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61. METHODOLOGY Chatham Chatham House Publishers, 1984. elster, jon. Political Psychology. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1993. elster, jon. Nuts and Bolts. http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/govt100.3/biblio.html | |
62. STUDIES IN SELF-DECEPTION & RELIGION - BIBLIOGRAPHY: ARTICLE COLLECTIONS multiple self, , ch. 6 in elster, jon (ed.), The Multiple Self, (Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1986) 133176. 1986, Davidson, http://thealtons.ca/s-d/S-D-Collections.html | |
63. STUDIES IN SELF-DECEPTION & RELIGION - BIBLIOGRAPHY: BOOKS 1989, elster, jon, Solomonic Judgments, (Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1989. 1983, elster, jon, Sour Grapes Studies in the subversion http://thealtons.ca/s-d/S-D-Books.html | |
64. Verfassungsgebung elster, jon, 1996 Explaining Legislative Dominence The Role of Institutional Interest in East European ConstitutionMaking , East European Constitutional http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~boulang/bar/transformation/bibliographie/verfassun | |
65. Elster, J.(..). (1986). The Multiple Self. Cambridge Cambridge elster, jon (ed.) elster, J.(..)1986). The Multiple Self. Cambridge Cambridge University Press. elster, J.(..)1986). Rational Choice. http://www2.rz.hu-berlin.de/gesint/wlit/VERFASSE/K1-00295.HTM | |
66. Gesint Translate this page elster, jon, 1987 Subversion der Rationalität. Frankfurt/Main, New York Campus Verlag. elster, jon, 1989 Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences. http://www2.rz.hu-berlin.de/gesint/lehre/2001_2002/traps.html | |
67. Les Problématiques Du Soi Multiple De Jon Elster http://www.chez.com/sociol/socio/socionouv/probsoim_elster.htm | |
68. Elster0203 Translate this page 1 Cfr. elster, jon, Ulises y las sirenas. Estudios pp. 8-10. 2 elster, jon, El cambio tecnológico,Gedisa, Barcelona, 1990, p.19. http://www.lacavernadeplaton.com/articulosbis/elster0203.htm | |
69. BKAE :: NewsArchivum 200205-08 1539, BKÁE Fooldal. jon elster elõadása a Rajk László Szakkollégiumban. 2002. május 14-én. Sok szeretettel meghívjuk http://www.bkae.hu/newsinarchivum.php?id=102 |
70. Centroamerica: Guatemala: Libros: Librerias Artemis Edinter: Translate this page Títulos. ¿Cómo Buscar? http://www.artemisedinter.com/libros/main.asp?libaut=ELSTER, JON |
71. Literature Database - IWI, Frankfurt University Articles found in database 1. Article, Year, Links. elster, jon Social Norms and Economic Theory, 1989, Details Download, Edit Select. http://ldb.wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de/articlesearch.php?action=Search&content2=Elster |
72. Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore - Autori - Jon Elster http://www.feltrinelli.it/SchedaAutore?id_autore=172500 |
73. Gnist.no: Fagbokhandelen På Internett av elster, jon. Pris 198.00. Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences av elster, jon This book is an introductory survey of the philosophy of the social sciences. http://www.gnist.no/visbok.php?varenummer=266199&side= |
74. Ausgewählte Literatur: Translate this page Follesdal, Dagfin / Walloe Lars / elster, jon Rationale Argumentation, Berlin / New York 1988. elster, jon Explaining Technical Change. http://www.phil-fak.uni-duesseldorf.de/philo/BiGeSo.html | |
75. Ekonomski Institut Sign. II25387 elster, jon Uvod u drutvene znanosti matice i vijci za objanjenje sloenih drutvenih pojava / jon elster ; prijevod Jasna Krian. http://www.drust-znan.eizg.hr/sred/Listici/b006787h.htm |
76. 316 Sociologija elster, jon Cement of society A study of social order / jon elster. elster, jon Solomonic Judgement Studies in the limitations of rationality / jon elster. http://zakon.pravos.hr/biblioteka/316_sociologija.htm | |
77. Political Science 458: Privatization And Property Rights Press. elster, jon, and Rune Slagstad, eds., (1988), Constitutionalism and Democracy, Cambridge Cambridge University Press. Knight http://www.owlnet.rice.edu/~swlewis/pols458/pols458syl.html | |
78. Jon Elster At IDEAS jon elster current contact information and listing of economic research of this author provided by RePEc/IDEAS. Information about jon elster. http://ideas.repec.org/e/pel22.html | |
79. MEMO THREE: Rational Choice, Jon Elster, Ed MEMO THREE Rational Choice, jon elster, ed. Todd Ferguson. Sociology 166652A. Professor Axel van den Berg. jon elsterâs anthology http://todd.digiplebes.com/edumuhkashun/652c.html | |
80. PRIO Staff jon elster. Working Group Leader, CSCW; Professor, Columbia University je70@columbia.edu Education. Mag.art.(philosophy) from the University of Oslo, 1966. http://www.prio.no/page/Staff_detail/Programme_detail_PRIO_CSCW/9375/37564.html | |
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