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Von Suttner Baroness Bertha Sophie Felicita: more detail |
21. Bertha Von Suttner - Wikipedia bertha von suttner. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redirectedfrom baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner 2e oes.png. http://www.web-dictionary.org/encyclopedia/ba/Baroness_Bertha_Sophie_Felicita_Vo | |
22. 1905 Peace baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner. This articleis from Wikipedia. All text is available under the terms of the http://www.fact-index.com/1/19/1905.html | |
24. 1905 - Reference Library - Reference Library Peace baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner. Please Visit OurSponsor. This article is from Wikipedia. All text is available http://www.campusprogram.com/reference/en/wikipedia/1/19/1905.html | |
25. Famous Firsts In The 1900's Trivial Trivia Collections 1st female Nobel Prize winners 1903 Physics Marie Sklodowska Curie 1905 -Peace baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner 1909 - Literature Selma http://www.corsinet.com/trivia/1-triv3.html | |
26. Peace Prize Winners 1901-1998 Louis Renault Founder, peace groups 1906 Theodore Roosevelt Negotiating peace inRussoJapanese War 1905 baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner Lay Down http://www.bloomington.k12.mn.us/peacesite/Peace_Prize_Winners_1901-1998/peace_p | |
27. Role Models: Page 2 . baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner, accorded the Nobel Peace Prizein 1905 from site Heroines of Peace The Nine Nobel Women. ~ ~ ~ ~. . http://talentdevelop.com/rolemod2.html | |
28. CAPLEX Nettleksikon Www.caplex.no Belgia. 1905. baroness bertha sophie felicita (f. Countess Kinsky von Chinicund Tettau) von suttner. Østerrike. 1906. Theodore Roosevelt. USA. 1907. http://www.caplex.net/web/tabeller/tabeller.asp?art_id=t-npris1 |
29. Nobel Peace Prize von Lenard Ger, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer Ger, Robert Koch Ger,Henryk Sienkiewicz Pol, baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner Au. http://din-timelines.com/1901s-npp.shtml | |
30. EBabylone.com: Encyclopédie - Prix Nobel De La Paix Translate this page 1905 baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner, née Comtesse Kinsky vonChinic und Tettau (Autriche), écrivain, président honoraire du Bureau http://www.ebabylone.com/encyclopreg.php?title=Prix_Nobel_de_la_paix |
31. Nobels Fredspris 1905 baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner, née Countess Kinsky von Chinicund Tettau (Østrig), writer, præsident for Permanent International Peace http://lexopen.fateback.com/Nobels fredspris.html | |
32. Information Headquarters: 1905 Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer * Medicine Robert Koch * Literature- Henryk Sienkiewicz * Peace - baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner http://www.informationheadquarters.com/Dentistry/1905.shtml | |
33. WAND - Women's Action For New Directions the start of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901, women have received solo prizes onlyfour times in 1905 (baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner of Prague http://www.wand.org/news/nobel.html | |
34. What S In The News Activities Where On Earth baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner, 1843 1914. Thoughshe was born Countess Kinsky into a military family, the baroness http://www.witn.psu.edu/activities/newsmaker.phtml?show_id=14 |
35. Nobel Peace Prizes (Trivopaedia) GB) 1904 Institute of International Law (B) 1905 - née Countess Kinsky von Chinicund Tettau baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner (A) 1906 - Theodore http://info.togosolo.com/mobile/thread.php?topic_id=204 |
36. AmIAnnoying.com: Nobel Peace Prize Elie (1902) * Cremer, Sir William Randal (1903) * Institute Of International Law(1904) * von suttner, baroness bertha sophie felicita (1905) * Renault, Louis http://www.amiannoying.com/(rlk4xqr1vauibd45v5jsxvfk)/collection.aspx?collection |
37. CoForum:: NobelpriceLink 1905 baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner, née Countess Kinsky vonChinic und Tettau (Austria), writer, honorary president of the Permanent http://coforum.de/index.php4?NobelpriceLink |
38. Edit CoForum:: NobelpriceLink 1904 Institut De Droit International (Gent, Belgium). ; 1905 baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner, née Countess Kinsky von http://coforum.de/index.php4?action=edit&NobelpriceLink |
39. January 29, 2002 Litter sophie is named for the baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner, who was awardedthe Nobel Peace Prize in 1905 for her peace making efforts both as the http://www.goldenacresdogs.com/litter1.29.2002.htm | |
40. 1905 - Encyclopedia: Article And Reference Information Peace baroness bertha sophie felicita von suttner. The text of thisarticle is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. http://encyclopedia.ekist.de/1/19/1905.html | |
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