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         Walesa Lech:     more books (100)
  1. Presidents of Poland: President of Poland, Lech Walesa, Wojciech Jaruzelski, Boleslaw Bierut, Aleksander Kwasniewski, Stanislaw Wojciechowski
  2. Président de La Pologne: Lech Walesa, Lech Kaczynski, Józef Pilsudski, Wojciech Jaruzelski, Bronislaw Komorowski, Aleksander Kwasniewski (French Edition)
  3. "Siglo XXI: el de la fuerza del argumento".(visita del ex presidente polaco Lech Walesa a México)(TT: "The Twenty-first Century: the force of an argument".)(TA: ... An article from: Siempre! by Estela Bocardo, 2000-12-21
  4. Solidarity (Polish Union Movement): Solidarity Activists, Lech Walesa, Solidarity, Solidarity Electoral Action, History of Solidarity
  5. Träger Des Bundesverdienstkreuzes (Sonderstufe Des Großkreuzes): Michail Sergejewitsch Gorbatschow, Václav Havel, Lech Walesa (German Edition)
  6. Ehrenbürger Von Warschau: Marie Curie, Lech Walesa, Herbert C. Hoover, Johannes Paul II., Lech Kaczynski, Wladyslaw Bartoszewski (German Edition)
  7. Lech Walesa: Democrat or Dictator? by Jaroslaw Kurski, 1993-03
  8. A Way of Hope: Lech Walesa, An Autobiography by Lech Walesa, 1987
  9. Gewaltfreiheit: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Ziviler Ungehorsam, Lech Walesa, Kriegsdienstverweigerung, Totalverweigerung (German Edition)
  10. Polish Catholics: Polish Eastern Catholics, Polish Roman Catholics, Pope John Paul Ii, Frédéric Chopin, Lech Walesa, Józef Pilsudski
  11. Lech Walesa P by Friends/members of solida, 1982-05-20
  12. People From Lipno County: Lech Walesa
  13. Ehrenbürger Von Stettin: Nikita Sergejewitsch Chruschtschow, Lech Walesa, Johannes Paul Ii., Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, Kazimierz Majdanski (German Edition)
  14. Polish Nobel Laureates: Marie Curie, Menachem Begin, Wislawa Szymborska, Lech Walesa, Roald Hoffmann, Henryk Sienkiewicz, Czeslaw Milosz

41. Biografía - Walesa, Lech
walesa, lech NacionalidadPolonia Popow 29-9-1943. A finales de los años sesenta
Nacionalidad: Polonia
Popow 29-9-1943
A finales de los años sesenta (1967), se trasladó en busca de oportunidades a la región industrial del Báltico, en concreto a la ciudad de Gdansk, donde empezó a trabajar en los astilleros Lenin . Walesa, con innatas cualidades de dirigente, se dedicó desde un primer momento a la actividad sindical: en la protesta obrera de 1970 ya formó parte del Comité de Huelga de su empresa. A partir de este momento, la lucha por los derechos de los trabajadores marcó toda su actividad. Además de ganarse la vida como electricista, prosiguió su actividad sindical y en 1978 intervino activamente en el desarrollo dei Sindicato Libre de la Costa. Cuando estalló la crisis de 1980, Walesa fue elegido presidente del Comité Interempresarial de Huelga. Desde este cargo coordinó la protesta obrera de todo el país y logró que las autoridades aceptasen el Protocolo de veintiún puntos. En virtud de todo ello, sus compañeros de lucha convirtieron a Walesa -un genuino producto de la base en el gran líder nacional de los años ochenta: elegido presidente de " Solidaridad ", el sindicato más fuerte, en el Congreso fundacional de septiembre de 1980 -reelegado un año después-. Fue internado una vez proclamada la Ley marcial 13 de diciembre de 1981. En 1983 recibió el Premio Nobel de la Paz y en 1990 gana las elecciones y se alza con la presidencia del país. Desde este cargo ha tratado de mejorar la situación económica y en política exterior acercarse a Estados Unidos. En 1995 volvió a presentar su candidatura pero no salió elegido.

