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         Walesa Lech:     more books (100)
  1. The Struggle and the Triumph: An Autobiography by Lech Walesa, 1994-01-19
  2. Strike for Freedom: The Story of Lech Walesa and Polish Solidarity by Robert Eringer, 1982-11
  3. Lech Walesa: The Road to Democracy (Great Lives) by Rebecca Stefoff, 1992-03-17
  4. A Way of Hope by Lech Walesa, 1990-03
  5. Lech Walesa and His Poland by Mary Craig, 1987-10
  6. Lech Walesa: Champion of Freedom for Poland (People Who Made a Difference) by Ann Angel, Mary Craig, 1992-05
  7. Lech Walesa: The Leader of Solidarity and Campaigner for Freedom and Human Rights in Poland (People Who Have Helped the World) by Mary Craig, 1990-03
  8. The Crystal Spirit: Lech Walesa and His Poland (Coronet Books) by Mary Craig, 1988-01-01
  9. Lech Walesa and Poland (Impact Biography) by Dennis Vnenchak, 1994-06
  10. Lech Walesa (Polish Edition)
  11. Lech Walesa (World Leaders-Past and Present) by Tony Kaye, 1989-11
  12. Lech Walesa (Peacemakers) by Caroline Evensen Lazo, 1993-10
  13. My Brother, Lech Walesa by Walter Brolewicz, 1984-01
  14. Lech Walesa, der sanfte Revolutionar (Goldmann Sachbuch) (German Edition) by Hans Peter Rullmann, 1981

1. Lech Walesa,Legend,Lech Walesa,Without Walesa, The Occupation Strike In The Leni
A leader of the Solidarity movement that lead the Poles out of communism. Includes a brief biography.

2. Lech Walesa - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Norsk Polski Svenska. Lech Walesa. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Lech Wasa ( pronounced lekh vawen-sah, born September 29, 1943, Popowo, Poland) - Polish
Lech Walesa
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(pronounced [:lekh va-:wen-sah], born September 29 Popowo Poland Polish electrician, trade union activist, human rights fighter and politician. He founded Solidarity ), the Soviet bloc's first independent trade union , won the Nobel Peace Prize in , and served as President of Poland from to (succeeded by edit
List of basic dates and facts:
  • employee of Lenin Shipyard in Gdansk , now ) as an electrical technician: and from until - member of the illegal strike committee in Gdansk Shipyard. After the bloody end of the strike (more than 80 workers killed by the riot police) - arrested and convicted for "anti social behaviour" - spent one year in prison. - lost his job in Gdansk Shipyard for collecting signatures for a petition to build a memorial for the killed workers. Due to his being on an informal blacklist he couldn't find another job and lived thanks to his friends' personal help. - together with Andrzej Gwiazda and Aleksander Hall , he organised the illegal underground Free Trade Union of Pommerania - arrested several times for organising an "anti-state" organisation, but not found guilty in court and released at the beginning of

3. Lech Walesa --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Walesa, Lech Encyclopædia Britannica Article. Lech Walesa speaking to strikingshipyard workers in Gdansk, Poland, 1988. Copyright Wesolowski/Sygma. walesa

4. Lech Walesa
walesa lech. Poland 19802001 Chester,E. Covert Network. 1995 (192-3);Gurwin,L. The Calvi Affair. 1984 (195); Hertsgaard,M. On Bended Knee.
Poland 1980-2001
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5. Caricature Of Lech Walesa
Lech Walesa Created by Caricature Zone.
Lech Walesa
Created by Caricature Zone

