the Greek garden philosopher,was an ancient sage who left us an enduring message of optimism. http://www.epicurus.info/ | |
5. Epicurus.com: Where Great Things Begin! Food, travel, shopping and living with articles by leading writers and food celebrities. out emails that appear to be from epicurus.com. These emails were not sent by epicurus.com and some may contain viruses http://www.epicurus.com/ | |
6. Epicurus A brief discussion of the life and works of epicurus, with links to electronic texts and additional information. epicurus was born in the Greek colony on Samos, but spent most of his active life http://www.philosophypages.com/ph/epiu.htm | |
7. Epicurus Travel Services of this travel agent based in Athens. With information about excursions, accommodation, packages and tours in Athens, islands and mainland. http://www.epicurus-travel.com | |
8. Epicurus Works of epicurus epicurus (342270 BCE) was born in Samos and is believed to have become a teacher in Colophon his concept of cheerfulness. epicurus probably started making his ideas public http://www.humanistictexts.org/epicurus.htm | |
9. Epicurean Links epicurus utilitarian hedonism epicurus. Encyclopædia Britannica (1911). epicurus. Free Online Dictionary of Philosophy. epicurus. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. http://www.benthamlinks.com/Epicurus | |
10. Epicurus.org - Ποικιλία ÏÏ Î½ÏαγÏν αÏÏ Ïη ÎÎÏÏη ÎÎµÏ ÏιγνÏÏÎ¯Î±Ï ÎºÎ±Î¹ ΠοιοÏÎ¹ÎºÎ®Ï ÎνÏίληÏÎ·Ï Î Î±ÏÏÏν. http://www.epicurus.org/ | |
11. Epicurus Library Historical Documents epicurus. epicurus. Copyright © Internet Infidels 19952004. All rights reserved.«. disclaimer ». Last updated Friday, 29-Aug-2003 225336 MDT Biography of epicurus ( Off Site) by Diogenes Laertius (c http://www.infidels.org/library/historical/epicurus |
12. EpistemeLinks.com: Electronic Text Results HTML of Fragments, Last Will, Letter to Herodotus, Menoecius, and Pythocles, On the Nature of Things, Principle Doctrines, and Vatican Sayings. http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/TextName.aspx?PhilCode=Epic |
13. Philosophers : Epicurus The Window Philsophy on the WWW. Philosophers Section with Metrodorus(c.331278) and Polyaenus(d. 278) epicurus founded the Hellenistic school of philosophy brief works that remain of epicurus, Letter to Herodotus, Letter to Pythocles http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/phil/philo/phils/epicurus.html | |
14. Epicurus (342-270 B.C.E.) And Victorian Aesthetes Highlights of his life and ideas. http://www.victorianweb.org/decadence/epicurus.html | |
15. Epicurus Forum Frigate Discussion forum and live chat. http://jollyroger.com/zz/yphilo1d/Epicurushall/shakespeare1.html | |
16. University Of Michigan Press - Epicurus In Lycia Book review and fulllength study of Hellenism. http://www.press.umich.edu/titles/10461.html |
17. Epicurus - Letter To Menoeceus epicurus. In this letter, epicurus summarizes his ethical doctrines epicurus toMenoeceus, greetings Return to the epicurus Epicurean Philosophy home page. http://www.epicurus.net/menoeceus.html | |
18. Epicurus.com: Where Great Things Begin! Restaurant, food and hospitality consultants since 1978. Celebrity consultants, food and lodging experts and business development professionals at your disposal. http://epicurus.com/ | |
19. Epicurus Online Has Moved! Thank you for visiting epicurus Online. epicurus Online has outgrown thisformer space. We ve moved up the corporate ladder to www.epicurus.com. http://www.epicurus.com/ezine1.htm | |
20. An Epicurus Easter Feast Bloody Mary sorbet, roast lamb with red wine gravy, beerglazed carrots, chocolate rum truffle cake. http://www.epicurus.com/easter.htm |
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