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         Dewey John:     more books (100)
  1. Liberalism and Social Action (Great Books in Philosophy) by John Dewey, 1999-11
  2. Democracy and Education: Complete and Unabridged by John Dewey, 2009-12-17
  3. John Dewey (S U N Y Series in Philosophy of Education) by Raymond D. Boisvert, 2007-08-28
  4. The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 12, 1899 - 1924: 1920, Reconstruction in Philosophy and Essays (Middle Works of John Dewey, 1899-1924, Vol 12) by John Dewey, 1988-01-11
  5. Experience and Nature by John Dewey, 2010-05-23
  6. John Dewey, On Education: Selected Writings by John Dewey, 1974-12-15
  7. John Dewey by Steven Rockefeller, 1991-10-15
  8. The Later Works of John Dewey, Volume 10, 1925 - 1953: 1934, Art as Experience (The Collected Works of John Dewey, 1882-1953) by John Dewey, 2008-04-28
  9. Understanding John Dewey: Nature and Cooperative Intelligence (International Studies in Philosophy) by James Campbell, 1995-03-19
  10. Philosophy Psychology & Social Practice by John Dewey, 1963-01-01
  11. The Cambridge Companion to Dewey (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy) by Molly Cochran, 2010-09-06
  12. Dewey on Education (Classics in Education Series) by John Dewey, 1959-06-01
  13. John Dewey, Confucius, and Global Philosophy (S U N Y Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture) by Joseph Grange, 2004-09
  14. The Later Works of John Dewey, Volume 13, 1925 - 1953: 1938-1939, Experience and Education, Freedom and Culture, Theory of Valuation, and Essays (The Collected Works of John Dewey, 1882-1953) by John Dewey, 2008-04-28

21. Dewey, John
dewey, john. john dewey (18591952) is probably the greatest of American pragmatist philosophers and eminence as a professional philosopher, dewey was also an important public figure
Dewey, John
John Dewey (1859-1952) is probably the greatest of American pragmatist philosophers and certainly the most influential for cultural criticism and aesthetics. His voluminous writings cover all the major philosophical disciplines, and among his primary themes are naturalism, instrumentalism, experience and experimentation, and an antifoundationalist historicism that sees philosophical problems as the reflection of real practical problems that emerge through social and scientific change. Apart from his eminence as a professional philosopher, Dewey was also an important public figure, a controversial educational reformer, and an outspoken supporter of the labor movement and other progressive causes. Not only his ethics and politics but also his epistemology and philosophy of science were deeply imbued with a commitment to participatory democracy and the openness of inquiry.
I shall concentrate here on Dewey's aesthetics as represented primarily in Art as Experience (1934), which, however, involves much more than aesthetics as traditionally conceived. Though Dewey's aesthetics initially aroused much interest among artists and critics as well as philosophers, it was, in academic circles, totally eclipsed by analytic philosophy of art, which by and large dismissed Dewey's aesthetic theory as "a hodge-podge of conflicting methods and undisciplined speculations" (Isenberg 128). Deweyan aesthetics is best portrayed by contrast to analytic aesthetics, and it contains many of the major themes of contemporary Continental theory that analytic philosophy either ignores or repudiates.

22. John Dewey In Hamburg / Deutschland
Eine Sammlung von Materialien von und ¼ber dewey, meist im PDFFormat.

Fachbereiche und wiss. Einrichtungen

FB Erziehungswissenschaft

Redaktion: G. Pate; Beratung: H. Schreier, W. Roehl Rel. 1.2: 25. Mai 2000
John Dewey in Hamburg / Deutschland
(Click here for an english version of this page below.) Diese Seiten, die erst im Entstehen begriffen sind, sollen folgenden Zwecken dienen:

  • im Sommersemester (ab 3. April 2000) bereitstellen.
  • Hinweise auf eine Auswahl von Angeboten im Internet bereitstellen. Besonders soll auf deutschsprachige Angebote hingewiesen werden. (Bisher haben wir keine ausserhalb Hamburgs gefunden!)
  • Materialien:
    (PDF) Prof. Dr. Helmut Schreier: Extending Community
  • 23. John Dewey [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy]
    The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. john dewey (18591952). Gary Bullert, The Politics of john dewey (Buffalo, NY Prometheus Books, 1983).
    John Dewey (1859-1952) Table of Contents (Clicking on the links below will take you to that part of this article)
    Life and Works John Dewey was born on October 20, 1859, the third of four sons born to Archibald Sprague Dewey and Lucina Artemesia Rich of Burlington, Vermont. The eldest sibling died in infancy, but the three surviving brothers attended the public school and the University of Vermont in Burlington with John. While at the University of Vermont, Dewey was exposed to evolutionary theory through the teaching of G.H. Perkins and Lessons in Elementary Physiology, a text by T.H. Huxley, the famous English evolutionist. The theory of natural selection continued to have a life-long impact upon Dewey's thought, suggesting the barrenness of static models of nature, and the importance of focusing on the interaction between the human organism and its environment when considering questions of psychology and the theory of knowledge. The formal teaching in philosophy at the University of Vermont was confined for the most part to the school of Scottish realism, a school of thought that Dewey soon rejected, but his close contact both before and after graduation with his teacher of philosophy, H.A.P. Torrey, a learned scholar with broader philosophical interests and sympathies, was later accounted by Dewey himself as "decisive" to his philosophical development. After graduation in 1879, Dewey taught high school for two years, during which the idea of pursuing a career in philosophy took hold. With this nascent ambition in mind, he sent a philosophical essay to W.T. Harris, then editor of the

    24. Selected Books
    Complete texts of the books School and Society (1907,1915), How We Think (1910), The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy and other Essays (1910), Essays in Experimental Logic (1916). And 17 articles from 1886 to 1903.
    Click here to search the site Selected Books School and Society; being Three Lectures by John Dewey, Supplemented by a Statement of the University Elementary School. This document is based on the 1907 edition prepared by George and Helen Mead, and is supplemented with essays added by Dewey in 1915. How We Think Published in 1910, this book is part of Dewey's work started in Studies in Logical Theory , referring it to the problems of education. The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy and other Essays A collection of essays on philosophy published in 1910. Essays in Experimental Logic Published in 1916, Essays contains Dewey's contributions to the book Studies in Logical Theory as well as several additional essays expanding his pragmatic theory of knowledge and the role of inquiry . We have supplemented this with additional essays from Studies in Logical Theory including: Myron Lucius Ashley. "The Nature of Hypothesis"

    25. John Dewey And The F.M. Alexander Technique Web Site
    Texts of dewey's writings about the Alexander Technique.
    The Alexander Technique Center

    John Dewey
    and the
    F.M. Alexander Technique
    John Dewey
    Table of Contents General Information on John Dewey and the F.M. Alexander Technique Learning the Alexander Technique List of Writings with Descriptions about John Dewey and the Alexander Technique Literature Resources ...
    by Eric David McCormack
    Back to The Insiders' Guide to the Alexander Technique John Dewey and the Alexander Technique
    The Insiders' Guide to the Alexander Technique Web Site

    maintained by Marian Goldberg
    Alexander Technique Center of Washington, D.C.

    26. ILTweb - K-12 Projects
    dewey Democracy and Education Copyright © 1916 The Macmillan Company. Copyright renewed 1944 john dewey. HTML markup copyright 1994 ILT Digital Classics.
    This resource has been moved
    If you are not automatically redirected to the new location for this content, please click here

    27. Imperialism Is Easy - John Dewey
    Essay by john dewey published in The New Republic (March 23, 1927), critical of U.S. involvement in Mexico.




    Women's History Posters

    Celebrate Women's History Month.
    Imperialism Is Easy
    By John Dewey
    The New Republic 50 (March 23, 1927). I Imperialism is a result, not a purpose or plan. It can be prevented only by regulating the conditions out of which it proceeds. And one of the things which most stands in the way of taking regulatory measures is precisely the consciousness on the part of the public that it is innocent of imperialistic desires. It feels aggrieved when it is accused of any such purpose, then resentful, and is confusedly hurried into dangerous antagonisms, before it perceives what is happening. The charge of imperialistic desires sounds strange to the group of men who have created the situation in which they appeal to their home country for intervention. All they want, as they indignantly assert, is protection of life and property. If their own government cannot afford that protection, what is it good for anyway? I would not say that it gives no cause for legal complaint; I would not say that it does not afford many an occasion for protest. From the Mexican standpoint, the government is fighting for control of its own country, as much as if it were at war, and too scrupulous a regard for legal technicalities might mean defeat. An unusually frank Mexican ex-official said to an American business man: "Of course, we have to handicap you by legislation and administration in every way we can. You are much abler and more experienced in business than we are; if we don't even up some other way, you will soon own the whole country." Such things indicate the ease with which the relations of an industrially advanced and a backward country ultimately drift into situations where the vested legal rights which have grown up are confronted by a vigorous national sentiment, and can hardly be maintained without appeal to government intervention.