6. Lech Walesa
Lech Walesa. Lech Walesa is known for his valiant effort to free hisnative Poland from Communist rule. Born into a workingclass
Lech Walesa
Solidarnosc Polish trade union ( Niezalezny Samorzad Zwiazkow Zawodowych Solidarnosc ) that in the early 1980s became the first independent labor union in a country belonging to the Soviet bloc. Solidarity was founded in September 1980, was forcibly suppressed by the Polish government in December 1981, and reemerged in 1989 to become the first opposition movement to participate in free elections in a Soviet-bloc nation since the 1940s. Solidarity subsequently formed a coalition government with Poland's United Workers' (communist) Party (PUWP), after which its leaders dominated the national government. The origin of Solidarity traces back to 1976, when a Workers' Defense Committee ( Komitet Obrony Robotnikow Solidarnosc . The KOR subsequently disbanded, its activists becoming members of the union, and Walesa was elected chairman of Solidarity. A separate agricultural union composed of private farmers, named Rural Solidarity ( Wiejska Solidarnosc Return to the Lecture The History Guide
Last Revised May 13, 2004

7. Lech Walesa - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Lech Walesa. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Lech Walesa (pronouncedlekh va and politician. Lech Walesa. He founded Solidarity
Lech Walesa
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(pronounced [:lekh va-:wen-sah], born September 29 Popowo Poland Polish electrician, trade union activist, human rights fighter and politician. He founded Solidarity ), the Soviet bloc's first independent trade union , won the Nobel Peace Prize in , and served as President of Poland from to (succeeded by edit
List of basic dates and facts:
  • employee of Lenin Shipyard in Gdansk , now ) as an electrical technician: and from until - member of the illegal strike committee in Gdansk Shipyard. After the bloody end of the strike (more than 80 workers killed by the riot police) - arrested and convicted for "anti social behaviour" - spent one year in prison. - lost his job in Gdansk Shipyard for collecting signatures for a petition to build a memorial for the killed workers. Due to his being on an informal blacklist he couldn't find another job and lived thanks to his friends' personal help. - together with Andrzej Gwiazda and Aleksander Hall , he organised the illegal underground Free Trade Union of Pommerania - arrested several times for organising an "anti-state" organisation, but not found guilty in court and released at the beginning of

8. Lech Walesa
Lech Walesa, Lech Walesa, the son of a peasant farmer, was born in Popowo, Poland,on 29th September, 1943. After leaving school he worked as a car mechanic.
Lech Walesa
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Lech Walesa, the son of a peasant farmer, was born in Popowo, Poland , on 29th September, 1943. After leaving school he worked as a car mechanic. In 1967 Walesa moved to Gdansky where he became an electrician at the Lenin Shipyard. Walesa was active in the trade union movement and during an industrial dispute in 1970 he became chairman of the shipyard's strike committee. In 1976 lost his job as a result of his trade union activities and for the next few years had to earn his living by taking temporary jobs. Walesa continued to involve himself in organising free non-communist trade unions and in 1980, along with some of his friends, founded

9. WIEM: Wa³êsa Lech
Polityka, Polska walesa lech (1943). Lech Walesa. Sierpien 80. OkraglyStól. Zaprzysiezenie L. Walesy na prezydenta. walesa lech (ur.
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Polityka, Polska
Wa³êsa Lech
Lech Wa³êsa Sierpieñ '80 Okr±g³y Stó³ Zaprzysiê¿enie L. Wa³êsy na prezydenta Wa³êsa Lech (ur. 1943), dzia³acz zwi±zkowy, polityk, prezydent Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w latach 1990-1995, laureat pokojowej Nagrody Nobla 1983. W latach 1961-1963 i 1965-1967 elektrotechnik w Pañstwowych O¶rodkach Maszynowych w £ochocinie, nastêpnie w Leniach. Od 1967 elektryk w Stoczni Gdañskiej imienia W.I. Lenina. W grudniu 1970 cz³onek stoczniowego Komitetu Strajkowego, zwolniony za krytykê dzia³alno¶ci zwi±zków zawodowych w kwietniu 1976. W latach 1976-1978 pracowa³ w Zak³adach Remontowo-Budowlanych, a nastêpnie w gdañskim Elektromonta¿u (1979). W 1978 wspó³za³o¿yciel Wolnych Zwi±zków Zawodowych Wybrze¿a W styczniu 1980 zorganizowa³ w zak³adach Elektromonta¿u Komisjê Robotnicz±, w sierpniu 1980 stan±³ na czele strajku w Stoczni Gdañskiej. Nastêpnie przewodnicz±cy Miêdzyzak³adowego Komitetu Strajkowego (MKS), w którego imieniu podpisa³ porozumienia z komisj± rz±dow±, tzw. porozumienia sierpniowe. W latach 1980-1981 przewodnicz±cy Miêdzyzak³adowego Komitetu Za³o¿ycielskiego i Krajowej Komisji Porozumiewawczej

