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81. Www.un.or.at/ www.un.or.at/uncitral/ UN Wire An Independent News Briefing About the UNUN Wire is a FREE, daily news service for reliable news on the united nations, global affairs and key international issues. http://www.un.or.at/ |
82. Amendment To The 1961 United Nations Single Convention On Narcotic Drugs Petitio Petition encouraging the united nations to amend the 1961 united nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs to include controls on worldwide growing of industrial hemp in respect to Article 28, section 2. http://www.petitiononline.com/hconspir/petition.html | |
We, the undersigned, considering that the 1961 United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (herein referred to as the convention) states (Article 28, section 2) that it shall not apply to the cultivation of the cannabis plant exclusively for industrial purposes (fibre and seed) or horticultural purposes, thereby petition the United Nations to include controls, in consultation with representatives of the Hemp Industries Association, that will prevent nation states breaking this important international law, thereby preventing the cultivation and processing of the taxonomic genus Cannabis, which is an important, environmentally sustainable, industrial source of raw cellulose. We, the undersigned, believe that such a control should effectively prevent the illegal incarceration of, for example, Canadian hemp farmers in Nicaragua, on the advice of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, for cultivating verifiable, government approved, fibre and seed industrial Cannabis with a THC (narcotic) content of, for example, 1.6 percent when introducing a northern hemisphere hemp variety into a tropical climate to produce fibre and seed. We, the undersigned, therefore consider it appropriate that international legislation reflects the last 80 years research findings in this area. | |
83. United Nations Environment Programme GRID-Arendal GRIDArendal is the united nations Environment Programme office in Norway, providing environmental information, communications, and capacity building services http://www.grida.no/ | |
84. Countries Of The World - 15 Years Of CIA World Fact Books Information from the CIA World Fact Book, united nations Statistical Office, Library of Congress Country Studies and other sources. Features calculated country ranks, maps, country and airport codes. http://www.theodora.com/wfb/ | |
85. United Nations Statistics Division Data sources and links. national publications, international references and links more united nations Statistics Division. The http://unstats.un.org/unsd/default.htm | |
86. World Federalist Association - 1-800-WFA-0123 - United World Federalists An advocate for global governance and united nations reform along federalist principles. http://www.wfa.org/ | |
87. United Nations Scholars' Workstation Home Page The united nations Scholars Workstation, developed by the Yale University Library and the Social Science Statistical Laboratory, is a collection of texts http://www.library.yale.edu/un/ | |
88. UNMIK Home This page was prepared by the united nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), Division of Public Information. Here http://www.unmikonline.org/ | |
89. Permanent Mission Of The Czech Republic In Geneva Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the united nations Office and other international organizations at Geneva. Includes information on CzechWTO relations. http://www.czechembassy.org/wwwo/?zu=mission.geneva |
90. United Nations Cartographic Section Web Site General country and special issues maps. http://www.un.org/Depts/Cartographic/english/htmain.htm | |
91. United Nations Integrated Regional Information Networks - OCHA contained on this Web site comes to you via IRIN, a UN humanitarian information unit, but may not necessarily reflect the views of the united nations or its http://www.irinnews.org/ | |
92. United Nations Development Program - Homepage A grantbased multi-sectorial development agency committed to sustainable human development through several projects in the areas of governance, poverty and the environment. http://www.undp-jordan.org/ | |
93. United States Mission To The United Nations - Official Web Site The official web site of the United States Mission to the united nations containing information on US participation in the UN including speeches, factsheets http://www.un.int/usa/ | |
94. Model UN Session Cycle Interactive roleplay event involving university students. Overview, procedure, model sessions and orientation details. http://www.una.org.ge/model/ | |
95. United Nations In Pakistan The UN in Pakistan, different agencies and programmes, jobs available and current news. http://www.un.org.pk |
96. Permanent Missions To The United Nations Permanent Missions To The united nations. . http://www.un.int/ | |
97. Infonation View and compare statistical data for countries that are a part of the united nations. Find everything from land size to population, average temperature to crime rates. http://www.un.org/Pubs/CyberSchoolBus/infonation/e_infonation.htm | |
98. Economic Commission For Africa The united nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is the regional arm of the united nations, mandated to support the economic and social development of http://www.uneca.org/ |
99. International Waters And National Sovereignty Study An overview of the united nations Compensation Commission. http://www.gci.ch/GreenCrossPrograms/legacy/UNCCKUWAIT.html | |
100. UNITAR.ORG - United Nations Institute For Training & Research : Homepage Autonomous body with the UN, the united nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) enhances the effectiveness of the UN organization through training http://www.unitar.org/ | |
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