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141. United Nations OnLine united nations OnLine The united nations OnLine is a virtual model united nations sponsored by GEMUN, Global Elementary Model united nations, a service http://www.unol.org/ | |
142. UNIC Washington 1775 K Street, NW Suite 400, Washington, DC 20006. united nations INFORMATION CENTRE. NEWS. from united nations Information Centre in DC. http://www.unicwash.org/ | |
143. UNITED NATIONS IN TURKMENISTAN Some excellent resources. http://www.untuk.org/ | |
144. UNITED NATIONS Turkey / Birleþmiþ Milletler Türkiye AddFreeStats.com Free Web Stats in realtime ! http://www.un.org.tr/ |
145. UNSCEAR - United Nations Scientific Committee On The Effects Of Atomic Radiation UNSCEAR was established by the General Assembly of the united nations in 1955. Its mandate in the united nations system is to assess http://www.unscear.org/ | |
146. Indonesian Permanent Mission, Geneva Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the united nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva, with statements, press releases, and contact information. http://www3.itu.int/MISSIONS/Indonesia/ | |
147. United Nations In Indonesia united nations Development Assistance Framework 20022005 The united nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for 2002-2005 focusses on five strategic http://www.un.or.id/ | |
148. Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations - Food And Nutrition Div Information on programs to improve knowledge about nutrition and promote healthful diets throughout the world, and the collection of accurate food composition data. http://www.fao.org/waicent/faoinfo/ECONOMIC/esn/nutri.htm |
149. United Nations - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia united nations. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The United united nations System. Main article united nations System The United http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations | |
150. United Nations Population Division Home Page Link to documents describing impact of longevity trends on world population. http://www.un.org/esa/population/unpop.htm | |
151. UNSCO The website of the united nations Special Coordinator for the Occupied Territories. united nations OFFICE OF THE SPECIAL COORDINATOR http://www.arts.mcgill.ca/mepp/unsco/unfront.html | |
152. Welcome To Iceland Permanent Mission of Iceland to the united nations in New York, also accredit to Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, and Grenada. Includes a list of staff and official statements. http://www.iceland.org/un/nyc/ |
153. UNCJIN CICP Home Home page of UNCJIN the united nations Criminal Justice Information Network. united nations CRIME AND JUSTICE INFORMATION NETWORK. http://www.uncjin.org/ | |
154. United Nations House In São Tomé E Principe of activities, and information about the Democratic Republic of S£o Tom© e Principe....... http://www.uns.st/ | |
155. President's Remarks At The United Nations General Assembly President s Remarks at the united nations General Assembly Remarks by the President in Address to the united nations General Assembly New York, New York. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/09/20020912-1.html | |
156. Mission Of Kazakhstan Includes contact information for and a list of staff of the Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan to the united nations. http://www.un.int/kazakhstan/ | |
157. United Nations Development Business Online united nations Development Business, includes international procurement opportunities. Sunday, 23 May 2004. united nations Development Business. http://www.devbusiness.com/ | |
158. American Model United Nations International AMERICAN MODEL united nations INTERNATIONAL. Bringing Global Perspectives to Future Leaders. American Model united nations International Conference. http://www.amun.org/ | |
159. Baha'i International Community Statement Library Statements of the Baha'i International Community from 1947 to the present day including those presented to the united nations. http://www.bic-un.bahai.org | |
160. Error Message Information on the situation in one of the countries most severely affected by landmines, and on the work of the Mine Action Programme for Afghanistan (MAPA). Including news, reports, and resources. http://www.mineaction.org/countries/countries_overview.cfm?country_id=Afghanista |
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