42. Biografia De Walesa, Lech
Translate this page walesa, lech. (Popowo, actual Polonia, 1943) Sindicalista polaco. Trabajócomo electricista en los astilleros Lenin de Gdansk, pero
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Walesa, Lech Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

43. Walesa, Lech
Notki biograficzne – lech walesa. lech walesa, urodzil w 1943 r. W latach 1967– 76 i 1980–81 i od 1983 r. pracownik Stoczni Gdanskiej (wówczas im.
Lech WA£ÊSA stanie wojennym Zobacz Karta okoliczno¶ciowa Solidarno¶ci - Nobel Wa³êsy Znaczki pocztowe Solidarno¶ci - Nobel Wa³êsy Fotoreporta¿ z odbioru nagrody Nobla dla Lecha Wa³êsy Zapisy d¼wiêkowe - przemówienia po podpisaniu porozumieñ gdañskich Powrót do biografii Powrót do spisu tre¶ci Powrót do nowych eksponatów Jeste¶ go¶ciem numer na tej stronie, która zosta³a utworzona 01-12-1999, a ostatnio uaktualniona . Wszelkie komentarze prosimy kierowaæ do Kustosza.

44. Walesa, Lech
walesa, lech. April 2001. An electrician by trade, lech walesa sparkedthe infamous Lenin Shipyard strike in Gdansk, Poland.
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Walesa, Lech
April 2001 An electrician by trade, Lech Walesa sparked the infamous Lenin Shipyard strike in Gdansk, Poland. Christened "Solidarity", the strike became a social revolution. He was named Man of the Year by Time magazine, The Financial Times, The London Observer, Die Welt, Die Zeit, L'Express, Le Soir. Walesa, and in 1983 awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The government re-legalized Solidarity and invited it to join the Communist Party in forming a coalition government. Walesa became Poland's first democratically elected President. His term in office set Poland firmly on the path to becoming a free market democracy. Mr. Walesa made Poland a model of economic and political reform for the rest of Eastern Europe to follow and earned it the honor of receiving one of the first invitations to join an expanded NATO. He now heads the Lech Walesa Institute whose aim is to advance the ideals of democracy and free market reform throughout Eastern Europe and the rest of the world.

45. Lech Walesa
Translate this page Friedensnobelpreis 1983 (Nobel Peace Prize 1983) lech walesa,polnischer Politiker und Gewerkschafter, geb. 29. Sep. 1943.
Friedensnobelpreis 1983
(Nobel Peace Prize 1983)
Lech Walesa, polnischer Politiker und Gewerkschafter, geb. 29. Sep. 1943

46. Walesa, Lech
encyclopediaEncyclopedia walesa, lech, lekh väwen zu PronunciationKey. walesa, lech , 1943–, Polish labor and political leader.


Walesa, Lech u Pronunciation Key Walesa, Lech Solidarity . A moderate, he gained numerous concessions from the authorities before his arrest and internment in the military crackdown of 1981. He was released in Nov., 1982, and in 1983 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1987, he helped block Jaruzelski's reform initiatives by organizing a boycott of the government referendum, and in 1988 he led a series of nationwide strikes. In 1989 he negotiated an agreement with the government under which Solidarity was legalized and allowed to campaign as a political party in the upcoming elections. By the end of Aug., 1989, a Solidarity-led coalition government was in power, but Walesa became increasingly critical of Premier Tadeusz Mazowiecki. In Dec., 1990, Walesa was elected president of Poland, defeating Mazowiecki, and resigned his Solidarity post. Walesa failed to win reelection in 1995, losing to Aleksander Kwasniewski , a former Communist who was the Democratic Left Alliance candidate. He ran again in 2000 but received only 1% of the vote. See his autobiography

