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         Windaus Adolf Otto Reinhold:     more detail
  1. Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus: Webster's Timeline History, 1876 - 1976 by Icon Group International, 2009-04-16

21. Nobel Prize Winning Chemists
adolf otto reinhold. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1928. adolf windaus was bornin Berlin on December 25, 1876, the son of adolf windaus and Margarete Elster. Winners/a
Nobel Prize Winning Chemists Adolf Otto Reinhold The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1928 Adolf Windaus was born in Berlin on December 25, 1876, the son of Adolf Windaus and Margarete Elster. After attending the renowned "Franzosisches Gymnasium" in Berlin, where his interests were mainly focused on literature, he took up medicine in 1895. In the winter of 1899-1900 he obtained his Dr. phil. degree, the subject of his thesis dealing with the cardiac poisons of the Digitalis plant. He returned to Freiburg i. Br. in 1901 and on Kiliani's suggestion began his work on cholesterol and related sterols. Windaus's decision to study these substances was based on the fact that nothing was known about the structure of cholesterol at the time and he expected that investigations in this field would yield new and unexpected results. From the very start he correctly believed that sterols, which occur in every cell, must be considered as the parent substance of other groups of natural substances. He was awarded the Pasteur Medal (1938), and the Goethe Medal (1941). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1928 "for the services rendered through his research into the constitution of the sterols and their connection with the vitamins".

22. Adolf Windaus --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Guide. , adolf otto reinhold windaus The Nobel Foundation Brief biographyof this Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry for the year 1928.

23. Adolf --  Encyclopædia Britannica
photographs. , adolf otto reinhold windaus The Nobel Foundation Briefbiography of this Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry for the year 1928. overweg

24. Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus - Wikipedia
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Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus
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Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus 25. Dezember in Berlin 9. Juni in Göttingen deutscher Chemiker Windaus erhielt den Nobelpreis für Chemie "für seine Verdienste um die Erforschung des Aufbaus der Sterine und ihres Zusammenhanges mit den Vitaminen
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25. 1928 - Wikipedia
adolf otto reinhold windaus; Medizin - Charles Nicolle;
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19. Jahrhundert
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  • 10. Februar - erste Funksprechverbindung von Deutschland in die USA 24. Mai Umberto Nobile überfliegt mit seinem Luftschiff "Italia" zum zweiten Mal den Nordpol . Auf dem Rückflug wird das Luftschiff am 25. Mai auf das Packeis gedrückt, Nobile und weitere neun Expeditionsmitglieder werden auf eine Eisscholle geschleudert. Das geleichterte Luftschiff steigt mit 6 Mann wieder auf und wird nicht wiedergefunden. Bei einer internationalen Rettungsaktion ist Roald Amundsen verschollen. Nobile und die übrigen Expeditionsmitglieder können gerettet werden. 4. Juni Gustav Hartmann , der Eiserne Gustav erreicht mit seiner Pferdedroschke Paris 8. Juli - Das Luftschiff wird auf den Namen Graf Zeppelin getauft. 31. August - Uraufführung der Dreigroschenoper von Bertolt Brecht Kurt Weill in Berlin IX. Olympische Sommerspiele in

26. Nobel Laureates In Chemistry By Alphabetical Order
Wilkinson, Sir Geoffrey, 1973. Willstatter, Richard Martin, 1915. windaus,adolf otto reinhold, 1928. Wittig, Georg, 1979. Woodward, Robert Burns, 1965.
Themes Science Chemistry About Chemistry Generalities
Name Year Awarded Alder, Kurt Altman, Sidney Anfinsen, Christian B. Arrhenius, Svante August Aston, Francis William Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Von Barton, Sir Derek H. R. Berg, Paul Bergius, Friedrich Bosch, Carl Boyer, Paul D. Brown, Herbert C. Buchner, Eduard Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann Calvin, Melvin Cech, Thomas R. Corey, Elias James Cornforth, Sir John Warcup Cram, Donald J. Crutzen, Paul Curie, Marie Curl, Robert F., Jr. Debye, Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus De Hevesy, George Deisenhofer, Johann Diels, Otto Paul Hermann Eigen, Manfred Ernst, Richard R. Euler-chelpin, Hans Karl August Simon Von Fischer, Ernst Otto Fischer, Hans Fischer, Hermann Emil Flory, Paul J. Fukui, Kenichi Giauque, William Francis Gilbert, Walter Grignard, Victor Haber, Fritz Hahn, Otto Harden, Sir Arthur Hassel, Odd Hauptman, Herbert A. Haworth, Sir Walter Norman Heeger, Alan J. Herschbach, Dudley R. Herzberg, Gerhard Heyrovsky, Jaroslav Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Van't