    28. ILTweb - Publications
    Back to digital text list john dewey Democracy and Education. Copyright © 1916 The Macmillan Company. Copyright renewed 1944 john dewey.

    < Back to digital text list
    John Dewey Democracy and Education.
    Table of Contents
    Chapter 1 Education as a Necessity of Life Chapter 2 Education as a Social Function Chapter 3 Education as Direction Chapter 4 Education as Growth Chapter 5 Preparation, Unfolding, and Formal Discipline Chapter 6 Education as Conservative and Progresssive Chapter 7 The Democratic Conception in Education Chapter 8 Aims in Education Chapter 9 Natural Development and Social Efficiency as Aims Chapter 10 Interest and Discipline Chapter 11 Experience and Thinking Chapter 12 Thinking in Education Chapter 13 The Nature of Method Chapter 14 The Nature of Subject Matter Chapter 15 Play and Work in the Curriculum Chapter 16 The Significance of Geography and History Chapter 17 Science in the Course of Study Chapter 18 Educational Values Labor and Leisure Chapter 20 Intellectual and Practical Studies Chapter 21 Physical and Social Studies: Naturalism and Humanism Chapter 22 The Individual and the World Chapter 23 Vocational Aspects of Education Chapter 24 Philosophy of Education Chapter 25

    29. John Dewey Discussion List
    Called deweyL, this is a forum devoted to john dewey's philosophy. It is open to anyone interested in dewey's philosophy.
    JOHN DEWEY DISCUSSION LIST DEWEY-L is an international electronic forum devoted to the interpretation and extension of John Dewey's philosophy. The list is open to anyone with an interest in any facet of Dewey's philosophy. The broad aims of the list are to explore the merits of Dewey's philosophy, including its relations to any and all developments in philosophy and in other areas of inquiry which relate to the spirit of Dewey's work. TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOs AND DON'Ts LIST MANAGER TOP ... DEWEY-L ARCHIVES TECHNICAL INFORMATION You may participate in Dewey-L discussions [ ] using the Dewey-L web site and/or [ ] using email. [1] The web interface for the Dewey-L forum includes facilities for joining or leaving the list, and for reading and posting messages. To use many if not any of the web-based facilities, you will need to establish a server password. When prompted to login with a password, read the brief instructions on that page and follow the "get a new LISTSERV password" link. un check the "Mail delivery disabled temporarily" check-box.

    30. Chronology Of John Dewey S Life And Work
    The Center for dewey Studies. Chronology of john dewey s Life and Work. © The Carbondale. SEPTEMBER 2001. CHRONOLOGY OF john dewey S LIFE AND WORK.
    The Center for Dewey Studies
    Chronology of John Dewey's
    Life and Work
    Southern Illinois University at Carbondale SEPTEMBER 2001 CHRONOLOGY OF JOHN DEWEY'S LIFE AND WORK The following chronology, compiled by Barbara Levine, is a work in progress. Changes are made almost daily as Dewey's correspondence is transcribed and as additional information is gathered from other sources. It is presented here not as definitive and final, then, but as an evolving research tool. It is our hope that its users will submit additions and corrections as appropriate, along with supporting verification or documentation, to Barbara Levine at The chronology will be updated periodically as new information is received and edited. Frequently Cited Sources: EW: The Early Works of John Dewey, 1882-1898 MW: The Middle Works of John Dewey, 1899-1924 LW: The Later Works of John Dewey, 1925-1953 John Dewey Correspondence: Sources within brackets refer to correspondence located at the Center for Dewey Studies and include the document date and control number. DePencier, Ida B.

