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Vleck John H Van: more detail | ||||
21. Descendants Of Marinus Roelofse VAN VLECKEREN - Van Vlack And Van Vleck Elias D. (?) van vleck (Gilbert P. (van vleckeren) van vleck , Hendrik (Hendrick)(Henry) , Jan (john) H. , Hendrik , Marinus Roelofse ) was born 16 Sep 1831 http://www.vanvlack.net/Descendants/aqwg13.htm | |
22. Munzinger Personen - John H. Van Vleck Quelle john H. van vleck Physiker; Nobelpreis (Physik) 1977. Durch http://register.munzinger.de/personen/00/000/015/00015156.shtml | |
23. Van Vleck - OnlinePageDirectory.com john H. van vleck Winner of the 1977 Nobel Prize in Physics J OHN H . V ANV LECK 1977 Nobel Laureate in Physics for their fundamental theoretical http://www.onlinepagedirectory.com/real_estate/van_vleck.html | |
24. Van Vleck, John Hasbrouck vleck, john Hasbrouck van (18991980). US physicist, considered oneof the founders of modern magnetic theory (see magnetism. He http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/V/VanVleck/1.htm | |
25. By Alphabetical Order Translate this page Ting, Samuel CC Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro Townes, Charles H. Tsui, Daniel C. van Der Waals,Johannes Diderik Veltman, Martinus JG vleck, john H. van Walton, Ernest http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Sciences/Physics/aboutphysics/Nobelprize/alp | |
26. Biography Search Mathematician, born in Middletown, Connecticut, USA. van vleck, john H(asbrouck),(18991980). Physicist, born in Middletown, Connecticut, USA. http://www.biography.com/find/results.jsp?alpha=21&subpg=2 |
27. Nobel E-Museum: The Nobel Prize In Physics - Laureates Abdus Salam, Steven Weinberg 1978 Pyotr Kapitsa, Arno Penzias, Robert Woodrow Wilson1977 Philip W. Anderson, Sir Nevill F. Mott, john H. van vleck 1976 Burton http://www.physicsir.com/questions/nobel.htm | |
28. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Weinberg, Sheldon L. Glashow, both US; Abdus Salam, Pakistani 1978 Pyotr Kapitsa,USSR; Arno Penzias, Robert Wilson, both US 1977 john H. van vleck, Philip W http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_almanacs |
29. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Robert Wilson, both US 1977 john H. van vleck, Philip W. Anderson Brian D. Josephson,Br. Robert Wilson, US 1977 john H. van vleck, Philip W. Anderson http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_almanacs |
30. Caramba! - Nobelova Cena - Fyzika (1964-1984) CH. II. 1977. Anderson, Philip WI; Anderson, Philip W. II. Mott, Nevill FI; Mott,Nevill F. II. vleck, john H. van. 1978. Kapista, Pjotr LI; Kapista, Pjotr L. II. http://www.caramba.cz/page.php?PgID=945 |
31. Utica, New York - City Directory - Register Of Names - 1854 - "V" van vleck, john B. chain pump manufacturer, See Adv. h 21 Catharine,24 Catharine?. van vleck, Elizabeth, widow of Benjamin, h 21 Catharine, http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~godwin/utica1854/v.html | |
32. Names Index Page van vleck, Martha Washington van vleck, Nellie E. van vleck, Seymour L VINE, SusanVINE, William VIRTS, Pamela WALKER, James H. WALKER, john WALKER, john http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~lovelace/gedcoms/elnathan/names2.htm | |
33. Schenectady, NY- Almshouse Records Index van Patten, john, 1549, Feb 1915. van Patten, john H. 83, Feb 1898. van Patten, Minnie,2436, May 1918. van Vechten, James, 2632, Apr 1919. van vleck, Baby, 1349, Mar 1914. http://www.schist.org/almslist/almslistV.htm | |
34. Www.net-lexikon.de/John-H.-van-Vleck.html UW ARMS TV Biographical Files van Tine, AK. van Valzah, Robert. van vleck, Edward Burr. van vleck, john H. vanVleet, James G. van Wyke, Anthony. vanBaaren, Hans. vanCleve, JA. vandeberg, GaleL. http://www.net-lexikon.de/John-H.-van-Vleck.html |
35. Oral History Guide: M - Z Alphabetical List V. van de Ven, Andrew, 597 van vleck, john H., 136 vandeberg, Gale L., 340 vansina,Jan M., 139 Vardi, Uri, 477 Venker, Teri, 402 Villemonte, James R., 226 Vinje http://archives.library.wisc.edu/oral/guide/alpha2.htm | |
36. Physics At Minnesota: Abigail And John Van Vleck Lectures van vleck is universally recognised as the father of Institute of Technology 1988John Bardeen, University of of Zurich 1990 Charles H. Townes, University of http://www.physics.umn.edu/news/vanvleck/about.html | |
37. Physics At Minnesota: Minnesota Physics Nobel Laureates Walter H. Brattain spent three years at the University Minnesota and john van vleck.john van vleck was offered an assistant professorship at the University of http://www.physics.umn.edu/info/nobel.html | |
38. Nobel Prize In Physics Since 1901 vleck, john H. van. 1978.Kapitsa, Pyotr Leonidovich; Penzias, Arno A.; Wilson, Robert W. 1979. http://www.planet101.com/nobel_physics_hist.htm | |
40. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Physics States United States. 1977, john H. van vleck Philip W. Anderson NevillF. Mott, United States United States Great Britain. 1978, Pyotr http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobelphysics.htm | |
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