47. Lech Walesa Page In Marcin's Store
lech walesa. lech walesa winner of the Peace Nobel Prize. The Struggleand the Triumph An Autobiography by lech walesa, with contributions
Lech Walesa Lech Walesa winner of the Peace Nobel Prize The Struggle and the Triumph: An Autobiography by Lech Walesa, with contributions by Arkadiusz Rybicki, edited by Franklin Phillip. Paperback. Reprint. Arcade Pub: January 1994. Perhaps there are as many versions of history as there are people in the world. Lech Walesa's autobiography definitely gives a very important perspective on recent history of Poland. Born in a family of modest means in a provincial location of Poland, he moved to the seaport city of Gdansk, where he got a job as an electrician at a shipyard. Poland was then ruled by a totalitarian government subservient to the Soviet Union. Walesa got involved in a nascent pro-democracy movement to become its celebrated leader in 1980. He was elected the president of Solidarnosc , a newly founded free trade union of 10 million members. He was also a charismatic leader of a broader non-violent movement for democracy and independence referred to by the same name. The Communists defended their power by martial law, but they were faced with sustained peaceful resistance while their Moscow allies were loosing strength. Against all odds, despite imprisonment of thousands of activists, government-sponsored killing of more than a hundred people and thousands of other acts of governmental persecution, the Poles overcame Communism and made Walesa their first post-Second World War democratically elected president. As it happens in democracies, Walesa was voted out of office at the end of his first term, but Poland is an independent republic today and the story of the Polish blue-collar-worker-turned-president will forever be one of the most important parts of 20th century European history. Click on the title to get this autobiography!

48. - Fundation - Lech Walesa Institute
lech walesa, the leader of a great freedom movement in Poland, a Nobel PeacePrize winner, the first president of the III Republic of Poland
Lech Walesa, the leader of a great freedom movement in Poland, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, the first president of the III Republic of Poland... The Foundation's constitution implies that we record history, support a proper development of the country and provide assistance to active young people in the accomplishment of their undertakings. Our publications will focus you better on the figure
of Lech Wales and the activity of his Foundation You are welcome to visit our Gallery.
Here you will find many interesting photographs illustrating the Activity of Lech Walesa and of his Foundation, as well as the list of awards and honours he has received for his contribution into bringing down the communism and the transformation of the world. Everything still relevant and precious is to be found in our archives.

49. ThinkQuest : Library : Peacemakers & Breakers
lech walesa was one of eight children. Web Sites. Columbia University Press walesa,lech http// (January, 2003).
Index Biography
From ancient Rome to modern day, world leaders have set the direction for peace and prosperity or for war and hardship. Just who are these people and what influence have they had on our world? What qualities make a person a world leader? You'll find the answers to these questions and more at our site. Visit Site 2003 ThinkQuest USA Want to build a ThinkQuest site? The ThinkQuest site above is one of thousands of educational web sites built by students from around the world. Click here to learn how you can build a ThinkQuest site. Privacy Policy

50. Walesa
PRIMARY SOURCES walesa, lech. A Way of Hope. New York Henry Holt and Company,1987. walesa, lech. lech walesa The Struggle and the Triumph.
blue Lech Walesa and Poland's Battle to Bring Down the Iron Curtain (The Soviet Union Collapses) Katie Kilkelly and Sarah Miller Soviet power swept across Eastern Europe in the mid-1940s, imposing Communist governments. The leadership of Lech Walesa helped bring down the Communist government in Poland, which influenced reforms against Communism throughout Eastern Europe. Walesa led an anti-Communist organization, formed in 1980, which fought for political, economic and civil rights to improve conditions. The collapse of Communism brought down the Soviet Union and ended the Cold War, as democracy and prosperity rose in Poland. In 1946, Winston Churchill, the prime minister of Britain, spoke in Fulton, Missouri. He commented on the rising danger of power of the Soviet Union. Churchill said, "From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent" (Beers 713). The "iron curtain" that he mentioned separated Eastern Europe from the world as Soviet power took over. Churchill's prediction was proved true as the Cold War began between the Western powers and the Soviet Union. This war was a political and economic struggle between the two sides and did not involve armed hostility. Winston Churchill introduced the term "iron curtain" in his speech in Fulton, Missouri, 1946.