27. Windaus, Adolf
windaus, adolf otto reinhold (18761959). adolf windaus was born in Berlinon December 25, 1876, the son of adolf windaus and Margarete Elster.
Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold Adolf Windaus was born in Berlin on December 25, 1876, the son of Adolf Windaus and Margarete Elster. His ancestors had for generations mostly been artisans (from his father's side, drapery manufacturers). After attending the renowned "Franzosisches Gymnasium" (French grammar school) in Berlin, where his interests were mainly focussed on literature, he took up medicine in 1895 (in Freiburg i.Br. and in Berlin), passing his preliminary medical examinations ("Physikum") in 1897. He had been particularly fascinated by Emil Fischer's lectures during his stay in Berlin and in consequence he began studying chemistry at Freiburg i.Br. under Kiliani, at the same time continuing his medical studies. In the winter of 1899-1900 he obtained his Dr. phil. degree, the subject of his thesis dealing with the cardiac poisons of the Digitalis plant. Another rich field of investigation from biological viewpoint was that of imidazole derivatives. This work, carried out in collaboration with Knoop, resulted from his attempt to prepare natural amino acids through the action of ammonia on sugar, and thus to establish conversion of sugar into proteins. The production of imidazole derivatives as a result of this reaction induced him to demonstrate the presence of a prototype of the imidazole ring in proteins. This in turn led to his demonstration that histidine, a building-stone of proteins, is an imidazole alanine, and to his discovery of histamine (imidazole-ethylalanine), a hormone of great importance in physiology and pharmacology, which was the reason for the interest shown by German chemical industry in his work.

28. Nobelpreisträger Der Chemie: Biographien
Martin; windaus, adolf otto reinhold; Wittig, Georg; Woodward, Robert
English Links Bibliotheken Verlage Datenbankproduzenten Datenbankanbieter ... Wiss. Gesellschaften Suchen in Website: Index Homepage Index Sachgebiete Verantwortlich
Chemie, Biologie und verwandte Gebiete im Internet
Home Links Wissenschaftsgeschichte Chemie ... Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf

29. Grades
Stein, William H. windaus, adolf otto reinhold, 93.5, 96.0, 96.0, 95.2,95.3, 93.8, 91.0, 94.1, A, windaus, adolf otto reinhold. Kendrew, Sir
The grades looked great. Pop Quiz: A. I taught really well B. You studied really hard. C. The test and exams were too easy. D. A and B E. B and C G. A and C F. all of the above. FE = 0.60* better of ( W and X Y Z Grades are final unless a mathematical error has been made. Grading is based on the 10 point scale. A final average greater than or equal to 90 is an A a final average greater than or equal to 80 and less than 90 is a B and so on . Note: 90.0000 is an A while 89.9999 is a B. There will be no rounding. Enjoy your summer. W X Y Z FE average average TEST 1 TEST 2 TEST 3 T AVG T AVG FINAL LAB FINAL FINAL alias SCORE SCORE SCORE normal w final EXAM AVG AVERAGE GRADE alias Alder, Kurt A Alder, Kurt Stein, William H. A Stein, William H. Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold A Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold Kendrew, Sir John Cowdery A Kendrew, Sir John Cowdery Perutz, Max Ferdinand A Perutz, Max Ferdinand Virtanen, Artturi Ilmari A Virtanen, Artturi Ilmari Mitchell, Peter D. A Mitchell, Peter D. Cech, Thomas R. A Cech, Thomas R. Sumner, James Batcheller

