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81. Reading Lists elster, jon. Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1989. elster, jon. Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences. http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~agreve/org420/readinglists.html | |
82. Book Review: Making Sense Of Marx By Jon Elster Book Review Making Sense of Marx by jon elster Published in The Freeman Ideas on Liberty October 1986 by John K. Williams, Printable Format. http://www.fee.org/vnews.php?nid=1699 |
83. Jon Elster Bio jon elster, the influential political theorist, has joined the faculty of Columbia as Robert K. Merton Professor of the Social Sciences. http://notes.utk.edu/Bio/greenberg.nsf/0/104096c53554cf1585256cdc0073b302?OpenDo |
84. Untitled Document Translate this page Ex 1 elster, jon. Rationality, economy and society, p. 25. Ex. 1 elster, jon. Rationality, economy and society, p. 25. 2 Ibid., p. 28. http://www.brasaus.org/current/ejournals2003/paginasdefilosofia.htm | |
85. Literaturhinweise Translate this page elster, jon Making Sense of Marx. Cambridge Rational-Choice-Theorie. elster, jon (Ed.) Rational Choice. Oxford University Press 1986. Eine http://www.personal.uni-jena.de/~s1scrl/literaturhinweise/body_literaturhinweise | |
86. Biblioteca De La Maestría Translate this page E. elster, jon. Juicios Salomónicos. Las limitaciones de la racionalidad como principio de decisión. elster, jon. Justicia Local. http://www.puce.edu.ec/Postgrados/MscPoliticas/Biblioteca/bibliolib.htm |
87. A B C D E elster, jon; The Market and the Forum Three Varieties of Political Theory ; Foundations of Social Choice Theory; edited by jon elster and Aanund Hylland http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/maxpages/faculty/jskelly/E.htm | |
88. KLI Theory Lab - Authors - Jon Elster jon elster (1940 ) . Department of Political Science, Columbia University, 729 International Affairs Building http://www.kli.ac.at/theorylab/AuthPage/E/ElsterJ.html | |
89. Liens Socio, Le Portail Francophone Des Sciences Sociales Translate this page samedi 22 mai 2004 0953. La troisième génération de liens socio est en ligne depuis le 24 mars 2004 en plus du traditionnel répertoire de sites internet http://www.liens-socio.org/repertoire_index.php3?action=show_list&code_categorie |
90. ZERP - Sonstige Monographien - Institutional Design On Post-communist Societies: http://www.zerp.uni-bremen.de/deutsch/publikationen/waschzettel/institutional_de | |
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