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Varmus Harold E: more detail | ||||||||
61. Re: Who Is Harold Varmus? Article In Today's NYTIMES On "Public Library In 1999, NIH Director harold varmus proposed a national biomedical literature servercalled EBiomed. E-Biomed reflected the visions of scholarly electronic http://www.library.yale.edu/lso/workstation/archives/yulib-l/msg06820.html | |
62. NIH's Public Archive For The Refereed Literature: PUBMED CENTRAL(fwd) message Date Mon, 30 Aug 1999 183739 -0400 From varmus, harold hvarmus@mail.nih.gov The commentary period for the E-biomed proposal has been http://www.library.yale.edu/~llicense/ListArchives/9908/msg00057.html | |
63. Harold Varmus: New & Used Books: Find The Lowest Price Retroviruses Compare Prices, Retroviruses By John M. Coffin, Stephen H. Hughes,harold E. varmus Paperback / Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press / January http://www.fetchbook.co.uk/search_Harold_Varmus/searchBy_Author.html | |
64. Dr. Harold Gores Service). FY99 LABORHHS APPROPSHAROLD E. varmus (CongressionalTestimony). Gore to Visit New York, Florida, Michigan, Ohio Feb. http://www.infoplease.com/ipsa/A0109227.html | |
65. Varmus, Tsongas Speak At Whitehead Dedication edu * Phone 617253-2700 =varmus, Tsongas speak Director and Nobel laureate harold E. varmus and http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/tt/1996/oct02/42813.html | |
66. BioZoom: PubMed Og E-Biosci Det skabte debat og skarpe reaktioner, da harold varmus for 5 mdr. online, elektroniskarkiv for biomedicinske forskningsresultater, kaldet E-biomed. http://www.biokemi.org/biozoom/1999_4/bz_0499a.htm | |
67. The Lasker Foundation | Former Award Winners, Basic Medical Research 1982 harold E. varmus, MD For his creative and successful pursuit towardthe identification of the cellular oncogenes and their control. http://www.laskerfoundation.org/awards/library/1982basic.shtml | |
68. Support Content For: E-Biomed Idea 1999 Dr. harold E. varmus National Institutes of Health One CenterDrive Bldg. 1, Room 126 Bethesda, MD 208920148. Dear Dr. varmus http://www.asbmb.org/ASBMB/site.nsf/0/7A29F2F92008EA7585256C7C00535A7B?OpenDocum |
69. Ex-NIH Director Now Favors Limiting Drug-Company Ties consulting payments from drug companies, and require public disclosure of any paymentsmade to such officials, former NIH Director harold E. varmus said on http://www.islet.org/forum/messages/31865.htm | |
70. PAZ AHORA Peace Now. Nor NATO, Neither Taleban. No A La OTAN, No A Los Taliban. Translate this page E) , Robert M. Solow(E) 3 , *Jack Steinberger (Ph) , Joseph H.Taylor, Jr.(Ph) , *CharlesH. Townes 2 (Ph) , Daniel C. Tsui (Ph) , harold E. varmus (M) , Robert http://www.pazahora.org/noticia.asp?id=56 |
71. The Scientist :: Varmus Wants Tighter NIH Rules wake of heightened concern over possible conflicts of interest at the National Institutesof Health (NIH), former NIH Director harold E. varmus now believes http://www.biomedcentral.com/news/20040315/04/ | |
72. - EL MUNDO | Suplemento De Salud 345 - CIBERMED «E-Biomed»: Un Sistema Para Me Translate this page harold varmus, director de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud estadounidenses,una empresa de 1.716.000.000.000 pesetas, ha presentado el proyecto «E-Biomed http://www.el-mundo.es/salud/1999/345/02678.html | |
73. - EL MUNDO | Suplemento De Salud 436 - Harold Varmus Aún Se Muestra Cauteloso A Translate this page dirigido contra una diana molecular específica del cáncer harold varmus se muestra desdedonde dirige el mejor centro de tratamiento e investigación del http://www.el-mundo.es/salud/2001/436/991390140.html | |
74. Biography.html Dr. He later joined Dr. harold E. varmus laboratory at NIH in 1994, and therehe carried out research on Wnt signal transduction in Xenopus embryonic http://www.helab.org/biography.html | |
75. Premios Nobel De Medicina retrovirales , Bishop, J. Michael; varmus, harold E. 1990, por http://fai.unne.edu.ar/biologia/basicos/nobeles/nobelmed.htm | |
77. American Society For Investigative Pathology harold E. varmus, MD, Director National Institutes of Health 9000 RockvillePike Building 1, Room 126 Bethesda, MD 20892 Dear Dr. varmus http://www.asip.org/paffairs/varmus.htm | |
78. NIH Proceeds With On-Line Archive Of Research Papers then called Ebiomed, we have heard from hundreds of people and have had discussionswith dozens of interested organizations, harold E. varmus, the director http://www.beachbrowser.com/Archives/Science-and-Health/September-99/Varmus-Says | |
79. ARL Bimonthly Report 205: NIH Proposes E-biosci 1. harold varmus, EBIOMED A Proposal for Electronic Publications in the BiomedicalSciences, 5 May 1999 (Draft), 20 June 1999 (Addendum), http//www.nih http://www.arl.org/newsltr/205/ebiosci.html | |
80. Frankenstein Exhibit Home Page cloned human beings. In testimony before Congress, National Institutesof Health director harold E. varmus took a similar stance. http://www.ulib.iupui.edu/frankenstein/promise.html | |
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