51. Glossary Of People: Wa
Wa. walesa, lech (b. 1943). Worked in board. In December 1990, lech walesabecame President in an election marked by antiSemitism. walesa
MIA Encyclopedia of Marxism : Glossary of People
Walesa, Lech (b. 1943) Wallace, Henry (1888-1965) . French-born economist who was one of the first to propound a comprehensive mathematical analysis of general economic equilibrium. Elements of Pure Economics (1874), Walras is generally credited with having founded the "Lausanne school" of economists later led by Vilfredo Pareto Walras applied to the economic universe techniques for treating systems of simultaneous equations that were well known in classical mechanics. Assuming a "regime of perfectly free competition," Walras constructed a mathematical model in which productive factors, products, and prices automatically adjust in equilibrium. Walras also postulated reforms that he conceived to be necessary for the effective functioning of the system of free enterprise, notably land nationalization and modification of the gold standard. Wang Ching-wei (1884-1944) Leader of the Left Kuomintang and the government in industrial Wuhan whom the Communist International and the Communist Party supported after the Chiang Kaishek fiasco. Index of the Letter W Encyclopedia of Marxism

Translate this page ENTREVISTA CON lech walesa. Nacional Soy reportera de El Nacional. —Encantado,soy lech walesa (suena Lej Vauensa) y vengo de Polonia. En
Lech Walesa: "La democracia no se construye con disturbios"

Negado a inmiscuirse en asuntos internos de Venezuela, el ex presidente polaco —hoy convertido en conferencista internacional de mucha cancha— fue muy elocuente, sin embargo, en las pocas frases que se permitió para terciar en el polémico tema de la actualidad política nacional... Chávez no fue favorecido con una inclusión en la agenda del visitante Milagros Socorro Fotos SANDRA BRACHO
Todas las guerras mundiales no han matado tanta gente como el mantenimiento del comunismo, dijo Walesa —En su conferencia en el Teresa Carreño usted dijo que cuando se inició en el sindicalismo, la ocupación soviética se expresaba en la presencia de 250.000 soldados en Polonia, ¿llegó usted a odiar a los rusos? —No. A ellos no. Lo que yo odiaba era al sistema que representaban y que nos imponían, y que no era otra cosa que la esclavitud, la total privación de la libertad. Y eso era lo que yo odiaba, contra lo que luchaba, pero con métodos pacíficos. —¿Hay algo que usted extrañe del comunismo? —Nada. El comunismo como teoría no es mala, pero definitivamente no es real; y por eso mismo permite tantas posibilidades de malinterpretarlo y confiscar la teoría para justificar regímenes autoritarios. Es imposible que yo extrañe algo de un sistema político que sólo trajo esclavitud a mi país y que, además, tuvo unos efectos económicos nefastos. En esa época casi la mitad del mundo estaba forzada a vivir bajo el comunismo y en ningún país tuvo buenos resultados. ¡En ninguno! Si hubiera algún resultado en uno o en dos, se podría decir que no está mal, que podría ser perfectible, pero el caso es que no lo hubo. Y está a la vista el hecho de que desapareció de todos aquellos países, con la excepción de Cuba y Corea del Norte, donde es muy fácil verificar qué es lo que está ocurriendo: un desastre político y económico.

53. The Peace Mission
lech walesa Poland Year 1983 Nobel Peace Prize Cause Liberation of Polandfrom communist regime. Time Magazine 1981 Man of the Year lech walesa.

Albert John Lutuli

Amnesty International

Aung San Suu Kyi

Betty Williams
Yasser Arafat
Lech Walesa - Poland
: 1983 Nobel Peace Prize
Cause : Liberation of Poland from communist regime.
Lech Walesa was born on 29 September 1943 in Popowo, near Wloclawek, Poland.His father died shortly after World War II; he and his brothers and sisters were raised by their mother, aunt and uncle. The Soviet Union occupied Poland after the war, and the Soviet-imposed communist government controlled almost every aspect of life in Poland, except for the Catholic Church.
Walesa was only an average student at his parish school and after graduating from the state vocational school in Lipno, where he learned the electrician's trade, worked as a car mechanic at a machine center from 1961 to 1965. He served in the army for two years, rose to the rank of corporal, and in 1967 was employed in the Lenin shipyard in Gdansk as an electrician. In 1970, when the shipyards were the center of huge and violent demonstrations against the government's decision to increase food prices, Walesa was among the demonstrators. Throughout the next he decade played a role in organizing the shipyard protests. In 1976 he was fired for his political activities. Although he was only sporadically employed for the next four years, he persisted in his organizing.