    31. University Of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign
    Specialties include ethics and education; philosophy and educational research; feminist perspectives on education; john dewey and Progressivism; social and political theories of education; technology and education; the media and popular culture; religious educational policy; and philosophy of language and education.
    var menuid = 'ed_w3_edwebs_EPS_menu'; var submenus; // array to store submenus in. var allcookies = document.cookie; var domain = '';
    About EPS
    Faculty/Staff Research/Grants Divisions ... Financial Aid Student Resources Academic Resources

    32. Educational Theory Home
    A leading journal of educational philosophy and theory, cosponsored by the john dewey Society and the Philosophy of Education Society (University of Illinois site).
    Redirecting to Educational Theory Home

    33. The Pragmatism Archive Books About Dewey
    CITY_PUBLISHER. A Common Faith, dewey, john, New Haven, Conn. Yale University Press, 1934. Art as Experience, 1st, dewey, john, New York Minton, Balch and Co., 1934.
    The Pragmatism Archive
    Books By and About Dewey TITLE ED AUTHOR EDITOR A Common Faith Dewey, John New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1934 A Comparative Study of the Philosophies of William James and John Dewey Baum, Maurice J. Dissertation: University of Chicago, June 1928 A Comparison of the Philosophies of F.C.S. Schiller and John Dewey White, Stephen Solomon Dissertation: University of Chicago, 1938. A Critical Examination of John Dewey's Logic: The Theory of Inquiry Brodbeck, May Dissertation: State University of Iowa, Aug 1947 A Critique of John Dewey's Theory of Fine Art in the Light of the Principles of Thomism Tamme, Sister Anne Mary Dissertation: Catholic University of America, 1956 A Critique of John Dewey's Theory of the Nature and the Knowledge of Reality in the Light of the Principles of Thomism Fleckenstein, Norbert L. Dissertation: Catholic University of America, 1954 A Discussion of the Issues in the Theory of Knowledge Involved in the Controversy Between John Dewey and Bertrand Russell Eames, Elizabeth G. Ramsden

    34. Teachings Of Joseph John (JJ) Dewey
    J.J. dewey synthesizes inspired wisdom from East and West, Christian and New Age, Religious and Secular.


    Translate this Page ...
    WRITINGS 2000+ Articles Books
    The Immortal

    Molecular Relationship
    Infallible Authority

    - Freshman to Initiate
    - Soul Contact Meditations
    Song of 144,000
    Project Peace
    and Goodwill 16 Principles of Unification ... Contact You are here: Featuring the teachings of J J Dewey, synthesizer of inspired wisdom from East and West. Presents 'fictional' dialogue with John the Revelator who was given to remain on earth until the Second Coming of Christ. Overview Books by Dewey Theme Writings Archive of Dewey Posts ... Biography
    Books by J J Dewey
    Click here for main index of books
    • The Immortal Is John, the author of the Apocalypse, the Apostle, the Beloved, still walking the earth as a teacher of mysteries? This book about one man's encounter with a Master of Wisdom will make a believer out of you. Molecular Relationships From atoms to society, synergy fosters greater unity and potential for good.

    35. John Dewey H.S. Photography Site
    Students exhibit there black and white images. Also, having information on the school, the project, and awards.
    Photo by: Olga Dekalo Gallery Profiles Awards Artist of the Month ...
    John Dewey High School

    50 Ave X Brooklyn, NY 11223

    36. The John Dewey Academy: Home
    College preparatory high school for gifted, selfdestructive adolescents (ages 15-21). Describes the program, student characteristics, faculty qualifications, costs, and achievements of alumni. Great Barrington, Massachusetts.
    The John Dewey Academy
    Home Philosophy Student Profile Admissions Process Academics ... Contact Us Housed in historic Searles Castle in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, the John Dewey Academy is a coeducational college preparatory boarding school with a strong therapeutic component. Our mission is to provide intensive, individualized instruction and therapy to alienated, angry, self-destructive, but bright adolescents. This approach inspires students to use, rather than to continue to abuse, their talents. This vision is admittedly an ambitious one: we aim to restore hope, to rebuild families, and to transform students' lives. Founded in 1985 by Dr. Thomas E. Bratter, t he John Dewey Academy is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Our most recent re-accreditation took place in 2003.