30. LookSmart - Directory - Nobel Prizes In Chemistry Years 1920 To 1929
windaus, adolf otto reinhold 1928 Nobel Biography adolf otto reinhold windausstudied medicine, literature and zoology before receiving the Nobel Prize for
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Nobel Prizes in Chemistry Years 1920 to 1929 - Meet the winners of the Nobel Prizes in Chemistry in the 1920s.
Directory Listings About
  • Aston, Francis William - 1922 Nobel Biography
    British chemist and physicist won the 1922 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering isotopes of elements by means of the mass spectrograph.
    Euler-Chelpin, Hans von - 1929 Nobel Biography

    Read a biography of the German scientist, who shared the 1929 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Arthur Harden for their study of fermentation.
    Harden, Arthur - 1929 Nobel Biography

    Profiles the British chemist, who studied and taught in London before sharing the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1929 with Hans von Euler-Chapin.
    Pregl, Fritz - 1923 Nobel Biography

    Professor Fritz Pregl studied in Vienna and taught in Graz, Austria before he received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1923.
    Svedberg, Theodor - 1926 Nobel Biography
    Theodor Svedberg studied and taught at Uppsala University, with a focus on colloids, before receiving the prize for Chemistry in 1926. Wieland, Heinrich Otto - 1927 Nobel Biography
  • 31. Prodex - Der Produktexperte
    Translate this page DVD-Player mit Multifunktion ab 59.9 EUR. Edelvelours-Brücken ab 29.99 EUR. Stuhlab 65.95 EUR. adolf otto reinhold windaus. adolf otto reinhold windaus (* 25.
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    TOP PRODUKTE Fujitsu/ Siemens AMILO K ab 999 EUR Sony "DSC-P72" ab 299 EUR Mikrowelle silber mit Grill, 1000 W Grill, 800 W Mikrowelle, 17 Liter Garraum, drehbarer Glasteller ab 49.99 EUR
    Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus
    Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus 25. Dezember in Berlin 9. Juni in Göttingen deutscher Chemiker Windaus erhielt den Nobelpreis für Chemie "für seine Verdienste um die Erforschung des Aufbaus der Sterine und ihres Zusammenhanges mit den Vitaminen" Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz für freie Dokumentation . Die Liste der Autoren ist in der Wikipedia unter dieser Seite verfügbar, der Artikel kann hier bearbeitet werden.
    PARTNER Impressum Über Prodex Lexikon

    Translate this page 1928, windaus, adolf otto reinhold (1876-1959), Alemania. Premio Nobelde Química por sus investigaciones sobre las vitaminas. 1930,
    Premios Nobel
    En otras disciplinas con relevancia en medicina
    RONTGEN, Wilhelm C. (1843-1923) Alemania. FISHER, Hermann E (1852-1919) Alemania ZSIGMONDY, Richard Adolf (1865-1929) Austria WIELAND, Heinrich Otto (1877-1957, Alemania WINDAUS, Adolf Otto Reinhold (1876-1959), Alemania FISHER, Hans (1881-1945) Alemania HAWORTH, Sir Walter Norman KARRER, Paul (1889-1971) Suecia, Premio Nobel de Quimica por suss investigaciones sobre las vitaminas A y B KUHN, Richard (1900-1967) Alemania BUTENANDT, Adolf Friedrich Johann (1903-1990) Alemania SUMNER, James Batcheller (1887-1956) Estados Unidos, NORTHROP, John Howard ( ) Estados Unidos, STANLEY Wendell Meredith ROBINSON, Sir Robert SANGER, Frederick PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand (n. 1914) Austria ; KENDREW, Sir John Cowdery BERG, Paul (n. 1926) Estados Unidos, GILBERT, Walter (n. 1932) Estados Unidos, SANGER, Frederick

