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161. University Of Minnesota Human Rights Library CHARTER OF THE united nations TABLE OF CONTENTS June 26, 1945, 59 Stat. 1031, TS 993, 3 Bevans 1153, entered into force Oct. 24, 1945. Introduction. Preamble. http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/instree/aunchart.htm | |
162. Irish United Nations Veterans Association - IUNVA Information included about the organisation, its aims and objectives, events, a roll of honour, guestbook and contact details. http://www.iunva.com/ |
163. Permanent Mission Of Israel To The UN SHALOM, and welcome to the website of the Permanent Mission of Israel to the united nations. This site introduces Israel s positions http://www.israel-un.org/ | |
164. UNMOGIP News, information on the UN mandate, facts, a map and UN documents, from an organization created in 1949 to supervise the ceasefire between India and Pakistan in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, and since renewed to monitor the 1971 ceasefire. http://www.un.org/Depts/DPKO/Missions/unmogip/body_unmogip.htm |
165. Modern History Sourcebook: Report Of The United Nations Commission On Korea, 195 Report issued in 1950 on the Korean War, factors involved and prospects for unification of the penninsula. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1950-korea-un1.html | |
166. Central Eurasian Water Crisis: Caspian, Aral, And Dead Seas Full text of book edited by Iwao Kobori and Michael H. Glantz and published by the united nations University Press. Includes chapter on Iranian perspectives on the Caspian Sea. http://www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/uu18ce/uu18ce00.htm | |
167. Index Organization of micronations from around the world. http://www.geocities.com/unitedmicronations | |
168. United Animal Nations A national nonprofit animal advocacy organization whose mission is to protect animals in danger or need and to focus global attention on their plight to create a more humane world. http://www.uan.org/ | |
169. POPIN Official Site Has Been Moved To Http//www.un.org/popin POPIN official site has been moved to http//www.un.org/popin/. http://www.undp.org/popin/ | |
170. Re-Direction Page You are now being redirected to index.asp. If this does not happen in the next few seconds, please click on the link above. http://www.unep.org/ozone/ | |
171. UN/CEFACT WWW No frame capable . http://www.unece.org/cefact/ |
172. ICC Public Web Site Login Contact Us. 24/5/2004 0512. January, 2000. http://www.unicc.org/ | |
173. Unep_ch.gif Regional Office for Europe Global Mountain Summit. PostConflict Assessment Unit Chemicals Unit Coral Reef Unit Economics and Trade http://www.unep.ch/ | |
174. You Will Be Redirected To Our New Website. If Your Browser Does You will be redirected to our new website. If your browser does not support redirection, please click the link below. Thank you http://www.reliefweb.int/ocha_ol/ | |
175. UN Global Compact A global platform which convenes companies together with UN agencies, labour and civil society to http://www.unglobalcompact.org/Portal/ |
176. Home Page Of UNCITRAL http://www.uncitral.org/en-index.htm |
177. Untitled Français. English. Tel. +41 (0)22 917 31 86 Fax +41 (0)22 917 01 76 - unidir@unog.ch. © UNIDIR, http://www.unog.ch/unidir/ |
178. CEPAL - ECLAC NACIONES UNIDAS Translate this page Panorama de la inserción internacional de América Latina y el Caribe 2002-2003 Aumentan en 8,3% exportaciones de América Latina y el Caribe durante 2003, http://www.eclac.cl/ | |
179. Unhcr.org http://www.unhcr.org/ |
180. Welcome.gif FW4 FP HTML http://www.unops.org/ |
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