10. Polska Historia 1976 - 1989 - Wydawnictwa Zagraniczne
Translate this page walesa lech Un camino de esperanza. Barcelona Ediciones B 1987. 24 cm, 562 s. SerieReporter. Trad. op. walesa lech Un camino de esperanza. Autobiografia.
Stan na dzieñ: 24.03.2004 r. BIBU£A Incipit Poszukiwane
Wykaz druków zwartych dotycz¹cych
wydanych za granic¹. - Czêœæ X: W - Z.
Tekst poprzedni Wagner Helmut: Die Doppelgesellschaft. Systemwandel in Polen.
Berlin: Colloquium Verl. 1981.
21 cm, 91 s.
Beiträge zur Zeitgeschichte; Bd. 8.
ISBN 3767805413 (brosch.) - op Wagner Wolfgang [hrsg.] - patrz w: Krise in Polen - vom Sommer 80 zur Winter 81. Bonn: Verl. für Internationale Politik 1982. - uw Walesa Lech : Un camino de esperanza.
Barcelona: Ediciones B 1987.
24 cm, 562 s.
Serie Reporter.
Trad. Manuel Serrat Crespo. Transl. of: Un chemin d'espoir. ISBN 8477352690 (pbk.). - op Walesa Lech : Un camino de esperanza. Autobiografia.
Mexico: Editorial Diana 1989. 21 cm, 342 s. Trad. Guadalupe Meza Staines. Transl. of: Un chemin d'espoir. ISBN 96-81310-53-5. - op Walesa Lech : Les chemins de la démocratie. Paris: Plon 1991. 348 s. Trad. du polonais par Posner, Anna. - op Walesa Lech Paris: Fayard 1987. 23 cm, 606 s. Rec.: DA (oprac. na podst. Le Novel Observ . Nr 41, 24-30.04.1987): Pamiêtniki Lecha Wa³êsy we Francji.

11. Lech Walesa
Lech Walesa. Lech Walesa (pronounced lekh vawen-sah, born September29 1943, Popowo, Poland) - Polish electrician, trade union
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Lech Walesa
(pronounced [:lekh va-:wen-sah], born September 29 , Popowo, Poland Polish electrician, trade union activist, human rights fighter and politician. He founded Solidarity Soviet block's first independent trade union, won the Nobel Peace Prize in , and served as President of Poland from to (succeeded by Table of contents 1 List of basic dates and facts:
2 Conspiracy theory

3 See also:
List of basic dates and facts:
  • employee of Gdansk and from until - member of the illegal strike committee in Gdansk Shipyard. After the bloody end of the strike (more than 80 workers killed by the riot police) - arrested and convicted for "anti social behaviour" - spent one year in prison. - lost his job in Gdansk Shipyard for collecting signatures for a petition to build a memorial for the killed workers. Due to his being on an informal blacklist he couldn't find another job and lived thanks to his friends' personal help. - together with Andrzej Gwiazda and Aleksander Hall, he organised the illegal underground Free Trade Union of Pommerania - arrested several times for organising "anti-state" organisation, but not found guilty in court and left free at the beginning of