    37. Artwork Of John Dewey
    john dewey. I am an artist living and working in New York City. Work in progress 1 clouds. Work in progress 2 lights. Old Work (ideas more stationary in time).
    This is my website from 1996 Have fun digging This is the page of:
    John Dewey
    I am an artist living and working in New York City
    Work in progress 1: clouds
    Work in progress 2: lights
    Old Work (ideas more stationary in time)
    For those who came looking for the philosopherand educator.

    38. John Dewey
    john dewey's explanation of what's wrong with the usual approach to good posture.
    var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
    ABC's OF GOOD POSTURE BY THE FATHER OF AMERICAN EDUCATION by Will Jakes It is as reasonable to expect a fire to go out when it is ordered to stop burning as to suppose that a man can stand straight in consequence of a direct action of thought and desire. - John Dewey John Dewey (1859-1952) was an American philosopher and educator whose writings and teachings have had a profound influence on education in the United States. Dewey's philosophy of education, instrumentalism (also called pragmatism), focused on learning-by-doing rather than rote learning and dogmatic instruction, the current practice of his day. A concise summary and explanation of Dewey's educational philosophy can be found in the International Encyclopedia of Education F. Matthias Alexander(1869-1955) was an Australian who developed the educational process that is today commonly called the Alexander Technique - a method of helping people learn how to improve their posture, balance and coordination. The two men met around 1918 in New York City when Dewey had a series of lessons with Alexander. These, and subsequent lessons and conversations and correspondence, had a profound impact on Dewey. He felt that his lessons taught him how to stop and think before acting and enabled him to hold a philosophical position calmly once he had taken it or to change it if new evidence appeared.

    39. John Dewey Vs. The Alexander Technique
    The Unknown dewey. john dewey vs. the Alexander Technique. The Alexander Technique is a method of carriage awareness and improvement
    The Unknown Dewey
    John Dewey vs. the Alexander Technique The Alexander Technique is a method of carriage awareness and improvement carriage in the sense of how you carry yourself, grace, lightness, ease of movement. It's usually taught privately, the teacher certified by a professional society such as AmSAT, ATI, and STAT after undergoing three years of training. It was discovered and developed by F. Matthias Alexander (1869-1955), and today is widely known among musicians, dancers, and actors. Everyone, though, can benefit from the Alexander Technique. (For more about it, see STAT The American philosopher John Dewey (1859-1952) recommended the Alexander Technique, and today teachers frequently use his endorsement in their advertisements. Further, Dewey claimed the Alexander Technique illustrated his own philosophy, and some teachers repeat that claim in their descriptions of the Technique. A search for "Alexander Technique" shows how often Dewey's endorsement gets used in Alexander Technique literature. Of the first ten websites it lists, eight of them feature Dewey's endorsement or furnish a link to a site that does. The question is: is Dewey's endorsement valuable?

    40. Hegel's Influence On American Education
    An article which details the impact of some key thinkers of the St. Louis school on American education, including the school's heir john dewey.
    Hegel's influence on American education and pedagogy is immeasurable. Direct results that can be easily traced back to the German idealist's thought are few; yet the philosophies of William Torrey Harris, Susan Blow, and the early Hegelian John Dewey have contributed greatly to modern American education. William Torrey Harris, arguably the most "Hegelian" of the American Hegelians, is generally considered one of the three most influential figures in American education. Susan Blow, another St. Louis philosopher heavily influenced by Hegel, was the intellectual leader of the late 19th- century "Kindergarten Movement." John Dewey, though he later repudiated his Hegelian leanings, is perhaps the most recognizable name 's role American educational thought. Harris, Blow, and Dewey, as well as other less familiar names in the American Hegelian movement, helped set the table for a 19th-century American educational banquet that carried a distinctively German flavor.
    William Torrey Harris and the Hegelian Philosophy of Education Susan Blow and The Kindergarten Movement Moving Beyond Hegel: John Dewey
    William Torrey Harris and the Hegelian Philosophy of Education
    The name of William Torrey Harris, though unfamiliar to most historians, holds a special place in the annals of the history of education. J.J. Chambliss, in

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