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21. Rhetoric Department judith butler PhD, Yale, Maxine Elliot Professor in the Departments of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature. Address Rhetoric Department http://rhetoric.berkeley.edu/faculty_bios/judith_butler.html | |
22. Judith Butler -- Postmodern, Queer, Feminist Theorist judith butler resources at Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base. Resources include annotated links, books reviews, new and used books by and about judith butler, feminism and queer theory Rosi Braidotti. judith butler. Helene Cixous. Simone De Beauvoir Swirl's judith butler page. This page also has links to Queer Theory pages. http://www.erraticimpact.com/~feminism/html/butler_judith.htm | |
23. Www.theory.org.uk Resources: Judith Butler Interview Extracts from interview with judith butler, gender theorist, linked to other pages on judith butler prepared by David Gauntlett at the Institute of http://www.theory.org.uk/but-int1.htm | |
24. Www.theory.org.uk -- The Media Theory Site Media studies and gender studies with content on queer theory, gender, Foucault, judith butler, media influences, cyber culture, role models, and critical theory. Produced by Dr David Gauntlett, University of Leeds, UK. http://www.theory.org.uk/ | |
25. Judith Butler - Hannah Arendt Professor Of Philosophy - Bibliography judith butler and the European Graduate School offer PhD s and MA s in Media and Communication. Our faculty butler, judith. Circuits of http://www.egs.edu/faculty/butler-articles.html | |
26. Die Grenze - Homepage Von Marc C. Jäger Informationen zu Michel Foucault, judith butler, Derrida und der Theorie des Poststrukturalismus sowie Literatur (Lyrik, Erz¤hlungen), Privates und Fotos. http://www.die-grenze.com/ |
27. LookSmart - Directory - Literary Theory And Criticism judith butler Locate resources illuminating the work of the Berkeley professor and innovator of queer theory. Directory Listings http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317834/us317898/us56342/us1147510/us9 | |
28. Poststrukturalistische Philosophie Auf der Homepage von Mark C. J¤ger finden sich eine Studienarbeit zu Foucault und Macht, Texte zu den judith butler und Jacques Derrida und einf¼hrende Texte in den Postrukturalismus. http://www.stud.uni-giessen.de/~st6782 |
29. Butler, JudithmW
fBXEog[] HOME DATABASE WHO butler, judith (P.) ?· . ? Rhetoric Department, University of California, Berkeley http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/gr/gsce/dw/butler.htm | |
30. Butler, JudithmW
fBXEog[n The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.arsvi.com/0ww/butler.htm | |
31. Judith Butler - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Entry in the Free Encyclopaedia about the feminist philosopher. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith_Butler | |
32. Judith Butler - Theory.org.uk Trading Cards www.theory.org.uk is a website of materials about the mass media and its relationship to people's identities, gender, sexuality and behaviour. Resources include info, essays, reviews, links and http://www.theorycards.org.uk/card02.htm | |
33. Butler Excerpt from her 1997 article in the Journal of Critical Inquiry. http://www.uchicago.edu/research/jnl-crit-inq/issues/v23/v23n2.butler.html | |
34. Society, Philosophy, Philosophers, B: Butler, Judith judith butler. judith butler. American feminist philosopher and postmodern critical theorist, whose work focuses on sexuality, violence and queer theory. http://www.combose.com/Society/Philosophy/Philosophers/B/Butler,_Judith/ | |
35. Judith Butler: A Bibliography A searchable bibliography, compiled by Eddie Yeghiayan. Include texts by butler and about her. http://sun3.lib.uci.edu/indiv/scctr/Wellek/butler/ | |
36. Literary Encyclopedia: Butler, Judith butler, judith. (1956 ). www.LitEncyc.com. judith butler is one of the most important and influential feminist theorists in the academy today. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=5173 |
37. Alibris: Judith Butler Used, new outof-print books by author judith butler. Offering browse BOOKS, Browse for author judith butler matched 21 titles. Sometimes http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Butler, Judith | |
38. BUTLER, JUDITH - Libreria Paidos - Psicologia, Psicoanalisis Y Ciencias Sociales Translate this page Buscando libros con el criterio Autor butler, judith. Se encontraron 76 títulos. 1. CUERPOS QUE IMPORTAN. Ver siguientes con criterio Autor butler, judith. http://www.libreriapaidos.com/resulta.asp?criterio=autor&texto=BUTLER, JUDITH |
39. CONTINGENCIA, HEGEMONIA, UNIVERSALIDAD (DIALOGOS CONTEMPORAN BUTLER, JUDITH LACL Translate this page Libros de CONTINGENCIA, HEGEMONIA, UNIVERSALIDAD (DIALOGOS CONTEMPORAN butler, judith LACLAU, ERNESTO, Libreria Paidos - Central del libro psicologico. http://www.libreriapaidos.com/libros/2/950557512.asp?TipoBusqueda=101 |
40. Produktive Differenzen. Forum Für Differenz- Und Genderforschung .:. Bibliograf Translate this page Volleintrag. butler, judith (1990) Gender Trouble. Eine Streitschrift kommentiert (D). Salih, Sara (2002) judith butler kommentiert (D). http://differenzen.univie.ac.at/bibliografie_literatursuche.php?sp=7 |
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