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Varmus Harold E: more detail | ||||||
1. Harold E. Varmus - Autobiography harold E. varmus Autobiography. I was born in the shadow of WorldWar II, on December 18, 1939, on the south shore of Long Island http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1989/varmus-autobio.html | |
2. Medicine 1989 for their discovery of the cellular origin of retroviral oncogenes . J. MichaelBishop, harold E. varmus. 1/2 of the prize, 1/2 of the prize. USA, USA. http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1989/ | |
3. Science -- Roberts Et Al. 291 (5512): 2318 Roberts * harold E. varmus, Michael Ashburner, Patrick O New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA 01915, USA. H. E. varmus, Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10021 http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/291/5512/2318a | |
4. Statement By Dr. Harold E. Varmus On Fiscal Year 2000 President's Budget Request DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. Statement by. Dr. harold E. varmus. Director, National Institutes of Health. on. Fiscal Year 2000 President's Budget Request. for the National Institutes of http://www.nih.gov/welcome/director/022299.htm | |
5. Harold E. Varmus: Awards Won By Harold E. Varmus The biggest english dictionary RealDictionary.com. Awards of harold E. varmus. Stardose.com. RealLyrics.com. OnlyHitLyrics.com. Real Dictionary. MovieDose.com. Make 123Awards your start page. Add http://www.123awards.com/artist/1477.asp | |
6. Harold E. Varmus Winner Of The 1989 Nobel Prize In Medicine harold E. varmus, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. harold E. varmus. 1989 Nobel Laureate in Medicine http://www.almaz.com/nobel/medicine/1989b.html | |
7. Harold E. Varmus Winner Of The 1989 Nobel Prize In Medicine harold E. varmus, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, at the NobelPrize Internet Archive. harold E. varmus. 1989 Nobel Laureate in Medicine http://almaz.com/nobel/medicine/1989b.html | |
8. Sloan-Kettering - Sloan-Kettering Institute - Cancer Biology & Genetics: Harold harold varmus. Office Email varmus@mskcc.org. Lab Phone 212639-7317 or 212-639-7227. Lab Fax 212-717-3125 Medal of Science Awarded to Dr. harold varmus. varmus Lab at NCI http://www.ski.edu/lab_homepage.cfm?lab=203 |
9. Index Of Nobel Laureates In Medicine Tinbergen, Nikolaas, 1973. Tonegawa, Susumu, 1987. Vane, Sir John R. 1982. varmus,harold E. 1989. WagnerJauregg, Julius, 1927. Waksman, Selman Abraham, 1952. http://almaz.com/nobel/medicine/alpha.html | |
10. Varmus, Harold E. varmus, harold E. (1939). I was born in the shadow of World War II,on December 18, 1939, on the south shore of Long Island, a product http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/V/Varmus/Varmus. | |
11. Genes And The Biology Of Cancer; Author: Varmus, Harold E.; Author: With Weinber Genes And The Biology Of Cancer Author varmus, harold E.; Author With Weinberg, Robert A. http://www.netstoreusa.com/mnbooks/071/0716750376.shtml | |
12. Harold E. Varmus Translate this page Nobelpreis fuer Medizin 1989 (Nobel Prize Medicine 1989) HaroldE. varmus, amerik. Mediziner, geb. 18. Dez. 1939. http://www.zuta.de/npmed/varmus.htm | |
13. National Academy Of Sciences - Members varmus, harold E. Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center. Elected to NAS1984. Scientific Discipline Medical Genetics, Hematology, and Oncology. http://www4.nationalacademies.org/nas/naspub.nsf/(urllinks)/NAS-58N4BL?opendocum |
14. Varmus, Harold Eliot Search Biographies Bio search tips varmus, harold Eliot. varmus, harold Eliot 1939 of California School of Medicine in San Francisco, varmus and his coresearcher J http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0850508 | |
15. Statement By Dr. Harold E. Varmus On Fiscal Year 1999 President's Budget Request DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. Statement by. Dr. harold E. varmus. Director, National Institutes of Health. on. Fiscal Year 1999 President's Budget Request. for the National Institutes of http://www.nih.gov/welcome/director/031098.htm | |
16. Biographical Information, Harold Varmus, M.D., Director, NIH Curriculum Vitae harold E. varmus, MD. Date of Birth December 18,1939 Place of Birth Oceanside, New York. Education. Amherst College http://www.nih.gov/welcome/director/varbio.htm | |
17. MSN Encarta - Varmus, Harold Eliot , cowinner of Nobel Prize. Multimedia. Selected Web Links. -, harold E. varmusNobel Foundation. -, harold Elliot varmus (1939 - Present). 2 items. Sidebars. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761582642/Varmus_Harold_Eliot.html | |
18. Sito Web Italiano Per La Filosofia-HAROLD E. VARMUS riapre la questione della trasparenza e della libertà P nel http://lgxserver.uniba.it/lei/rassegna/varmus.htm | |
19. HistoryForSale - Nobel Prize Autographs J. BISHOP HAROLD VARMUS Each has signed below his name in the following caption The Nobel Prize in Medicine 1989/J. Michael Bishop/harold E. varmus/For Their Unifying Theory of http://www.historyforsale.com/html/prodetails.asp?documentid=221366&start=1&page |
20. HistoryForSale - Nobel Prize Autographs Autographs harold E. varmus SIGNATURE(S) CO-SIGNED BYJM BISHOP, harold E. varmus- SIGNATURE(S) CO-SIGNED BYJM BISHOP - DOCUMENT 221366 Special, $279.00. http://www.historyforsale.com/html/display.asp?page=62&start=51&sort=&signer=&dp |
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