    33. 1928
    The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1928. adolf otto reinhold windaus ?. Germany. Goettingen University Goettingen, Germany. 1876 1959.化学教研组网页/minr
    The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1928
    Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Germany Goettingen University
    Goettingen, Germany "for the services rendered through his research into the constitution of the sterols and their connection with the vitamins" 1928Äê A.εÀ˹(µÂ¹úÈË)Ñо¿³öÒ»×åçÞ´¼¼°ÆäÓëάÉúËصĹØϵ

    34. MSc/PhD/MD-PhD Neurosciences
    Wigner, Eugene Paul (19021995), Physics, 1963. windaus, adolf otto reinhold (1876-1959),Chemistry, 1928. Zsigmondy, Richard adolf (1865-1929), Chemistry, 1925.
    Nobel Prize Laureates with affiliation to Göttingen in alphabetical order
    Laureate (click for details) Nobel Prize Year Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart (1897-1974) Physics Born, Max (1882-1970) Physics Bothe, Walther Wilhelm Georg (1891-1957) Physics Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich-Johann (1903-1995) Chemistry Debye, Peter Josephus Wilhelminus (1884-1966) Chemistry Dehmelt, Hans Georg (*1922) Physics Physiology or Medicine Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice (1902-1984) Physics Ehrlich, Paul (1854-1915) Physiology or Medicine Eigen, Manfred (*1927)

    Translate this page 1927. Vigneaud, Vincent Du. 1955. windaus, adolf otto reinhold. 1928. Hinshelwood,Sir Cyril Norman. 1956. Euler-chelpin, Hans Karl August Simon Von. 1929.
    PREMIOS NOBEL EN QUIMICA NOMBRE AÑO NOMBRE AÑO Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Van't Debye, Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus Fischer, Hermann Emil Haworth, Sir Walter Norman Arrhenius, Svante August Karrer, Paul Ramsay, Sir William Kuhn, Richard Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Von Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann Moissan, Henri Ruzicka, Leopold Buchner, Eduard De Hevesy, George Rutherford, Lord Ernest Hahn, Otto Ostwald, Wilhelm Virtanen, Artturi Ilmari Wallach, Otto Northrop, John Howard Curie, Marie Stanley, Wendell Meredith Grignard, Victor Sumner, James Batcheller Sabatier, Paul Robinson, Sir Robert Werner, Alfred Tiselius, Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Richards, Theodore William Giauque, William Francis Willstatter, Richard Martin Alder, Kurt Haber, Fritz Diels, Otto Paul Hermann Nernst, Walther Hermann McMillan, Edwin Mattison Soddy, Frederick Seaborg, Glenn Theodore Aston, Francis William Martin, Archer John Porter Pregl, Fritz Synge, Richard Laurence Millington Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf Staudinger, Hermann Svedberg, The Pauling, Linus Carl Wieland, Heinrich Otto

    36. Fq - Prémios Nobel Da Química
    von Euler-Chelpin; 1928 adolf otto reinhold windaus; 1927 Heinrich
    atelier/ fq ...para quem se lembrou hoje que o teste é amanhã! QUEM? Prémios Nobel da Física
    Prémios Nobel da Química



    Prémios Nobel da Química Galardoados com o Prémio Nobel da Química, atribuído pela Fundação Nobel, para distinguir trabalhos de grande importância na investigação Química:
    • 2002 John B. Fenn, Koichi Tanaka, Kurt Wüthrich 2001 William S. Knowles, Ryoji Noyori, K. Barry Sharpless 2000 Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Hideki Shirakawa 1999 Ahmed H. Zewail 1998 Walter Kohn, John A. Pople 1997 Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker, Jens C. Skou 1996 Robert F. Curl Jr., Sir Harold W. Kroto, Richard E. Smalley 1995 Paul J. Crutzen, Mario J. Molina, F. Sherwood Rowland 1994 George A. Olah 1993 Kary B. Mullis, Michael Smith 1992 Rudolph A. Marcus 1991 Richard R. Ernst 1990 Elias James Corey 1989 Sidney Altman, Thomas R. Cech