12. Lech Walesa
Lech Walesa. 1943. Born to a Polish agricultural family, labor unionist LechWalesa studied in a state vocational school, and became an electrician.
Lech Walesa Polish Politician Born to a Polish agricultural family, labor unionist Lech Walesa studied in a state vocational school, and became an electrician. After serving in the military, he began working in the Lenin shipyard in Gdansk (Danzig). Walesa was active in the nascent union movement at the shipyards and after he joined protests against the economic policies of Polish leader Edward Gierek in 1976, Walesa was fired. Galvanized into action, Walesa became a key figure in the Polish labor movement. When striking Polish workers took control of the shipyard in 1980, Walesa was reinstated and became the head of the strikers. Later that year, he was made head of the newly formed Solidarity Union. Solidarity was successful in securing a number of concessions from the Polish Communist government. In 1981, however, Polish leader General Jaruzelski imposed martial law and outlawed Solidarity. Walesa and other Union leaders were arrested. After a year in solitary confinement, Walesa was released. In 1983, he won the Nobel Prize for peace in recognition of his efforts on behalf of freedom. The outspoken Walesa continued to press the government for concessions and in 1988, the Union once again organized crippling strikes throughout the country. When it became clear that the Polish Army was siding with the people, Jaruzelski negotiated the creation of Social Democracy in Poland. The next year Walesa was elected President of Poland.

13. Lech Walesa - Encyclopedia Article About Lech Walesa. Free Access, No Registrati
encyclopedia article about Lech Walesa. Lech Walesa in Free online Englishdictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Provides Lech Walesa. Word Walesa
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Lech Walesa
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition (pronounced [:lekh va-:wen-sah], born September 29 September 29 is the 272nd day of the year (273rd in leap years). There are 93 days remaining.
  • 61 BC - Pompey the Great celebrates his third triumph, for victories over the pirates and the end of the Mithridatic Wars.
  • 855 - Pope Benedict III becomes Pope.
  • 1364 - Battle of Auray - English forces defeat French at Brittany; end of the Breton War of Succession

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 19th century - 20th century - 21st century Decades: 1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s - Years: 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 -
  • January 11 - The United States and United Kingdom give up territorial rights in China.
  • January 14 - Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes the first President of the United States to travel by airplane while in office (Miami, Florida to Morocco to meet with Winston Churchill to discuss World War II).

Click the link for more information. , Popowo, Poland This article discusses the country of Poland. For other meanings, see Poland (disambiguation)

14. Lech Walesa - Marquette University
Lech Walesa. Click Lech Walesa burst into the world spotlight in 1980 duringthe infamous Lenin Shipyard strike in Gdansk, Poland. Workers

Lech Walesa
Click here to see a Walesa reading list.
Lech Walesa burst into the world spotlight in 1980 during the infamous Lenin Shipyard strike in Gdansk, Poland. Workers, incensed by an increase in prices set by the Communist government, were demanding the right to organize free and independent trade unions.
On Aug. 14, Lech Walesa, an electrician who had long been active in the underground labor movement, arrived at the barricaded shipyard just as the dispirited workers were on the verge of abandoning their strike. Scaling the shipyard walls, he delivered a stirring speech from atop a bulldozer. Revitalized by his passion, the strike spread to factories across the nation. Christened “Solidarity,” the strike became a social revolution.
Walesa entered into negotiations with the government, convincing it to grant legal recognition to Solidarity and the right to form independent unions and to strike to workers. This became the Gdansk Agreement, which Walesa signed on Aug. 31.
For his heroic efforts, Walesa was named “Man of the Year” by