54. Lexikon - Lech Walesa Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
Translate this page lech walesa. Definition, Bedeutung, Erklärung im Lexikon. Artikelauf Englisch lech walesa. lech walesa. lech walesa (* 29.

55. Biography-center - Letter W
walesa, lech;walesa, lech;
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56. Lech Walesa
Translate this page libremente. El Comité de Huelga se transformó en una federación de sindicatosdirigida por walesa y que vino a denominarse Solidaridad.

57. Lech Walesa
lech walesa. lech walesa, the son of a peasant farmer, was born in Popowo, Poland,on 29th September, 1943. (1) lech walesa, Nobel Lecture (11th December, 1983).

58. Wired News: Lech Walesa: Tech Freedom Fighter
Advertisement. lech walesa Tech Freedom Fighter. By Julia Scheeres Also by this reporter Page 1 of 2 next ». 0200 AM Jun. 19, 2002 PT.,1283,53299,00.html?tw=wn_story_related

59. Wired News: Lech Walesa: Tech Freedom Fighter
lech walesa Tech Freedom Fighter. By Julia Scheeres. Story location http//,1283,53299,00.html.0200 AM Jun. 19, 2002 PT.,1294,53299,00.html
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Lech Walesa: Tech Freedom Fighter
By Julia Scheeres Story location:,1283,53299,00.html 02:00 AM Jun. 19, 2002 PT When former Polish president Lech Walesa pops into a chat room to discuss politics, people have a hard time believing they're debating issues with the man largely credited for the downfall of communism in Eastern Europe. In a telephone conversation from his home in Gdansk , the former shipyard electrician turned Nobel Peace Prize winner spoke about government attempts to stifle technology or to use it to spy on personal communication. Born the son of peasant farmers in 1943, the feisty politician started the Solidarity movement in 1980, which was pivotal in the defeat of communism throughout Eastern Europe. He was elected president of Poland in 1990, a post he held until 1995. He recently joined the board of directors of NuTech Solutions , a software company based in North Carolina. NuTech Solutions, which was launched by Polish-born Matthew Michalewicz, writes analytical software that predicts behavior and reduces spending.

60. Commanding Heights : Lech Walesa | On PBS
lech walesa. walesa won the presidency in 1990 and held it until 1995. walesa, lech. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2001. (c) 19932000 Microsoft Corporation.
Interview Profile Video Print PDF Lech Walesa (b. 1943)
Trained as an electrician, Lech Walesa assumed leadership of the independent trade union Solidarity and played a key role in leading Poland out of Soviet domination. Walesa won the presidency in 1990 and held it until 1995.
Profile Polish labor union activist, Nobel laureate, and president of Poland (1990-1995), Lech Walesa rose to international fame in August 1980 as the leader of the independent trade union Solidarity. Solidarity played a decisive role in bringing down communism not only in Poland but throughout Eastern and Central Europe.
Walesa was one of eight children born into a Catholic worker-peasant family in Popowa, a village between Warsaw, the capital of Poland, and Gdansk, on the Baltic coast. He received a primary education, trained as an electrician in a local agricultural-machinery college, and began work in 1961. In 1967 he left home to find work as an electrician at the huge state-owned Lenin Shipyard in Gdansk.
In December 1970 Walesa participated in protests that erupted along the Baltic seaboard after the Polish government imposed drastic increases in food prices. In the months that followed, open debate between Solidarity, the Communist Party, and the Roman Catholic Church blossomed while the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and its aging leadership under Leonid Brezhnev looked on anxiously. In Poland the economic situation deteriorated so much that rationing of basic foodstuffs had to be introduced.
On December 13, 1981, General Wojciech Jaruzelski, Poland's head of government, declared martial law. Solidarity was banned and Walesa was arrested and interned. He was released in November 1982 and martial law was lifted in July 1983. That December Walesa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, partly to maintain pressure on the Polish authorities. Afraid that he would not be readmitted if he left the country to collect the prize, Walesa remained in Poland. His wife Danuta traveled to Oslo, Norway, on her husband's behalf.

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