    37. Encyclopédie - Prix Nobel De Chimie
    adolf Zsigmondy; 1926 Theodor Svedberg; 1927 Heinrichotto Wieland; 1928 adolf otto reinhold windaus; 1929 Arthur

    38. Nobelprisen I Kemi
    Translate this page William Aston 1923 Fritz Pregl 1925 Richard adolf Zsigmondy 1926 The (Theodor) Svedberg1927 Heinrich otto Wieland 1928 adolf otto reinhold windaus 1929 Arthur i kemi.html
    Web Site Hosting fre e web hosting ... Reseller Hosting Nobelprisen i kemi
    Nobelprisen i kemi uddeles, sammen med nobelprisen i fysik, af Videnskabsakademiet, og er en af de oprindelige nobelpriser som er blevet uddelt siden 1901.
    Prismodtagere af Nobelprisen i kemi.
    1901 Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff
    1902 Hermann Emil Fischer
    1903 Svante August Arrhenius
    1904 Sir William Ramsay
    1905 Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer
    1906 Henri Moissan
    1907 Eduard Buchner
    1908 Ernest Rutherford 1909 Wilhelm Ostwald 1910 Otto Wallach 1911 Marie Sklodowska-Curie 1912 Victor Grignard, Paul Sabatier 1913 Alfred Werner 1914 Theodore William Richards 1915 Richard Martin Willstätter 1918 Fritz Haber 1920 Walther Hermann Nernst 1921 Frederick Soddy 1922 Francis William Aston 1923 Fritz Pregl 1925 Richard Adolf Zsigmondy 1926 The (Theodor) Svedberg 1927 Heinrich Otto Wieland 1928 Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus 1929 Arthur Harden, Hans Karl August Simon von Euler-Chelpin 1930 Hans Fischer 1931 Carl Bosch, Friedrich Bergius 1932 Irving Langmuir 1934 Harold Clayton Urey 1935 Frédéric Joliot, Irène Joliot-Curie

    39. CAPLEX Nettleksikon
    Sverige. 1927. Heinrich otto Wieland. Tyskland. 1928. adolf otto reinhold windaus.Tyskland. 1929. Arthur Harden. Storbritannia. Hans Karl August Simon von EulerChelpin.

    40. Tous Les Prix Nobel De Chimie
    Alfred Werner. Heinrich otto Wieland. Geoffrey Wilkinson. Richard Willslater.adolf otto reinhold windaus. Georg Wittig. Robert Burns Woodward. Y. Yuan Lee.Z.
    P rix Nobels Alfred Nobel A Kurt Alder Sydney Altman ... Aston B Adolf Johann Friedrich Wilhelm von Baeyer Sir Derek Harold Barton ... Butenandt C Melvin Calvin Thomas Cech ... Curl D Peter Joseph William Debye Johann Deisenhofer ... Diels E Manfred Eigen Hans von Euler ... Chelpin F Emil Hermann Fischer Ernst Otto Fischer ... Fukui G William Francis Giauque Walter Gilbert ... Grignard H Fritz Haber Otto Hahn ... Huber J Frédéric Joliot-Curie Irène Joliot-Curie K Jérôme Karle Paul Karrer ... Kuhn L Irwing Langmuir Luis F. Leloir ... Lipscomb M Edwin M. McMillan Archer John Porter Martin ... Mulliken N Giulio Natta Hermann Walther Nernst ... Northrop O Lars Onsager Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald P Linus Carl Pauling Charles J. Pedersen ... Prigogine R Sir William Ramsay Franck Sherwood Rowland ... Ruzicka S Paul Sabatier Frederik Sanger et Glenn T. Seaborg Nicolas Nicolaevitch Semenov ... Synge T Henry Taube Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius ... Todd U Harold Clayton Urey V Jacobus Henricus Van't Hoff Vincent du Vigneaud ... Virtanen W Otto Wallach Alfred Werner ... Woodward Y Yuan Lee Z Karl Ziegler Richard Zsigmondy Pour tous problèmes ou remarques, écrivez au webmaster

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