15. Lech Walesa
Lech Walesa. Lech Walesa (1943) Labour activist who helped form and led (198090)communist Poland s first independent trade union, Solidarity.
Lech Walesa
Lech Walesa
Labour activist who helped form and led (1980-90) communist Poland's first independent trade union, Solidarity. The charismatic leader of millions of Polish workers, he went on to become the president of Poland (1990-95) and received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1983.
As the leader of the now-underground Solidarity movement, Walesa was subjected to constant harassment until collapsing economic conditions and a new wave of labour unrest in 1988 forced Poland's government to negotiate with him and other Solidarity leaders. These negotiations led to an agreement that restored Solidarity to legal status and sanctioned free elections for a limited number of seats in the newly restored upper house of the Sejm (Parliament). Solidarity won an overwhelming majority of those seats in June 1989, and after Walesa refused to form a coalition government with the communists, the Parliament was forced to accept a Solidarity-led government, though Walesa himself refused to serve as premier. Walesa helped his Solidarity colleague Tadeusz Mazowiecki become premier of this government in 1989, but he ran against Mazowiecki for president in 1990 and won Poland's first direct presidential election by a landslide. As president, Walesa helped guide Poland through its first free parliamentary elections (1991) and watched as successive ministries converted Poland's state-run economy into a free-market system. Walesa had displayed remarkable political skills as the leader of Solidarity, but his plain speech, his confrontational style, and his refusal to approve a relaxation of Poland's strict new prohibitions on abortion eroded his popularity late in his term as president. In 1995 he sought reelection but was narrowly defeated by the former communist Aleksander Kwasniewski, head of the Democratic Left Alliance.

16. Lech Walesa
Lech Walesa Former Polish president and Solidarity leader Lech Walesa. author Mikolaj Walczyk close.

17. Seevak 2003: Lech Walesa
Lech walesa lech Walesa changed the course of Polish history throughhis leadership of the Solidarity movement in the 1980s. His
Lech Walesa
Lech Walesa changed the course of Polish history through his leadership of the Solidarity movement in the 1980s. His insistence on bringing about political change in Poland catapulted him from a modest Gdansk shipyard worker to the president of a democratic Poland. Select a Year:

18. Mot Clef : Walesa (Lech)
walesa lech) Walesa (GAULT François).
Walesa (Lech) La Pologne (POTEL Jean-Yves)
Un chemin d'espoir
Auteurs HOME CHT Archives

19. Lech Walesa
Lech Walesa Learn More About Lech Walesa I am a spy of life. You haveriches and freedom here but I feel no sense of faith or direction.
Lech Walesa
Learn More About
Lech Walesa

I am a spy of life.
You have riches and freedom here
but I feel no sense of faith or direction.
You have so many computers, why don't
you use them in the search for love?
I'm lazy. But it's the lazy people
who invented the wheel and the
bicycle because they didn't like walking or carrying things. The supply of words in the world market is plentiful but the demand is falling. Let deeds follow words now. The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being.

20. Lech Walesa - Biography
lech walesa – Biography. lech walesa was born on September 29, 1943 in Popowo,Poland. Craig, Mary. lech walesa and His Poland. New York Continuum, 1987.
Lech Walesa was born on September 29, 1943 in Popowo, Poland. After graduating from vocational school, he worked as a car mechanic at a machine center from 1961 to 1965. He served in the army for two years, rose to the rank of corporal, and in 1967 was employed in the Gdansk shipyards as an electrician. In 1969 he married Danuta Golos and they have eight children. During the clash in December 1970 between the workers and the government, he was one of the leaders of the shipyard workers and was briefly detained. In 1976, however, as a result of his activities as a shop steward, he was fired and had to earn his living by taking temporary jobs. In 1978 with other activists he began to organise free non-communist trade unions and took part in many actions on the sea coast. He was kept under surveillance by the state security service and frequently detained. In August 1980 he led the Gdansk shipyard strike which gave rise to a wave of strikes over much of the country with Walesa seen as the leader. The primary demands were for workers' rights. The authorities were forced to capitulate and to negotiate with Walesa the Gdansk Agreement of August 31, 1980, which gave the workers the right to strike and to organise their own independent union. The Catholic Church supported the movement, and in January 1981 Walesa was cordially received by Pope John Paul II in the Vatican. Walesa himself has always regarded his Catholicism as a source of strength and inspiration. In the years 1980-81 Walesa travelled to Italy, Japan, Sweden, France and Switzerland as guest of the

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